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Maria Carmen 2000s *13*
*This whole chapter is interview for MC and Oprah. And an old interview gets pulled here as well. It's still the same, just that I had to put something new in there. Hope you all enjoy dears. -Fluffykins* As I left off, everyone stopped cheering and that told me the interview was about to begin. Oprah: *Smiles looking at me* You sure have grown Maria since you were 13. Me: *Chuckles* I know. I'm so thankful for my growth spourts. Oprah: I can see. I believe this is about the first time I am actually getting to talk to you, and get to know you a little more than just getting your little comments here and there. Me: Yeah. I had things to say for everything when I was younger. Oprah: Don't I know that. I remember when I was interviewing your father, and you were introduced to say a few things on your father's behalf. You weren't nervous like most teenagers would be on their first interviews. Me: It was interesting having cameras on you, when you've really never been in that spotlight before. And by that I mean be in a spotlight where everyone around the world could possibly see you. Oprah: So you were nervous, you just didn't show it. Me: Yes. I was very, very nervous. But with my father, everything felt ohkay. Because I've always been more comfterable with my father, friends, and my other family members. Oprah: Because that's all you knew for all your life. Me: Yes. Oprah: Ohkay. Maria, Carmen, what to you go by? *Laughs a little* Because I've heard people call you Maria, some call you Carmen, then some call you Princess. Wha-what do you like to go by? Me: Well...I don't like to be called Princess. I've never liked that when that nickname came around by the time I was 15. Everyone was always like, "Oh, Princess, are you going to fallow in your father's footstep?", "Your name is Princess, because your father is the King.", and then people would just keep asking all these questions. And I'm just sitting there being like, "My name is not Princess. My name is Maria Carmen Jackson. I'm not a royal person, so don't call me Princess." Oprah: Wh-why did people start calling you Princess? Me: Um, I guess it was because my father was Michael Jackson. Ya know, being the daughter of the King of Pop...people believe I'm the next Princess of Pop. Oprah: Well, you are. Me: See, Oprah, that's the thing. I maybe the Princess of Pop. That's not all I am. I am a granddaughter, a niece, a cousin, a sister, a daughter, and I am a mother. So I do not enjoy being called a Princess. *Smiles and laughs* So I guess with what I like to be called, um, either of my names Maria or Carmen will work. Most just call me MC for short. Oprah: Ohkay. *Smiles* Now what you said about being a mother, I can see you've really grown because of it. You're more mature. And by how you're daughter is happy, I can tell she has a wonderful mother. Me: Thank you. Oprah: You're welcome. *Looks to the Audience* I'm going to show you a small clip of when I interviewed her and her father in '93. I looked to the screen to my left, and on cue the video came up. It was just like yesterday. And my God, I couldn't believe what I was wearing on this day either. It was cute...but looking back now...my clothes choice was very strange back then. -1993- Oprah: Michael with everything that has happen to you over the years, there is one person who always makes everything better for you. Daddy: Yes. Oprah: Why don't we bring that person out here. Ladies and gentlemen, Michael's daughter, Maria Carmen. When I heard my name being called, I came out from behind a wall where I was told to stand. I saw Oprah's eyes widen looking at me, I can guess it's because of my outfit. This is what it was: Shirt: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=401530 Jeans: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DjXENs_w7DQ/T5aDAIPrh_I/AAAAAAAAAAU/HMUrJ8rO6Ls/s1600/Leggings.jpg Oprah came over and shook my hand, and I hugged her as she lead me to the chair beside daddy. I sat down, crossed my legs and got ready. Oprah: Michael, I'm impress. She acts just like she's done this before. Have you ever had an interview done on you before, Maria Carmen? Me: No. This will be my first one. Oprah: Well...the way you walked in, you approched me, and how you sat down and got ready for questions, that sorta, um, made me think you've done this before. Me: *Giggles* No. I swear first time talking on camera. Daddy: *Ruffles my hair* It was really fun doing this interview with Oprah. She had asked Daddy a question about if he was a virgin and all that, I could've died laughing. Daddy was embarassed, I could reaaally tell that about him. Oprah: *Looks at me* You really find this funny, huh? Me: *Laughing* Yeah. Daddy: Carmen. When Daddy says "Carmen", I know I need to stop whatever I'm doing and behave. I picked that up REALLY early in life. I misbehave, I get put on punishment. Oprah: So, Maria Carmen, tell me how is it to have a father as famous as your dad is? Me: I mean, it's just like how any other kid would want their dad to be. He IS a normal dad no matter what anyones says. And I love him to death. I'm always going to be here for my father, and I'm sure he'll always be here for me when I really need him. I don't pay any mind to him being famous, he is just a normal dad to me. Oprah: Thank you. *Smiles, turns to the camera* Now we will be back in a few minutes for a tour around Neverland. -Now- Everyone clapped as I did myself. Oprah was looking me up and down laughing to