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Tough Love Part 74
How do you feel about Michaelâ??s and Lyricâ??s chemistry now? ;-) ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Chapter 74 A Day in New York I wake up to the sound of dishes clinking, the yellow rays shooting in the room from the sun, and the smell of food. I focus my eyes again at the ceiling, and remember Iâ??m actually in New York. I slowly raise up from my pillow and I see Michael walk in the room with a tray. Then food. He sees me smile because I know heâ??s bringing in breakfast for me. I scoot over to Janâ??s side of the bed. â??Good morning!â? â??More like good noon time.â? I look at the clock. Itâ??s after twelve. â??Oh,â? I bring my hand to my forehead. â??Sorry about that.â? â??No itâ??s okay.â? Michael invites himself to sit on the bed so I scoot over a little. â??I wish you had told me you guys had picked up a dog while yâ??all were out!â? Jan says as she walks in the room with Bruno, who was showing his goods to all to see. â??There was so much to discuss. I told you I was half-coherent, Jan.â? â??Yeah, well I guess so.â? She goes back in the living room and comes back without him. â??Donâ??t worry though; we might not even keep him.â? â??I know. Michael told me.â? I look at him. â??He told me the whole story about Brun while you were sleeping.â? â??How long ago was that?â? â??Not too much longer, but Michael didnâ??t get right up either. He had a late night as well.â? She smirks and stands against the door frame. I see Michael look at her, then shoos her away. With her arms folded, Janet walks over to us but looks at the tray. â??My brother likes breakfast in bed.â? Then she briskly walks out, covering her mouth with her laughter. â??Oh Jan,â? I shake my head. â??Yeah, oh Jan.â? The first thing Michael feeds me is some bacon. â??Are you gonna tell me anymore?â? I lean my head on my knees, and he slides some of my short hair behind my ear. â??I remember when we performed at the Apollo. I mean we performed so many times, but even then, we had to master the stage. Having control of itâ?¦of the audience was important enough. Then that day made it even more important.â? â??How was it?â? â??We touched the â??Tree of Hopeâ??.â? â??Whatâ??s that?â? Michael takes out the time to summarize the legend behind it. â??And I have to say I probably touched it the most. I totally indulged in it the superstitious legend, but even without it, we still had to tear the place up! You have no idea!â? â??How did you feel?â? â??Like dynamite. And I got to meet my idols like Jackie Wilson and Smokey Robinson at the Regal Theater in Chicago.â? He looks at me. â??The town youâ??re SUPPOSED to have lived in.â? I laugh. Thereâ??s silence as I ate, there was silence until Michael talks again. â??You know when you told me how lucky I was based off where I was from?â? â??What you mean?â? â??About my house and now this expensive hotel?â? â??Yeah.â? â??Well it made me remember how Joseph would talk about going out to California all the time. It seemed like Oz compared to Gary. He always wanted something better for us.â? â??Now you have it.â? He looks down. â??Yeahâ?¦we do.â? â??You know, I thought about it once, probably since last night, but I would REALLY want to go back to Gary, just to see your hometown and your home.â? He smiles at me. â??REALLY?â? he says with a smirk. â??Really, Iâ??m serious. I just want toâ?¦know what youâ??ve been feeling all these years. Michael, I must say that you and your family have made the nation interested in Gary. I even thought it was in India until I hear of yâ??all.â? â??What Gary?â? â??No, Indiana.â? â??Indiana, India? No way!â? he says as we laugh. â??That was just my naïve brain. But how were you as a child? Let me know because thatâ??s what I want to know right now.â? â??I wasâ?¦bad.â? â??BAD?â? â??I lived on edge and was spunky a lot of the time. And it was like that before and after the days I joined Motown. Itâ??s simple being a normal child with all of us around. Those days were really fun and I had a lot of laughs. But there was one thing I didnâ??t like about performing. I mean it kind of ate at me. It ate at all of us.