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Crazy Dream : Part 1
(Me; https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images? q=tbn:ANd9GcT7NQBBhJwKP6AITgC4s7r5vRC6UZ7Smb5ZqT6913ilUh3eIjSq ) (Hazza; https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images? q=tbn:ANd9GcTx0CKKU67ACmCkqJuztQBpaIgR1_XxF3BSJi68EVyE0d8NzvNd) Hello. I'm Princess Olivia. I Am and Egyptian Princess. My Father Is Pharaoh Malik (Muh-Lick] And My Mother Is Queen Becca. He isn't Of Any Royalty He just lives far away from the village and stuff. I have servants. Two servants are Always obedient and hear what i have to say about the future. And they favor me. They favor me because i have dreams for this Kingdom! When I'm on that throne I will rule this place so no one will be beaten or starved! But my mother and faher won't hear of it. I am kind to all my servants. Especially Hazza and Michael. Today they caught Hazza stealing some food from the market so he was sent to the jail for a while. :( i beileve a year or so. But why? He's poor! Kindly offer him some food! We do pay our servants but today isn't the day we were supposed to pay them. I'm going down there to save Hazza. Guard: Sorry Olivia we cannot let him out! Me: it's PRINCESS Olivia to you! Guard: Go home or we'll never let him out! Me: I'm here to get him out.. Guard: NO ! He's Done Wrong! Go Home! Me: Hmph! I'll just tell my father you have acted unkindly to the Princess! *starts to leave* Guard: wait you can see him Me: Good! Where? Guard: *takes me to Hazza's imprisonment* Me: *runs to bars* Hazza! Hazza: Princess! *grabs my hands* Me: When are you getting out? Hazza: Go and ask the guard Me: *goes to look for guard and comes back* He is no where to be found Haz Hazza: Get me out of here then! Me: I can't ! They'll know it was me and tell my father then I might be in here! Hazza: With me? Me: Yes but I'm a Princess and youre just a servant..*turns my head dramatically* Hazza: But I Love You! OLIVIA! Olivia? Wake Up Olivia I Wake Up To See Hazza and Michael. I Guess That Was Just A Wierd Dream. So Hi I'm Olivia And My Two Best Friends Are Hazza And Michael. I Guess I'm Starting To Like Hazza..Cuz I dreamed they were my servants and he was in jail and loved me. O_o Well Hazza: You had a bad dream or something? Michael: You kept yelling "Hazza!" and stuff...wait.. *raises an eyebrow* Me: *laughs* It wasn't even like that Mike Michael: Oh and that's where he came in? Hazza: You're Telling Her ;) *LOLs* Me: Stop guys..why are you in my bedroom again? Michael: Well We decided to go somewhere but we had to wake you up first and yeah you were dreaming about Harold over here *points at Hazza* Hazza: Shut Up don't say "Harold" ! Me: Harold. Harold. Harold. :P Michael: Come On Hazza We'll Go Downstairs and wait while OLIVIA GETS READY. They Leave and I Get Dresse In SOme Red Skinny Jeans A White and Blue Striped Top With Some Red Suspenders And White Supras. I Wonder Where We're Going..So I Walk Downstairs And See Hazza Eating Chips On The Couch And Michael Sitting Constantly Changing The Channel On The T.V. Michael: Oh Come On Olivia Me: Hazza's Not Coming ? Michael: *sighs* What's It Matter? Hazza: I'ma finish watching this show and then I'll meet ya there ;) Me: Okay ;) Me And Michael Leave. ~Hazza's P.O.V~ I Make sure they get far before I Go upstairs and look in Olivia's room. I look through her drawer and find a notebook as I'm looking in the Notebook her sister walks in. I quickly put it behind my back and lay over it. Hanna: Whatcha doing Harold? Me: Urr...nothing. Hanna: What's behind your back? Me: Nothing What the hell does it look like? Hanna: Hm..okay bye As Soon as she leaves i continue reading the notebook; Blank Pages, Blank Pages, Blank Pages Words, It's Titled Dreams: DREAMS _________________________________________________________________ I Dream About Hazza A Lot! I don't know why but i do! And in All dreams he says "I Love You" or "Will You MARRY me?" and stuff Like that. I Might be starting to like Hazza. But I Like Michael Alot I just haven't told anyone or dreamed about him. The only thing that would make me not like a guy is if he was gay. And Hazza And Michael Are Straight For Sure. She Likes Me?! What The Bloody Flibbity Flab Fuck Is She Talking About? HoW does she like...WHY?! She's a nice girl and all but I don't want that to ruin our friendship. I gotta pretend to be gay. Louis will help! Michael's POV~ I Really Like Olivia. I'm not sure if she feels the same..She's always talking about HAZZA! Hazza this! Hazza that! That Boy can shove HAZZA up his own ass! When Me AND Olivia hang out she always starts off with "Where's Hazza?" or "YOU DIDN'T INVITE HAZZA?!" I wanna throw him off a hill and marry Olivia. I dont know how to tell her Olivia: Hey michael Whaddya think Hazza's doing? Me: *mumbles* I don't give a shit and why would I know?! Olivia: Huh? Me: Nothing Olivia: Oh Me: Okay Olivia I Lllll...Lllllii.... Olivia: You "Llllll" What? Me: I Like Your hair today ! *gives thumbs up* Olivia: Oh wow thanks i just threw it in a bun Ugh I ruin EVERYTHING.
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