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Maria Carmen 2000s *16*
*Part 16.. This is what Dalton looked like in the last part; http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jdxLlNeZCmM/TcJhxrk_eeI/AAAAAAAAAE4/RpAbcKJASCk/s1600/hot+scene+boys.jpg -Fluffykins* I went with Daddy and Aunt Toya to the court thing today. And lord and behold, it is not over yet. We were late today because I didn't get up in time, daddy was late yesterday for some reason I'm not aware of. There is just so many chances they give you before they dismiss your case before you even have a chance to start it. And good thing we have got in the middle of everything. This had to be the longest hours of my life. And it was soo boring just sitting there listening to everything. I think Aunt Toya had to nudge me to get me up a few times. I'm not sure. All I know, next week it's going to be me, Daddy, Aunt Toya, Aunt Dunk. I just hope everyone knows everything and understands my father is innocent and all of this is pure nonsence. Well how about I don't jump ahead of myself now. I am back at home with Daddy. He is downstairs talking on the phone with Mommy, and I just got outta the shower(yes pjs already on) towel drying my hair sitting on my bed humming a song. I was still towel drying when Daddy walked into my door way. That's when I was singing outloud. Me: *Singing* "I feel like running away. I'm still so far from home. You say that I'll never change, but what the fuck do you know? I'll burn it all to the ground, before I let you win. Please forgive me, I can't forgive you now. I remember everything." Daddy: Um, baby girl? I took my towel off of my head to see Daddy standing there. I smiled at him, and he gave me a little smile back. He came and sat beside me. The next thing I know, my father is hugging me tightly to him. Me: What's this for? Daddy: *Lets go of me* Just because I love you baby girl. Me: Oh ohkay. I love you, too, daddy. Daddy: Thanks for being there for me. Me: Your welcome. Daddy: I know it's not the most exciting thing to sit through all that stuff being asked, but you have to understand it is really serious. So...um, please try to stay awake when we go back. Me: Ohkay daddy. Daddy: there's my big girl. *Kisses my head and gets up and leaves* Don't think talking about that Dalton boy is out of the question, Carmen. When this is all over...I'm talking to you about him. Me: Of course you are. Daddy left to head to his room. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes until my phone vibrated beside me. I looked at the screen to see a unfamiliar number and shrugged. I answered it, and I was surprise it was Dalton. Dalton: Hey you. Me: Um, *smiles* hey. Dalton: Not gonna get in trouble for talking to me, are ya? Seeing it is really late. Me: Nah. My dad just went to bed...so I guess we're ohkay. Dalton: That's cool. Me: Yeah...I guess it's cool. Dalton: You seem nervous. First time a guy as ever called you? Me: Not really. I just haven't dated for a while. Dalton: Don't see how. You're very beautiful, I can't believe a guy hasn't asked you out yet. Me: Mainly when they find out I have a daughter, they can't stand the idea. Dalton: A daughter, huh? How old is she? Me: 4. Dalton: I have a nephew that old. He's name is Thomas. Maybe we can sign for a play date. Ya know, so they can have sometime to be a kid and we can get to know each other more. Me: That could work. Um, say, I need to tell you something. But...can we meet somewhere tomorrow for it? Dalton: Sure. I guess. Where at? Me: The park. Dalton: Ohkay park it is. Me: Ohkay. Um, maybe I should be going now. Just in case my dad comes in and sees me talking on the phone. Dalton: Ohkay. Thanks for answering me. And Maria, was it? Me: Yeah. That's my name. Dalton: Don't think just because you have a kid, that's gonna scare me off. I'm not one of the guys that run off when a girl has a kid already. Me: Thanks. Dalton: Welcome. Night. Me: Night. Dalton and I hung up at the sametime. I sighed, pushing my hair back laying down. Before anything happens, or before I get involve with him...I have to tell Dalton the truth...just how am I going to do that without chickening out? *Hoped u all liked this part. Sorry it sucked...I'm just throwing stuff in the story that comes to my mind. Next part will be here soon.*
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