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I've got my pride, so hear me sing *2*
*Here is part 2. I hope you all enjoy, or atleast like it. Some of these parts are gonna be Lillian talking, then MC so yeah. Enough talk... Here we go!-Fluffykins* ~At Grandma Jalice's house~ Grandma Jalice: *Lifts my face up to look at her by my chin* Ain't you getting so beautiful? Me: Thanks, Grandma. Grandma Jalice: You're welcome baby. Now if you want to go play with Blanket and them, their in the other room. Me: *Nods and runs off* While I was running off, I couldn't help but hear Momma and Grandma Jalice's convo about me. Momma: I'm sorry about her, Mom. Grandma Jalice: She just hasn't been Little Bit since Michael died. Momma: None of us has been the same. Grandma Jalice: True. Momma: Just give her sometime. She'll come around. Grandma Jalice: I sure hope so. Momma: She's a Jackson. She will overcome anything. I smiled at Momma's last statement. I guess it is true, a Jackson can overcome anything. And that's just what I'm going to do. I saw Paris, Blanket and Prince playing with Jaffar, Jermasity and Michela(Paris' friend). Aunt Paris was the first one to see me. Paris: Little Bit *Smiles, hugs me tightly* Me: Hey Aunt Paris. Michela: Hey Lilly *Smiles* Me: *Smiles at her* Hey. Jaffar: Someone has a birthday coming up soon, huh? Me: Yeah. No big deal. Blanket: What!? It's not everyday you turn 12! We all turned to look at him due to that statement. Prince: Blanket, you know somewhere in the world someone is turning 12 now right? Blanket: Yeah, bu- Jermasity: And don't forget, somewhere in the world an old man is turning 12 again due to a strange thing he doesn't even know what's going on. Me: Jermasity...that's not even real. Jermasity: It isn't? Paris: No. It was just for the movie with Brad Pitt in it. There's no illness like he had to make him go from an old man to keep getting younger and younger. Jermasity: It could've fooled me. Blanket: Wasn't we talking about turning 12? Me: We were but somehow we are now talking about the Brad Pitt movie. We kept talking about, or trying to convince Jermasity, how an illness that Brad Pitt's character Benjimaine Bunker was not real and you could not be old one minute, then magicually without you knowing either you start getting younger and younger. Jermasity: So fake. Not real. Jaffar: I don't believe we've been saying this for like 30 minutes for nothing, bro. Jermasity: Ohkay. I believe you guys. Thank god! I actually thought we'd be going over this while we had dinner, too. Speaking of dinner, wehn are they going to say it's ready? Dalton: Par, Prince, Blanket, Jaffar, Jerm, Little Bit! Thank you. Saved by a Dalton. All of us made our way to the kitchen so we could all enjoy our family time together. While eating, I started thinking about somethings. Maybe strange things, but nothing else I could do really. All the grown-ups were talking about boring grown up stuff and the others were still going on about the movie thing. I thought we had that covered with Jermasity. Guess not... I slumpped down a bit, eating my food. When everything was over with, everyone said their good-byes to one another. Momma, Dalton and I started back home. Momma: *Looks at me in the backseat* What was Jerm talking about? Me: Me, Paris, Blanket, Prince and Jaffar spent like 30 minutes explaining to him that people don't get an illness that allows you to get younger and younger. And I guess he thought it went to his head, but yet it didn't go to his head. And he started asking again while you grown-ups were talking about grown-up stuff... That I really didn't care about. Dalton: The Brad Pitt movie? Me: Yeah. Dalton: Oh, ohkay. Momma: Jermasity is a very interesting boy... Isn't he, Little Bit. Me: Yeah. You can't help but love him though, Momma. Momma: I know you can't. I love your cousin, too. Dalton: *Smiles and continues to drive* We all talked until we got home. I was the first one in the house, ready to start the rest of my day off just laying on my bed cuddling up to Talasyn. That's how I can go to sleep, actually. I had just finished placing my pajamas on when out of no where, the screen on my laptop glowed red and a little mail icon showed up saying "You've got mail." Looking around, I got on my bed and laid on my stomach while Talas laid beside me. I slowly opened my mail. I wish people would put their names on here! Anyways, while I did this... I couldn't believe what I was reading... *Hope u all liked it. More to come soon... I know this chapter is bad. It'll get better soon. I promise.*
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