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Tough Love Part 73
I got the title for this part from the â??Pure Michiganâ? commercial, lol. It was speaking to me! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Chapter 73; Part 1 As It Was Meant to Be I gasp and the first thing we do is grab our bags and get through the airport. The flight really took us about three hours in all to get from California to New York, and I already felt like a different personâ??from the different life style, and for the fact that I was on the east coast. I wasnâ??t that close to my hometown, deep down in Georgia, but maybe I was a little closer. There wasnâ??t much of a hassle getting through the airport. We were going to wear shades, but Janet, then I wasnâ??t feeling that plan that Michael created because we said that if we acted natural, no one could said we did any wrong, and nothing should be in the tabloids. But Michael was already nervous about being seen with me again. We all knew that the paps would only infer we were a couple, and maybe even serious, and we didnâ??t want to be portrayed that way. Michael and I are simply just friends and thatâ??s all. Even though Michael was nervous about him and me, he was glamorous enough to get a limo for us. The ride there was kind of silent. I feel that if Michael had sat with the driver, it wouldâ??ve been more social back here, but since he was sitting with usâ??and we were spaced out: Michael was sitting in the corner but in the middle. I was to his right and Jan was to his left, sitting right in front of the window separating us from the driver. I think the both of us were a little self-conscious. To be honest, I had no idea what area we were in, in New York, but I still hadnâ??t asked once the limo stopped when we arrived out our hotel. When the driver opens the door and gives me a hand, I gasp at the hotel, more like castle, standing in front of me. Then tears gather in my eyes. I was standing on the grounds of the Plaza Hotel. I didnâ??t notice I was still in the way until I saw Janet and Michael walk around me. As I looked at Michael, my hands were still over my mouth and nose as my tears started up again. I focused in Michael, then jumped into his arms. â??The Plaza Hotel?!â? I shrieked. I felt him hesitantly wrap his arms around me. Then I pushed him away. â??But why? I canâ??tâ?¦I canâ??t believe this Michael. I KNOW this had to be a fortune.â? â??Donâ??t worry about it.â? â??What never been to New York before?â? Janet jokily asks. I look over at her, a little embarrassed by my outburst. â??Jan, leave her alone,â? Michael ruffles her hair, and she elbows him. â??Stop it Michael.â? â??Are you gonna come in here with us now?â? Michael asks cautiously with a smile, so I knew he was just messing with me. â??Yeah,â? I say. As we walk in, the man with the limo, named Sam, kept a hold of my suitcase as we walked in the prestigious place. â??I was thinking even my clothes arenâ??t doable for this, Michael.â? I tell him. I knew I was going somewhere where I havenâ??t been, but it didnâ??t stop me from my juvenile way of dressing. â??Itâ??s okay,â? he shrugs. â??What floor?â? â??The nineteenth,â? he was about to walk up to the desk to establish we were here, but I stop him anyway. â??Itâ??s the highest floor. I got it just for you,â? he says with a smile. â??Ready to go up?â? â??Yep,â? I tell Jan. While I wasnâ??t talking, I was looking down at the floor, which Iâ??m sure was made of marble. It was like a fancy, foreign museum where you couldnâ??t touch nothing, but then again thatâ??s ALL museums. â??Ready?â? Jan says again as I look up and see Michael approaching. I humbly grab my suitcase as I follow Michael, with Jan behind me. Even the elevator ride isâ?¦magnificent and worth taking. I was so lost in my thoughts about what all this could mean, when Michael nudged my elbow. I look at him smiling at me. I meekly smile back, inhale largely, then look forward again. â??I canâ??t believe you have us on the highest floor. I feel like I should be chewing some gum just in case for the elevation.â? â??Oh youâ??ll be alright.â? He says. So we get up there and off the elevator when I tell them that maybe we shouldâ??ve used the stairs so I could experience that as well. They looked at me then laughed. Once again I felt embarrassed. â??Itâ??s alright,â? Michael says again. So he opens the door, and I canâ??t get in fast enough. From the white carpet, to the comfy sofa sitting in front of the big flat screen TV, I was astounded by what I saw. â??Letâ??s check out the rooms!â? Jan says, so we go dashing in to find it. I go to a room with a humongous bed, which could comfort the three of us, with a bathroom in it, so much space. Then there were drawers as if you could live there for real! And then there was this big, glorious mirror attached to the dresser. I go find Janet, whoâ??s in the other room, which is a lot simpler. â??This is MY room right here.