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Tough Love Part 82
Chapter 82 Mom As soon as I see that, I look over at Dad with a bewildered expression. â??Why are we here?â? He doesnâ??t say anything, just take my hand and he takes my hand. While weâ??re sitting in the airport, my leg is bouncing, Iâ??m nervous, and Michael and Dad has my hand. We were at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). â??Flight 109 from American Airlines has now just landed. The flight to Los Angeles from Cleveland has just landed.â? â??DAD!â? I couldnâ??t help to contain myself. â??Actually the flight is later than it shouldâ??ve been.â? I heard him mumble to Michael. The line of people starts to come, and I still donâ??t see her. Then I see that she her suitcase was heavy, but she was able to yank it off the conveyor belt. Even the wind was blowing through her soft her, which I saw she grew out some more and it looked like she just permed it. We always tried to get our hair to grow longer and after she permed mine when I was younger, it was longer than hers for a long time until mine is the way it is now and hers done freakishly grew out more. As she walked up to us, I was looking at her, my motherâ?¦. She thrusted her arm out to my dad, then Michael, then me. â??Aww CJ, you look wonderful!â? â??So do you Angela.â? â??And Lyric! Aww, you done grown some!â? And she hugs me again. â??And youâ??ve FINALLY met Michael Jackson!â? she beams at him. â??Come on!â? She was about to grab her briefcase, but Dad gets it for her. â??I got it Ang.â? And we walk out the terminal as they feel Michael and me with chatter, but he already picked up on my demeanor as he holds my hand. â??You got us a LIMO?â? She asks Dad. â??No. It was a favor from Michael.â? â??Thank you!â? â??Youâ??re welcome.â? He quietly says. Then Dad and Momâ?¦or Angelaâ?¦or whatever I decide to call depending on my mood put her luggage in the limoâ??s trunk. Me and Michael get in the limo instead of standing out there. As my head lies on the window, he holds my hand momentarily while it seems like death has taken over my body. The worst thing is that Mom was sitting RIGHT across from me, so I couldnâ??t help but make eye contact with her, then look away. Dad was slumped back with his right arm around her shoulder like this was some damn family! The ride back wasnâ??t short enough! We get home and itâ??s already dark. Then I wonderâ?¦where is she going to sleep? Dad and Mom were on it when it came to her luggage, but I had her makeup bag. I held back as I wanted to ask Michael, but I was a little nervous about it. As soon as I go in the house, Dad tells me. â??Lyric, your mom said sheâ??d sleep on the couch, so why sheâ??s here, Michael will sleep in the room upstairs.â? I look over at her. â??I didnâ??t need anything fancy, so I told him the couch was fine with me.â? â??Okayâ?¦.â? I sit her makeup bag on the couch and go up to my room as I sit on the bed, trying to soak this all in. I go to the bathroom, and when I was looking cuter earlier today because I had on a skirt, now I felt slutty and dirty. I didnâ??t even feel like myself. I step out the bathroom and I walk to the Manâ??s Room, which Michael would be staying. The light was already on, and sure enough, he was in the room. I looked around inside the room with its red walls. He looks at me and I try to give a helpful smile, but I was the one who needed it. Thereâ??s no need to just stand here anymore, so I go downstairs. Mom is on the couch, and she waves me over to her. â??I was thinking that if you get your jacket, we could go out and get some ice cream and just talk.â? My mouth is open with a response that wonâ??t come outâ??which was full of doubt. â??Okay.â? And I turn to get it. After using the bathroom and going back downstairs, she has the car keys to Dadâ??s Mustang, Sally. I follow her out to the car with heavy legs. Sheâ??s about to crank up. â??Since when did YOU learn to drive a stick?â? â??You taught me, remember CJ?â? The way she keeps sweetly asking him that is about to turn my stomach. NOW you see where I get it from, Michael? I really wanted to ask. They wave us off as she backs up. â??Now just the two of us!â? She lays her hand out, and I clasp mine in hers and she squeezes mine. Well, we actually stop to get some Chinese foodâ??one of my favorites by thee wayâ??and we at one of the tables that are on the strip. â??So how has it been so far?â? â??Itâ??s been good.â? â??I canâ??t believe itâ??s been nine months ALREADY! And my baby has GROWN! Iâ??ve basically havenâ??t seen you in nine months!â? â??A whole pregnancy term,â? I mumble. She looks up at me, then continues to eat. â??And youâ??ve finally met Michael Jackson!â? She remembers my undying love for him growing up. â??How is it with him around all the time?â? â??Well we arenâ??t all the time because Iâ??m at school and heâ??s recording or doing whatever he does.â? â??I think heâ??s more than decent to be honest and seems to be quiet. I just have to spend some time with him.â? â??Okay.â? This is not like yâ??all are about to be his in-laws! But Iâ??m glad theyâ??re pretty fond of him. â??Does Grandma know?â? â??No but sheâ??ll know tomorrow.â? Then she smiles. â??Huh?â? â??Oh nothing.â? Then she laughs. After we eat a little, she continues quizzing me. â??So youâ??re dad tells me you have a boyfriend.â? Greatâ?¦they were never good at this kind of thing. They canâ??t picture theyâ??re little girl â??in loveâ?. â??Yes.â? â??Whatâ??s his name?â? â??M.J.â? She laughs. â??No, seriously.â? â??What it stands for?â? â??Marvin, Jr.