herself. Oprah: One thing is for sure, Maria, you haven't changed in your outfit ideas. Me: I like being different with my clothing ideas. Oprah: I can see that, alot. Me: Yeah. *Chuckles* We talked a little longer. And she asked me questions that everyone wanted to know. The questions were: -How is it being the Princess of Pop now that you're older after people assumed you were going to be? -Being 25 and having a 4-year-old daughter, is it hard? -Dealing with no privacy, can it be hard at times for you? -Does it hurt you having people hate you for your music? -Are you and your friends still close? -Are you single? -Do you see yourself married one day, with another child? -How can your dad allow you to write songs like "Love Game" and wear those outfits? I answered everything with the truth, and with a lot of details as I could possibably come up with to give the answers meaning. Then Oprah's last question, and I knew what it was going to be, I had to give A LOT of things to make my answer good on it. Oprah: Thank you everyone for you questions. Now the last question we go is from me to you Maria Carmen. Now, Maria. Me: Yes? Oprah: I know with what's going on with your father, it is very stressful on him and I-I know it's very stressful and hurtful to see your father like the way he is. Me: It really is. It's very, very hurtful to see the strongest man I knew become putty in the hands of those posion filled vipers known as the media and everyone else in on this thing. Oprah: I see. Now, my question is, "Do you believe your father is innocent, and how does this make you feel with everything going on?" Me: Well, Oprah, I do believe my father is 100% innocent. I know he would never, NEVER, ever harm a child in the way the media is saying he is hurting them. My father loves children. I've heard him say so many, many times he'd rather slit his wrist before hurting a child or even thinking of doing anything to them. My father has done nothing but help children all over the world, helping them get better. That is one of the most important reasons way Neverland was made. Not just for a home, but for a place where sick children could get better or children that has never gotten a chance to go to like petting zoos, amusment parks, swim, ride horses or anything like that. That is way Daddy allows the children, and parents to come and spend a day at Neverland. And if the children wants to spend the night, he askes the parents permisson first. If they say they aren't sure, he respects their answer and goes on about his buisness. If they do say yes and allows the children to stay, they can stay in the guest bedroom. Most of the time the children do not want to stay in the guest bedroom, they would rather stay in Michael's room. And he allows them, but he allows the children to sleep on the bed. He doesn't sleep with them, oh no. He gets blankets from the closet in the hallway and an extra pillow and sleeps on the floor beside the bed. I've staid in there at times myself when the children were there because they would ask me if I could sleep in my father's room with them. And I did. My father never slept in the same bed as the children, he slept on the floor and as did I. Oprah: I see. I very much understand. But how does everything going on make you feel? What has it done to you? Me: Well, I am actually pissed off Oprah. I am very sorry for my language, but I do believe in freedom of speech and I really needed to give that out there. It angers me to believe the people my father has trusted as accused him of violating their young sons, or other people have now just started believing he has done this with every child that has came to Neverland Ranch. And he hasn't. It's all a lie. People would rather believe what the news is saying about an innocent, sweet, loving man that is my father, than to remember all the good things he has done for everyone. And how he has made it is life goal in life to help children in need, grown-ups in need, and give everyone everything a man could possibly give. I'm fed up with people earning my father's trust and then just throwing it away to get something out of him or to just get his money. Because what they are doing is just hurting my father, and seeing my father hurt is hurting me. It's hurting my family as well. We hate to see how this is effecting him. He doesn't act like his self anymore, he just isolates himself from all of us. And what has it done to me? It has open my eyes to how everyone in the world cannot be trusted and how fucked up the world can be at times to do something like this. There are other things out there happening, but yet they focus on stuff that people who want to hurt other people want to hear. I'll say this America, and everyone else who is watching: Stop believing everything the News, Media and Paps say...because it's not always true. Learn the true story before believing everything you hear and get to know the person that a story is about before placing judgment on them. You may learn a thing or two. Thank you. Oprah thanked me from coming on the show and everyone cheered as I was walking off the stage to the back. It felt good actually getting everything out there and done with. Now just a bigger problem has to get done with. This stupid case. I'm sure Daddy will win. He always does. And I'm here for him this time, all the way, through everything. *Hoped u all liked this part. Sorry it sucked I sorta ran outta ideas really. Next part, promise, I'll try to make it better. Bye for now.*
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