â? He looks in my eyes. â??We didnâ??t like being away from Mother. It was hard being away from her and the others. And me being a true mamaâ??s boy, it made me happy to gush to her about the experience and how we made the crowd happy.â? I nod as I sip some O.J. â??What else you want to know?â? he smiles. â??Well everything,â? I mumble. But he hears me anyways. â??So both of your parents were musicians?â? â??Basically. And I think I get my singing voice from Mother.â? He looks off in the distance. â??She HAS the sweetest voice, Lyric.â? he looks at me again and wraps his arm around my shoulder. â??Thatâ??s probably why I like to hear you singâ?¦at least one of the reasons....I dig a girl who can singâ?¦and I guess it all stems from Mother singing at the sink with us. Itâ??s like I come from a line of performers. Thatâ??s all I truly know in a sense.â? I look in HIS eyes critically this time. â??But what about the other life? What about the norm?â? â??I know that too, thatâ??s no lie.â? He sighs and looks up again. â??Itâ??s like I need to be rejuvenated againâ??be brought back to life. I know I need to date more. I need to feel like a normal person, a normal guy. And thatâ??s when I hate it when I feel like Iâ??m being casted out from everyone else. You donâ??t make me feel that way. Youâ??re unjudgemental. I feel I can tell you anything Lyric. How long has it been, Lyric?â? â??Less than three months.â? He nods with his eyes on the bed. â??Oh.â? He feeds me some more oatmeal. After he still doesnâ??t say anything, I hand him the spoon with the oatmeal, but he lets me feed him with it. â??Since you just talked about it, how about we make a trip to the Apollo? I just want to see it.â? â??Lyric, do you know how far Harlem is from here?â? I raise my eyebrow. â??Michael Harlem is in Manhattan, which weâ??re in. It canâ??t be that far from here.â? He laughs, â??You got me. Okay, well letâ??s get dressed first before we drop by.â? Since thereâ??s no room to wear shorts and flip-flops, I put on my red long-sleeved shirt, fitting jeans, and Uggs again. â??Oh come on, Iâ??ve seen you wear those all last night.â? â??Okay, then Iâ??ll change.â? â??No, itâ??s fine.â? Michael was talking about the boots, but he didnâ??t say anything about my hair. â??And you said Harlem would be far but we have the limo. I donâ??t get it.â? I laugh. The three of us were going to the Apollo. And once we get there, Michael is the first to hop out. He points at the sign. â??And this is,â? â??The Apollo Theater,â? Janet and I say in unison. â??Very much so.â? Michael being here with us helped us to get in without a hitch. He holds my hand. â??Joseph asked us to imagine the shoes had worn the shabby carpet away.â? And he takes us to the wall with the legends. I sharply inhale and tear up a little. Iâ??m not a dramatic person on purpose. Itâ??s just the meaning of this wall isâ?¦unimaginable, very prestigious. Thereâ??s much to glorify. I shield my face to Michaelâ??s chest as he embraces me. For a little he gently rubs my arm. â??She just gets overwhelmed sometimes. A very sentimental person.â? I hear Michael tell Janet over my shoulder. I wipe my face off. â??No I just feel very shaken up about the talents and history of the wall.â? â??Well feel shaken â??bout this.â? Michael takes my wrist and he goes up to this door. â??Embrace yourself for the ultimate experience.â? He yanks on it and luckily it opens. I hold one end and Janet holds the other as we follow him. â??Whoa.â? I whisper. â??Yep, the Apollo stage.â? As I gasp, Michael holds my and Janetâ??s shoulders. â??Yep, as Joseph would put it, a history of black performers. Yâ??all should feel special.â? He kisses Janetâ??s then my cheek as we giggle. â??If I ever become famousâ?¦I guess I need to perform on the Apollo to prove myself that Iâ??m actually good.â? â??Just donâ??t get booed.â? Then he laughs. I nudge him. â??Itâ??s not my fault yâ??all didnâ??t get booed off stage.â? We go back outside where we find the limo and walk up to it. â??Yâ??all ready for lunch?â? â??Sure.â? We chirp in. â??Where to?â? Janet looks at me. â??A deliâ?