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Who Told U Ur Not Beautiful ? prt.5
Enjoy ! (: Jada called me after I got out the shower. Me: hello ? Jada: where the hell you been at all day ? Me: With Michael. Jada: All day ??? Me: Yes, all day. Jada: Damn, what the hell was yall doing.?! Me: Chilling, where was you at all day ?! Jada: With my friends is that cool Voodoo ? Me: Yeah whatever. Say, you wanna hang out tomorrow ? Jada: oh hell naw, its somethin wrong withchu. Me: Why would u say that? ( tryin to play it off ) Jada: Don't lie to me lil girl. Me: what you mean ? Jada: tell me what happened at Michael's. Me: ( silent ) Jada: exactly. Boo tell me now ! Me: Michael has a thing for me. I told him I'm not beautiful and he says that I am. Can't no girl put me down or do better than me. Jada: awwww he loves you ! Me: yeah. ( blushes ) we almost got into something. Jada: Something as in sex ? Me: Yes. Jada: Really? Me: Yea. Jada: Was it good ? Me: I said almost got into. We didn't do it we just made out until I started to feel a certain feeling. And I felt him growing . It was a little scary. Jada: the feeling you felt was ecstasy. It was a passionate moment? Me: you could say that. Jada: well that's what it was. Or was it intimacy ? I dunno right now, I'm a little in my zone. Me: oh really ? For who ? Jada: None of your business lil girl ! Me: Sorry for being curious .. ! Is it a boy ? Jada: no. It's a girl . Me: seriously ? Jada: Naaw girl, its a boy. His name is Devin and he put me in Heaven. Me: ( laughs ) What yall do ? Jada: I got a confession though.. I've been dating Devin for two years now. Me: Wow, and you couldn't tell me ?! Jada: no cuz I didn't wanna ruin the surprise but I'm just tired of holding the secret. Me: Truee, so what yall do ? Jada: Some stuff. Me: Some stuff?! What?! Jada: Sex girl, we had sex. Me: OMG.. what was it like ? Jada: It was sooo good.. Mmmm, he has good length to him if you know what I'm saying. Me: Ewwww! Jada: You'll see after Michael get you. Me: He ain't getting none of nothing ! Mom: Leila come downstairs and get your icecream !!!! Me: OK !!! I'll call you back, ok ? Jada: Before you go, if you wanna really improve yourself for him, do something for you . Think about something you've been wanting to conquer for years. Do you , then show him how much you love and care. Me: Bye. Love you. Jada: Love you too bae. I went downstairs and grabbed my icecream. Mom: how was your day ? Me: Crazy and fun. Yours ? Mom: depressing and fun. Me: Two weird combinations ? Mom: Yeah. I'm going to bed, I'm tired. Me: ok, love you mom ! Mom: Love you more baby. I went to my room and started to do sit ups and stuff. After that, I went to bed where I woke up to a sad voicemail. Michael: hey its Michael. I got some news for you. Call me back when you get this message, love you bye. So I called back and it sounded like he was crying. Me: Hello? Michael ??! What's wrong ? Michael: We gotta move to California . Me: To live there ?! Michael: Yes. Me: Oh my gracious. ! This is just too much for me, I'm sorry . ( hangs up ) I cried to myself wondering how could he leave me.? He suppose to be in love with me and now he's gonna leave . I was filled with anger and tears. This can't be happening. I just stayed in my room all day. I didnt never come out. My mom didn't know because she left for work a 4am. Around 9 I went downstairs after I took my shower. My mom looked at me and said " You need anything honey ?" Me: No. She hugged me and then told me she was going to spend the night over at grandmas house. She left and locked up the house. I grabbed the box of icecream and then sat on the couch watching tv while eating it. A knock hit my door. I put the icecream down and answered it. Michael walked in and kissed me on my lips. I shut the door as he kissed me harder. His back hit the wall as my body leaned against his . We were breathing hard and kissing while tears rolled down our faces. He put his hands on my waist as he switched the position . His hands rested on my butt .I was being smooshed against the wall aggressively. I loved it. Michael: Imma miss you baby. Me: imma miss you too Michael. Now I was feeling hot. This ecstasy thing is really bothering me. I didn't know what was happening to my body. Michael: I leave tomorrow evening. Me: Stay Michael ! Spend the night and tomorrow with me until you leave. Michael: Ok . :) I'll be right back. I was trying to control the heated moment. He left and I waited for him to come back. He came in the door and locked it . He took his stuff up to my room . I was laying on my bed looking at TV. Michael layed beside me and held my waist. He was really close to me. I shivered because of the close comfort and he giggled. Michael: mixed feelings ? Me: you could say that. Michael: ( laughs ) ok. I layed on my back as he layed his head on my chest. I smiled and started to fade to sleep. Michael: I'm glad I'm with you tonight. Me: ( tear comes down my cheek ) me too. The next day we spent all day together. We went places and saw things and had fun.Until he had to leave. I felt like someone snatched my heart out my chest. He kissed me and got in the car. I waved to them as they rode down the street.. :(( I felt empty, I felt dizzy . As soon as I know it I fainted. I heard someone yelling " Stop the car ! She fell ! She fell ! " TBC...........:.................................................................................................................. Why Michael always going places ? And what happened to me ? Please stay tuned and vote ! (: #!Leilaboo(:
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