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It All Started With One Kiss:17
Everyone was listening carefully to me..they wanted to make sure my vocals are correct."I was singing one of the songs Quincy Wrote for me. Me:(singing)Oooh Baby,My world was cold and dark,filled with dirt and dust..but then you came and you changed it,you made it my very own heavan. I really enjoyed singing..all of them liked it,They'd didn't want me to stop..I should just keep going..but then Lionel stopt me. Lionel:wait!..stop..you sing lovely baby,But let's hear it will sound if we add Michael into it. I was Like "what the" Michael:what?..me?(Surprised) Lione:yes you Michael.. Michael:well,okay Then Michael came and stood next to me.He tthen cotinued to sing,then I sang,then we both sang together.I enjoyed it so much..Michael and I was smiling at eachother.everyone loved it..My dad on the other hand,also seemed to love it.Moments Later,we finally ended the song. Michael:woah!!(Giggling)that was fantasic(huggs me) Me:(giggling)yes it was. Then borring old daddy came up to break the hug. Dad:(clears throat)yeeah you two sound great together. Michael:you think?(Smiling) Dad:(smiling)good!..fantastic! Me:thanks dad. Quincy:and guess what? Me:what? Quincy:we putted it tape.. Me:you mean..you rekorded it? Quincy:yes..this song is going to released very soon(smiling) Me:(shocked)wow..so fast? Quincy:well,we can't hide your telent Isabella..it must be releaveld to the world. Me:oh My god!(Screams) Every one was laughing at me,who surprisingly jumpt in the sky and screamed. Dad:(comes to me)baby..uum.listen,I trust you to be with Michael Okay,sooo don't allow anything to mess that up Me:what do u mean dad? Dad:well,you know what happend that night Me:(roles eyes)dad..how much do I have to tell you,that was one sick mistake..besides I feel nothing for him..all I can think about right now is,I'm gonna be famous!!!(Screams) Dad:(giggling)I'm proud of you baby girl(kisses me on the forhead) Me:thanks daddy(smiling) Lionel:sooo..I think we should celebrate Dad:why? Lionel:well,first becuase we're welcoming a new star..and well,to wish you good luck for you're flight to moscow tonight Dad:(beaming)thank you very much everyone Michael came up to me with a smile on his face. Michael:sooo..you think we sound great together? Me:(first looking if dad sees me)yeah..Yeah I do..wow!..I'm singing with my Favourite Idol(exited) Michael:(giggling)well,not for long..then you'll be my favourite idol. Me:(giggling)not a chance..(Sigh)come to think my first song that I'm going to release,is with Michael jackson...Thee Michael Jackson. Michael:(laughing)I can't believe I made a song with Thee Isabella Smith..The daughter of famous film director,Morgan Smith. Me:(giggling) Michael:(starring at me) Me:what? Michael:(smiling)nothing..you just look so cute when you do that Me:do what? Michael:when you smirk or giggle.. Me:(blushing) I then saw my dad looking at us,so I quickly had to stop the conversation with Michael. Me:michael..you know what,I think I need some ice cream now. Michael:mmm..that sounds great,I'm joyning. Okay awkward..not exectly what I had in mind though. Me:you too? Michael:yeah..is there a problem? Me:why don't I get that for you Michael:its fine,I can go with you. ME:(whispering)Michael..uuum you see,My dad doesn't like it when we're together. Michael:oh..I see..sorry but we're not doing anything,we're just gonna get some ice cream Me:right. I don't know..but it was like my daddy was a hwak..becuase Before me and Michael went out the door..he first called Michael back. Dad:Michael!..come here please. Michael:(looks at me first)uh oh..basted. Me:(giggling) Michael:yes Morgin? Dad:uuuh where are you off to? Michael:we're just gonna get some ice cream Dad:(giving the suspicious look)oh Michael:listen Morgin,with all your ruspect..I know you just wanna protect your daughter..but she's just a friend to me,besides I have respect for her just as much as I have for you...so if you don't trust me with her,then I don't know why you call me your son. Dad was kind of surprised at the way Michael was talking with him..but then he agreed. Dad:right...sorry Michael,but take of her please...she's my prinsess. Michael:don't worry Morgi(smiling)I will Dad:and uuuh..please look out for the wrong guys too..you know how they are Michael:yeah..I'll do that,she's beautiful..and any guy would try her. Dad:yeah..and uuuh about that kiss you gave her..it was really a mistake right? Michael:(gigling)yes Morgin!!..for the 50th time..it was a mistake! Dad:good..now you may get your ice cream Michael:thanks I was still waiting by the door for Michael. Michael:ooh..you have one strickt father isabella Me:(giggling)tell me something I don't know. Michael:(giggling)Like you're hair is out of place. Me:what?..(Looks in the mirror)Omg!!! My hair was made in a messy bun,and it comepletly fell out of please while singing with Michael. Michael:(laughing)that's much Better! Me:(hits him on his stomach softly) Then we went to get some ice cream. TBC
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