â? â??Ohhh, a junior.â? â??Yes.â? â??I canâ??t wait to meet him.â? Why do you have to? â??Is he handsome, Lyric?â? â??Yes, heâ??s cute. And I like his teeth.â? â??How old is he?â? â??Heâ??s a junior like me.â? and when she waits like I didnâ??t answer her question, I tell her heâ??s sixteen like me. I tell her his dad is a preacher. â??You know that doesnâ??t always mean anything, Lyric.â? she says as she laughs. â??I know.â? â??Whatâ??s heâ??s like?â? â??Heâ??s sorta athleticâ?¦um, heâ??s kind. And nice. And he cares a lot about me.â? I say like it surprises me, but it still does because M.J. could easily be cocky, but heâ??s sentimental to me. â??Sounds like the jock type.â? â??Wellâ?¦.â? â??Be careful regardless Lyric. Iâ??m happy to see your showing SOME interest in boys.â? â??Yeah because Iâ??m suddenly normal!â? I snap. She looks at me again, then down at her food. â??Iâ??m sorry.â? â??But would you tell me more about him?â? â??Who?â? â??M.J.â? Well I tell her about all the good times. Like how he likes to act like Mr. Casanova towards me. â??Heâ??s a slick talker.â? â??Well you could say that but he knows I donâ??t fall for it. Heâ??s very protective.â? â??From who?â? she laughs. â??From whoever tries anything.â? â??Remember Alaric, you have to protect yourself as well. Do you still carry around that pepper spray CJ gave you?â? â??I do.â? After we throw our stuff away, Mom walks up to me. â??Iâ??m happy to be home, Lyric.â? then she hugs me. As sheâ??s driving back home, she plays in my hair some. â??I donâ??t even need my other hand in your hair. I still have to use this thing.â? she eyes the stick shift. â??I see you changed it though.â? â??And I see yours have grown out.â? She looks over at me and takes her right hand to fluff it. â??You like? I think Iâ??m finally getting my length back!â? We pull back up to the house and once she opens the door with her keyâ??yes she still has her own copyâ??I see an unlikely thing: M.J. is in the house, kidding with Dad and Michaelâ??s downstairs as well. He looks over at us as Iâ??m already looking at him. â??Hi, Iâ??m Lyricâ??s boyfriend, M.J.â? he shakes Momâ??s hand. â??Iâ??m her mother.â? Things seemed like it was going to be critically hard, but after we sat our stuff down, took off our shoes and got comfortable, the five of us talked about different things. Mom was on the couch next to Dad, but she was closer to the door, while M.J. was sitting at the recliner with me leaning my back on it. Michael was leaning on the other recliner at the other side of Mom and Dad. Though it wouldâ??ve seemed like he was going to stay in his shell, Michael actually participated, and he amused me just as M.J. After about an hour, Iâ??m guessing M.J.â??s folks was about to come and pick him up, so he we went out to the porch alone. We did the PG-Rated things and leaned against the railing in-front of the glider. He kisses my ear, and weâ??re silent as we look out at the windâ??it seemed like we could because it kept hitting our faces. â??Well that went a lot smoother than Iâ??d thought.â? â??I know.â? And I snuggled against him a little. I already knew Mom was peeking through the blinds but who cares? She doesnâ??t have any say-so right now. â??Your mom is nice. Sheâ??s very pretty, Lyri.â? Then he looks at me. â??I see where you get it from,â? he smoothes my chin, rub our nose together and pecks me. â??People say I take after my dad as well.â? I say in a smile. â??Yeah, well Iâ??ll give him the benefit of the doubt. I canâ??t quite say the same thing.â? I laugh. â??But I do. I have a cross-contamination of them.â? When the family car pulls up, Dad walks outside to greet his dad and whoâ??s ever in the van with him. â??I didnâ??t even have to have my pissed off face on so Iâ??m glad also.â? M.J. says as he takes my hand to say goodbye. We do the G-Rated hug and I wave to his parents as he gets in. Then I wave to M.J. Dad puts his arm right arm around my shoulder. â??I told him to come over so we could talk.â? â??I knowâ?¦I could tell.â? I think we were also breathing in the moment and the night sky. We both knew things wouldnâ??t be the same again once we walked into the house. The biggest thing is that Mom would be sleeping under the same roof with us for the first time in a long time. And, how would things affect me and Michael? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A MUST READ PLEASE. : Hey everyone, I decided to use the beautiful Dorothy Dandridge to be Lyricâ??s mom. The irony in this is because when Keri Hilson made â??Pretty Girl Rockâ? I was on YouTube and I looked up the women I didnâ??t know. When I went to Wikipedia and saw Dorothy for the first time, I thought â??Whoa she looks like Halle Berry!â? Better yet the other way around. Then my second thought was that Ashanti looked like her and I learned Dorothy was from Cleveland like Halle (who is Lyric Swan at a teen age of course) and thereâ??s a movie for Dorothy, which stars Halle! I thought all these coincidences really led up to something and I think things will be perfect. Also, I believe I remember reading they were born in the same hospital (Dorothy and Halle) so thatâ??s when I said, â??Okay, this is God given.â? And Iâ??ve stuck by it. I suggest you look up Dorothy Dandridge. She was a Hollywood actor at a time when it was an extreme struggle for blacks to have the privilege of getting roles. R.I.P. Miss. Dandridge. Sincerely, Aariyan URL:http://cache2.artprintimages.com/p/LRG/55/5587/PJ6VG00Z/art-print/the-decks-ran-red-dorothy-dandridge-1958.jpg
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