â? Michael says as he comes up from behind us. â??YOURS? But itâ??s soâ?¦â? â??Simple,â? Janet finishes for me. â??But thatâ??s just how he wanted it.â? â??I felt that yâ??all two would love to bunk together.â? Then I see him smile again. â??I sure would!â? I look down as Jan with my broadening smile, and clasp my arms around hers as she smiles as well. â??Deal.â? She says. Then we walk out the room, but as we do, Michael has eye contact with me, and I smile, sheepishly!, back. As Jan and I are unpacking, deciding to put our things in the drawer since Michael paid for them, he asks me to come out the room because he had something to tell me. â??Itâ??s getting late, and since time has changed and itâ??s New York, itâ??s gonna get dark soon. Do you want to go on a walk with me?â? I looked in his eyes and saw they held something for me to know. â??Sure,â? I nodded. â??What time is it?â? â??Itâ??s almost eight!â? Jan says from the room. â??I just looked at the clock.â? â??Okay,â? I say. â??Hey, but I donâ??t feel fresh enough. Let me take a shower, and Iâ??ll be right out.â? â??Okay.â? When I go back in the room, Michael reminds me itâ??s gotten colder and itâ??ll be snowing probably, which reminded me to wear my coat, scarf, gloves, and whatever else I needed. After I close the door, I whisper, â??I wish your brother gave me some time to nap before this walk.â? â??Iâ??ll run you a bath and you can rest your eyes a little then.â? â??Thanks Jan, youâ??ll do that for me?â? â??Sure, why not?â? So as the water runs, I try picking out what Iâ??m going to wear. â??Donâ??t try too hard. Youâ??ll have your coat over your clothes, so itâ??s not like my brother is going to see what youâ??re wearing under it.â? â??True,â? then I smile at her. So I pick a simple tee with some jeans, my white coat and my scarf. Then my ear muffs and rare, chestnut brown Ugg boots. When I get in my bubble bath, I close my eyes first, then after a little, I bath. I soak in the warmly comfort, then I get out, touching the cold marble floor. But I didnâ??t mind. What I really wanted to say was â??Iâ??m in New York Bitches!â? but to no one in particular. After I had my clothes on, the biggest thing was how I was going to shape my hair. By now I had previously straightened it, so now I just have to shape it up. Janet suggested I try something different, and what I made up made me happy. I had a bang wildly to the front, which seemed a little lighter than the rest of my hair. Once I walked out the room, I see Michael had freshened up as well. He had changed his shirt into this Adidas tee, which I saw in a picture before. He had on jeans like me and his jacket wasnâ??t as thick as mine. He had on tennisâ??s. â??I already told Michael I didnâ??t want to go. I rather order room service or something.â? â??And I told her that was fine with me. Just stay safe and donâ??t burn down the suite.â? He smiles at her. â??What if Mother calls?â? I thought about Katherine and thought to ask them. â??Janet will just tell her we took a walk.â? â??And then my dad. I meant to call him.â? I head to the phone, but they stop me. â??Iâ??ll call him for you and tell him the same thing.â? â??Okay. Thank you.â? â??Youâ??re welcome.â? â??Okay, letâ??s get going. Anyone needs a last minute break?â? â??I can go again.â? And I do. â??Ready?â? â??Yeah.â? â??Now Jan I donâ??t know where we may go, but weâ??ll be back. I guess you canâ?¦call the front desk if you need to or the cops if all fail, but donâ??t leave the hotel unless a fire starts, or something.â? â??Thank-you for scaring me Michael!â? she says sarcastically. When he closes the door, Michael looks over at me. â??Wanna take the stairs?â? â??No, Iâ??m fine with the elevator.â? So we go there. But once again, itâ??s silent and weâ??re not looking over at each other. Instead I noticed we were eyeballing our surroundings, but not each other. The elevator dings and we get off. I thought we were going to head out the front, but Michael takes my hand and we go out another exit. â??Thereâ??s a path behind the hotel as well.â? â??Oh, okay.â? We swing arms, and after a little, Michael starts talking first. â??Iâ??m still happy about youâ??re excitement over the hotel.â? â??Yeah, I am.â? I stop our stride all-together. â??It was beautiful Michael, and I canâ??t believe you spent it on meâ?¦and your sister as well. I feel like royalty. I just about never get to be treated this way.â? â??I know,â? I look at him, â??And thatâ??s why I decided to do it for you.â? â??You wanted to impress me.â? I said knowingly with a smile. â??You could say that.â? He silently laughs. Then he holds up my hand. â??I see youâ??re wearing you purity ring again.â? â??I decided to bring it with me at the last minute. Sometimes I just like the thought of having something on this finger, I donâ??t know.