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Where Have You Been?:26
Michael:what are you doing here anyway? Lorna:well,I had to check up on my boss though. Michael:speaking about boss,how's work? Lorna:don't rather ask(berries' her hand in her ask) Michael:(sits up)what do you mean? Lorna:its a total disaster..everything is falling apart,now that you're not there. Michael:but..I don't understand,Mr.Tysin is there isn't he... Lorna:(interrupts)well,his the Reason why everything is such a mess(raising her voice) Michael:what!(Shocked)How? Lorna:he changed everything,he gave the company a new look,reorganized everything,plus he changed the ideas you wanted to use. Michael:(furious)What!!!..he can't be doing that!...just because I'm in hospital,doesn't mean he can do what ever he wants...well,why didn't you ask Darian to help you. Lorna:uuuh..well,Darian is kinda in prison. Michael:(shocked)what?..what do you mean prison? Lorna:well,he uum aggressively attacked me(feels embarrassed) Michael:what The fuck!!!..when did this happened? Lorna:lastnight,while I was at work...he asked me out,and I didn't wanto..so he attacked me. Michael:(tries to get out of bed)now I'm getting out of here,this can't go on like this! (Angry) Lorna:(prevents Michael from getting up)no..stay in bed,your not going anywhere. Michael:(gets back)If I ever find him,I'll strangle him with my bare hand!..How Could he hurt you like that!!!!!(Yells) Suddenly michael gets a sharp pain in his head. Michael:(holds his head)Ohw!!! Lorna:(worried)Michael are you alright? Michael:yeah..yeah I'm fine,just this headache I have. Lorna:well,you shouldn't yell like that,and I'm fine..nothings wrong with me,you have to be careful with your temper. Michael:yeah..I'll try and keep that in mind..well,aslong as you're fine..then I'm fine. Lorna:well I am..anyway,how are you doing? Michael:I'm fine,I just wish I can get this bandages of my head,and I wish this broken arm was cured,its so annoying. Lorn:(giggling)don't worry,in a week or 2,you'll be out,and then you'll cure even faster. Michael:hell no!..definitely not 2 weeks..I'm getting out here sooner then you think,I can't imagine what's happening to the company right now. Lorna:yes,but you have to think about your health first. Michael suddenly remained silent,so Lorna noticed a sudden smile on his face. Lorna:(stares at Michael)what?..why are you beaming so much? Michael:(beaming)nothing,just thinking. Lorna:thinking about what? Michael:well,your different today. Lorna:how different? Michael:well,usually you'd nearly bite my had off,but today,you seem so nice and carrying.(Smiling) Lorna:(smiling)well,I figured,since you're in hospital,I might aswell be nice with you,so in case when you die,then I know you wouldn't have something to hate me for(teasing) Michael:(laughing)no,really..why are you so nice to me? Lorna:okay,well,I thought to myself,why should we be animies,when we could actually be friends(smiling) Michael:oooh now you wanna be my friend,I wonder what's next? (Teasing) Lorna:(punches him lightly on the arm)Shut up!..I'm serious Michael. Michael:well,just to prove that you really wanto be my friend,why don't we go to the movies as soon as I get out of here. Lorna:(not sure)uuum..I have to think about that Michael. Michael:well,then you don't really wanto be my friend(puts on a sad face) Lorna:(giggling)okay...fine!,movies sounds great Michael:yes!(Grinning)I won! Lorna:yeh yeh yeh!(Roles her eyes) Kiara suddenly came up to her mom. Kiara:(sits on moms lap)mommy..This guy and I played hide and seek. Michael:yes we did,and she's really good(pinches her nose) Lorna:really...? Kiara:yes Mommy Michael:Lorna you have yourself such a cute little daughter..her father must be really lucky to have her(smiling) Oh boy,here we go again,Once again..Michael reminds her of her guilt. Lorna:uuh yeah(uncomftable) Michael:(talks with Kiara)Sweetheart,How old are you now? Kiara:(holds up 2 fingers) Michael:wow!..2 years old!! (Smiling) Lorna:tell uncle Michael that you're turning 3 this year. Kiara:mommy,can uncle Michael come to my birthday party? Lorna:uuuh..well,actually I was going to.. Michael:(interrupts)I would love to...well,if that's okay with you Lorna? Lorna:uuuh yea(not sure) The reason why lorna didn't actually want Michael At the party,was because her parents doesn't know that michael is in puerto rico. Michael:great!..when is your birthday Kiara? Kiara:next week and Saturday Michael:the 29th of August..wow,that's the exact date of my birthday...looks like we share a birthday(smiling) Kiara:really?(Smiling) Michael:yes,Lorna...I have a better Idea..why don't we celebrate our birthdays at a restaurant or something,or we can go to the fun fare. Lorna:Michael...I don't know,I still have to... Kiara:(interrupt)pleeeeeaaas mommy...can we go the fun fare? Lorn:well,I suppose we can Kiara:yeeeeah!!you hear that Uncle Michael!we gonna celebrate our birthdays at the fun fare!! Michael:yes sweety..then we can get on the fun rides too. It was so sweet to listen to Michael,who sounded like a little child while talking with Kiara.lorna just stared at the two of them,they looked so sweet together. Lorna:michael oh gosh!..Look at the time,I better get going.. Michael:(looks down)oh..alright then. Kiara:but mommy,uncle Michael and I was going to play again. Lorna:next time sweety..But we must go home now. Kiara:well okay.(Looks down) Lorna:oh yeah!..I almost forgot..I got you fruit juice to drink,and a teddy bear to keep you company(smiles) Michael:oh gee thanks Lorna!.. (Giggles)Teddy is cute. Lorna:(giggles)my pleasure..well see ya! Lorna and Kiara got there things ready,and was walking to the door.But then Michael called her back. Michael:LOrna... Lorna:yes Michael Michael:(smiling)thanks for visiting..it means allot to me. Lorna:(smiles and tucks her hair behind her ears)Bye Michael. Lorna felt so sorry for Kiara,when she saw her turn around one last time and waved goodbye to Michael...she seemed so cute and inocent.It was as if she and Michael all ready formed a perfect bond. While they were gone,Michael was still laying in his bed and smiled .He just couldn't stop thinking about that smile Lorna gave him,and the way she tucked her hair behind her ear,it just looked so cute,That same picture played over and over in his mind.It kinda reminded him,of what they use to have. Michael:(smiling)oh Lorna.I would give anything to get things back to the way it was (sighs)TBC
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