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You Are Not Alone.Part 1
Hey its Marie with a new story. :) Its June 25th ,1984. My parents died two years ago actually my mom was killed and my dad is in a mental institution . Life is hard for me i barley make it for rent each month , I work two jobs one in the morning and one at night which means i barley get time to sleep.My name is Nellie Johnson or NJ for short im 20 years old but who cares about me. Im standing on the edge of a bridge about to jump off so i can make all my pain go away. I took one last look at the sky as i was about to jump when i heard somebody yell from behind me. ??:HEY! me:you better go away before i jump. ??:why are you doing this? me:my life is terrible, why would i stay here to continue to live this terrible life. I think not. ??:But if you kill yourself then what about the people that care about you? dont you think they will miss you. Me:people that care about me? I have nobody! my mom is dead and dad is in a mental hospital for killing my mom and thats all the family i know. people that care about me. what people? ??:well you have me. Me:i dont even know you nor do you know me. ??:Well then whats your name? me:doesn't even matter because im jumping. ??:if you jump then your missing out on everything on what your life can be. Me:i work two jobs,i barley can pay my rent, i rarely get sleep, i dont have any family or friends please tell me what is this big excitement in my life im supposed to wait for. ??:I can't tell you but things maybe hard right now but believe me God will always come through and take all your pain away. Me:*hesitates*Nellie. ??:huh? Me:you asked me my name its Nellie. ??:Nellie thats a beautiful name *takes off his glasses and hoodie* im Michael...Michael Jackson. Me:*eyes get wide* Michael:*smiles* its nice to meet you *holds out his hand for me to shake* Me:I've always dreamed about meeting you. Michael:Well your dream just came true , beautiful. Now why dont you make my dream come true and get away from this bridge. I pause for a second and look down at the water i was about to jump into. I look at Michael and he took that as a signal to pull me away from the bridge and onto the grass. Me:what are you doing out here? Michael:i like to get out the house. Me:no i mean here at this park. Michael:oh i think its beautiful here i like the tree's and color of the grass i like to come out here and think . why did you pick here to come and kill yourself? Me:when my dad killed my mom he dropped her body into that lake so i figured thats where i should die. Michael:im happy i saved you. I dont like to hear or see about people killing/ harming themselves or killing others. I dont understand why the world has to be like that. I wish the world was like neverland you know you can be a child forever and be happy and not have to worry about things. Me:I've always wanted a world like neverland one of my things while i was growing up i would always pretend that im Wendy and i would go off with Peter in a world where things didnt matter and all my troubles go away. Michael:I've always seen myself as Peter Pan. Me:*smiles* its crazy how were meeting right now Peter. Michael:yes i know Wendy.Can i show you something? Me:sure.What is it? Michael:you'll have to wait and see. We get in one of his black trucks . I has no idea where Michael was taken me. All the times i asked he would just smile and say were almost there. I put my head down the whole ride and when i rose it up i saw that were at HayvenHurst. Me:This is your house. Michael:it is. Me:this is HUGE! Michael:wait until you see the inside.race you to the door! We both hop out the car and run to front door Michael beat me but thats only because the door wouldn't open. Michael:I Won! Me:my door wouldn't open. Michael:ohh womp,womp you lost! Me:dont rub it in Jackson. Its on next time! Michael:is that a challenge? Me:i think it is. Michael:*comes in my face * its on. I looked up at him as he was standing right over me . Our eyes met and i wanted to kiss him so bad but he opens the door and walks inside. Me:Your house is beautiful. Michael:thanks. Me:welcome, now what is you wanted to show me? Michael:oh right, stay here ill be right back. Me:okay. Michael runs upstairs to get i dont know what. I sat there looking at his pictures he had. Michael:find what your looking for? Me:oh sorry i was just looking at some of your pictures. You were such a cute baby. Michael:thanks. Me:did you find what you were looking for? Michael:sure did. he handed me pictures of Peter Pan he drew and these pictures were amazing. This man had so much talent and with all the talent he had he also had a kind heart to go with it. Me:these are amazing! your really talented. Michael:thank you. Me:i didn't know you could draw. Michael;i drew some pictures on the thriller album, you didn't get it? Me:no i dont have enough money. Trying to pay for rent and buy food and everything when i have little money left over i try to save it . Michael: well i have plenty. *hands me his thriller album* and its been signed. Me:thank you can i keep this peter pan drawing too? I think its so beautiful. Michael:yeah. Me:thank you Michael for everything saving me earlier, inviting me to your home , giving me your album and drawing. This is one of the best days of my life I'v always dreamed of a day like this. Thank you so much *hugs him* Michael:*hugs back*Your welcome Nellie. Im so happy i can put a smile on your face. Me:*smiles* Marlon:IM HOME!. Michael:hello Marlon. Marlon:hello, whos this? Michael:this is my friend Nellie. Marlon:friend huh? Me:friend? Michael: yeah she share a lot in common and she's very friendly and beautiful. Marlon:well nice to meet you Nellie. Me:you too Marlon. *smiles* I should get going Michael. Michael:oh why? i was thinking we could hang out or play or something. Me:i wish i could stay but i have to be at 9 tonight and i have a few hours of sleep before i go to work and i need all the sleep i can get. Michael:oh alright, wait whats your number? i write down my number for michael and hug him and walk out the door on my way home. Michael offered to take me home but i said no because i wanted to walk to think about how i just met The Michael Jackson. I get home safely and immeditaely climb into my bed so i can get some hours of sleep before i go to work.When i wake up and take my shower to get ready for work the phone things. Who can this be? nobody ever calls me. Me:Hello? Michael:Hey Nellie. Me:Michael? Michael:Yes. Me:hey whats up? Michael:oh i was just calling to see how you were doing. Me:oh im fine just getting ready for work. michael:oh well have a fun time a work. Me:i wont trust me. Michael:*laughs*Also i was wondering if you wanted to come out to eat with me tomorrow? Me:uhh , uhh yes sure what time? Michael:noon sound okay? Me:its perfect. see you then. Michael:alright see you beautiful. I hang up the phone and dance and scream around my room. I couldn't believe any of this was happening to me none of this seems real.These have to be one of the best days of my life. TBC....
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