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What They Didn't See..Part 4; Ch. 3
"Spirit," Dad called out from downstairs. "What?" I called back. "Shall you please be hurrying up dearest daughter?" "Dad, is it my fault I got the thick blonde hair? No it is not!" "And it's mine, how?" "Dad. Do you WANT me even going through that?" "Well...please hurry up so we can leave. I told Joe we'd be over there for dinner before five." "It's four, father." "Yeah. But they live an hour away. So the faster we get there-" "The ealier we'll be. I believe I've heard this story before." "Please just hurry up." "Mmkay." I wish this house didn't echo so I didn't have to hear dad call my name, yell for me, or anything else. Believe me...if it was up for me, I'd make this house less echo and more silent. I finally finished drying my hair and started brushing it, looking through one of my hair books to see how to make-up my hair. There we go. I reached into the drawer and got my curling iron. Simple curly hair at the bottom, straighten at the top. That should do it for meeting Joe and his family for the frist time. After getting that done with my hair, I applied my make-up and placed my skull braclet on my left hand and started out my bedroom door. Well...I was almost out of my bedroom until I saw in my mirror something under my bed. I turned around and went to look under it. "What is that?" I reached under my bed, but felt nothing. Must be my imagination, I guess. Getting up, I saw on my vanity was looked like a key or something like that. "Aiden Danielle! Come on!" "Um, coming daddy!" I called back to my dad. I grabbed the key and took off out of my room with it. Jackson house...here I come. *********************************** "Louis, that's amazing." Katherine said as me, dad, Joe and her were eating some cake and drinking some sweet tea she made. "What's amazing?" "How you've took care of your daughter since she was a small child." "Yeah. It's been hard since her mother died, but we've stuck through the years...haven't we babygirl?" "Yeah." I didn't want to sound rude, but I've never been happy talking about my mother's death. Even if it's like I'm saying I miss her or something else anything like that. Mainly because I didn't want to talk anymore about my mother, I excused myself and asked if I could walk around their upstairs. "Sure sweetheart. Help yourself." Katherine said. I nodded smiling, before I was out of the kitchen Joe stopped me. "Aiden?" he asked. "Yes, sir?" I asked him. "If you see my son Michael, please tell him to come down here." "Yes, sir." I have no idea who Michael is. I guess when I see, I'll ask. Walking upstairs, I started feeling a whole lot of energy going around. When I was walking down the hallway...I looked into one room to see a young girl playing with dolls. I smiled and walked in. "Hey there sweetie." I said smiling. She looked up at me curiously, but surprised. "You can see me?" "Oh course. How could I not?" "No one can see me. Not even Michael." "Your big brother can't see you, baby?" "No. No one can. I'm dead." When she said that, my heart stopped for a little bit...though I have to remember I've been through this so many times over the year. I smiled at her softly. "So you're the energy I was feeling coming down the hallway?" "Energy?" "Yes, spirits give off energy that normally can't be sense by humans unless they have something for it." "How can you sense my energy then?" "Well...I'm not a normal human. I guess." "Why?" "Well, um, I've been able to see ghost or what I call them spirits since my early childhood." "That's cool." "I guess you could say that." "Mhm. I'm Janet by the way." "I'm Aiden Danielle." I talked to Janet for what seemed like forever learning that she died suddenly at age ten. She said she was playing around outside when she got hit by a car that went off the road and hit her. They said she could've survived, but they didn't know what happened to her when she died. While talking to Janet, I hadn't notice someone was standing there ready to take a picture of me. Me and this little girl were talking, until a flash filled the room. I blinked acouple of times trying ot get over what just happened. Turning around I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "You!?" It was the guy that was outside my house yesterday. So I guess this is Michael. "I cannot believe this." Michael said, smiling. "Believe what?" I asked him, trying to see where Janet was...but I guess she vanished because of the flash. I would to if I was dead. "That a medium is in my house, in my dead sister's room." "She's not dead. She's still here, and she still is full of life." "Huh?" "Nothing. Your dad wanted you." I got up and walked past him. "Hey, have you seen her yet?" "Your sister? Yeah I was just talking to her." "Not Janet. Victoria." I turned to him, and looked at him like he was crazy. "What are you talking about? Who the hell is Victoria?" "Oh, I have got to fill you in on about your house." "Are you like getting turn on by this?" I asked, getting a bit creeped out. He sighed and grabbed my arm and started leading me down the hallway. What have I got myself into here?
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