¦.â? I mumble. â??We just went to one last night! And you didnâ??t finish your sandwich from last night.â? â??Yes I did,â? I mumble again. They look at me. â??I ate again.â? â??Donâ??t feel bad. I feel your pain. Itâ??s just Mr. High Metabolism doesnâ??t.â? she nudges Michael. â??But if you donâ??t want another deli, how about pizza?â? â??Letâ??s just order some room service and be done with it.â? Janet says. â??Speaking of room service, did you order too much?â? Michael asks. â??Not that much.â? â??Sounds like a deal to me.â? I shrug. Then I remember Bruno. â??And we donâ??t want to leave Bruno by himself for too much longer.â? â??Fine by me.â? Michael says and we drive back to the hotel. As Iâ??m playing with Bruno, the macaroni-and-cheese comes for us. After getting stuffed and sitting on the couchâ??with our legs sprawled outâ??I mention Studio 54. â??Do you have homework to do?â? â??I can always do the rest on the plane tomorrow.â? â??Have you even called your father?â? I shook my head. â??But I need to.â? â??Dad?â? â??Lyric, hey honey.â? â??I see you took off today.â? â??Just in case if you decided to call. How are things going?â? â??Oh itâ??s been amazing. Iâ??ve had a lot of fun so far. How has Janet been? What about Michael?â? â??Theyâ??ve been wonderful to me.â? â??Let me speak to Janet if she wants to.â? â??Okay.â? I put the phone to my chest. â??Jan, do you wanna talk to Dad?â? well my dad. â??Sure!â? she perks up and skips to the phone. Michael and I giggle at her reaction. â??Michael, Clarence wants to speak to you.â? â??Ooooh,â? me and Jan says together. But Michael isnâ??t looking scared or intimated. â??Hi Clarenceâ?¦.Yes things are going very well for usâ?¦.No sir, no funny business.â? He laughs. I wanted to jump at the phone. â??Oh Dad knows Michael and I arenâ??t doing crazy stuff. I donâ??t know why he does that.â? â??Heâ??s a DAD Lyric. They do that.â? Jan smiles. â??Even Joseph will go berserk if he caught a guy talking to me. You know Michael from â??Good Timesâ??? He could be an example.â? â??Oh Jan!â? I say as I playfully push her. Michael gets off the phone. â??How did things go with the Big Man?â? I ask him. â??Good oh good.â? â??But back to Studio 54: I REALLY want to go Michael. Iâ??m serious!â? â??We canâ??t come up to New York and NOT go Michael. Thatâ??s nigh right.â? â??What about Bruno?â? â??Oh Bruno will be alright! Plus we need to go to that address anyways for his owner.â? â??Did she leave her number?â? Michael gets the paper. â??No.â? â??Great! Well the only thing that makes sense is to go to her house now.â? â??Well letâ??s go.â? All three of us board up in the limo again with Brun, but when we get there, we donâ??t even get an answer. â??Ainâ??t this some crap.â? I mumble. We try finding bystanders, but no one was around, so we went back to the hotel with Bruno. â??What are you doing?â? â??Taking a nap.â? â??Iâ??m with her,â? Jan agrees. And once I get up temporarily, itâ??s around seven. I teeter over to the couch where Michael is watching TV. I sit next to him on the couch. â??Whaaat?â? he asks. â??Stop acting annoyed. But really are we going to go?â? â??Where?â? â??You know where!â? I sorta snap. â??Studio-54!â? I say dramatically. â??You still wanna go?â? â??Itâ??s Saturday night! A lot of people are going to be there and I know some of them donâ??t have a religion, so they wonâ??t have an obligation in the morning. A no-brainer.â? â??Thatâ??s insulting.â? â??I didnâ??t mean it that way but Iâ??m sure you got the picture.â? â??I did. And yeah, why not? I think youâ??ll like it.â? â??Then come on, letâ??s go, get up!â? I say as I start to bounce on the couch. â??Letâ??s GO!â? â??Okay.â? He stands. Then plant his hands on my hips. â??But you better wear a hella outfit for me.â? I squint my eyes and shove his shoulder. â??I take that as a yes?â? Michael says as I walk away. Then I grab a smaller pillow from my bed and throw it at him. Then I wake Janet up. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Vote up! This is one of the moments weâ??ve been waiting for to arrive!*
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