â? Behind the Plaza was also a pond. I stopped when I saw some white birds in it, swans, thatâ??s what they were. Michael stands beside me and we watch them react towards one another for a minute. Obviously they were mates, as their necks intertwined together. â??So youâ?¦when do you think youâ??ll have something on that left hand?â? He sniggers, then says, â??I donâ??t know when. But being a performer means the fans wonâ??t always see the ring. Why are you so worried about it?â? I look at him, honestly with sad eyes. â??Because when you do, Iâ??ll have to get use to you loving someone else.â? The smoke from the weather stops coming out of my mouth as look forward again. â??Come on,â? he gently takes my arm away from the pond after he wraps it around mine. Iâ??m to his right again. â??You know, I just started thinking something.â? â??What?â? I ask him. â??I shouldâ??ve never told Janet to call the cops. Sheâ??s still a minor, but alone in the room. Maybe I should go back and tell her not to do it.â? â??Oh donâ??t worry, weâ??ll be fine!â? I laugh as I grab his arm tighter, and we finally leave the view of the hotel behind usâ?¦. â??I donâ??t even know what part of New York weâ??re in!â? I say as weâ??re walking on a sidewalk. â??I meant to ask you.â? â??Well the hotel is in Manhattan. No telling where weâ??re at now.â? â??But is Manhattan a city?â? He sighs, like heâ??s trying to figure it out. â??Well Iâ??m not that familiar with this area,â? I self-consciously laugh. â??No itâ??s not that, Iâ??m just trying to figure it out myselfâ?¦.this is all a part of New York City, and thereâ??s a New York County, so itâ??s all intertwined.â? â??Okay. Iâ??m good at geography, but with cities in big places, it gets confusing.â? â??I know it does,â? he silently laughs and put his head on my shoulder temporarily. There comes a time when we see this man illustrating people, and when I ask Michael if we could stop right there, he hesitates, but decides to. After we wait for the group, who he just drew left, it was our turn. â??Do you want a painting or drawing?â? I look at Michael. â??A drawing is fine. You can color it, too.â? â??Whoâ??s going to be in the painting?â? â??Do you want to be in it with me?â? â??It doesnâ??t matter.â? Michael says. â??Wellâ?¦come on. You already have those photos of JUST me from those Hugh photos.â? Then I remember and tell him what Hugh said about Friarâ??s Club. â??Weâ??ll see about it when we come back.â? â??To where?â? â??Here.â? I stand there for a second. â??Ohhh, I see.â? Then I smile. I knew Michael meant the next time we come back HERE. To New York. As the man starts looking impatient, Michael plops down in the seat, and I sit on his lap, wrapping my arms around his shoulder, and the men drew us smiling broadly. When Michael walked away briefly, once the man was finished, he asked me what I wanted for a message. I thought about it for a second. I knew Christmas was coming upâ?¦but I knew Michael didnâ??t celebrate it either. But what if he did? Things would be simpler. â??Yeah, sign it with â??Merry Christmas Michael, Love Lyricâ??, but Iâ??ll let him see the picture before you write it.â? When I turn to get his attention, I decide I wanted it as the ultimate Christmas gift, despite the fact he doesnâ??t celebrate it. When we had asked him how much the sketching with color might cost, his range was expensive, starting at ninety, but we got it down to forty-five, which was more reasonable. Now I feel guilty that Michael gave me the money to give to him since this is supposed to be his own present. â??Want a bag for this?â? â??Yes please.â? It was hard, not having Michael look at the drawing because he actually wanted to, but I told him no and kept it around my arm. Now itâ??s sometime after eleven. â??Hungry?â? â??I didnâ??t want to say anything.â? I laugh. There are a bunch of vendors, and we finally buy something from one. I get a chilly-cheese hot dog with something to drink, and Michael gets a salad with fruit punch. We sit at one of the tables off to the side. â??So Iâ??ve told you a lot about me, but we both know I donâ??t know that much about yours.â? â??Youâ??ve seen things about us where we told you this stuff.â? â??Yeah, but I know you wonâ??t tell us all the details, and now I just want to know.â? â??About me?â? â??Yeah, about your past Michael. I just want to know.â? He shakes his head. â??Not many people ask me for stuff like that.â? I sigh, get up and lightly kiss his cheek. â??Well I am Michael. Just tell me?â? â??Okay. You know, I was a little apprehensive about telling you this stuff because I knew we werenâ??t the best of friends, but I guess sitting Iâ??m sitting in New York, here with you, so it was meant to be to tell you.â? I smile a closed-tooth smile thinking, it is, it really is. But hereâ??s what he has to say nextâ?¦. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Different Huh? Vote Up! Also, Lyricâ??s hair is how Catwomanâ??s was after she cuts it & it's straight from the 2004 film.
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