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The Lost Girl Part 1
-Marie <3 Its my birthday and i'm laying in my bed watching TV. Nobody in my family wished me a happy birthday NOBODY, i dont even think they remembered. I don't have any friends at my school i just feel so alone in this world. Let me tell you a little bit about myself my name is Halie Marie Livingston i just turned 12 and i live in Indiana. As you read before my life in what nobody wants to feel lonely,sometimes i wish i can just travel to a time where people care. Mom: HALIE,HALIEEEEE Me:yes mom? Mom:go get a glass of wine. Me:but thats your 8th glass. Mom:did i ask you how many glasses i had? Me:no but... Mom:go. Me:do you know what today is? Mom:Wednesday damn i know my days of the week. Me:No i mean the date. Mom:Idk the fuckin 16th ,why? Me: *puts head down* no reason. I was hoping she was calling me in her room to wish me a happy birthday but i know that would never happen, got my hopes up for no reason. I wonder what he feels like to have a family that cares. I gave my mom her glass of wine and went back into my room to continue watching Tv as i bgan watching tv i began to doze off When i woke up i woke up on a sidewalk with people around me. Me:Where am i? Person:Miss Do you need to go to the hospital? Me:no,no im fine i just need to get back home. Me:How did i get out here? Ughh i bet my mom probably did this trying to get rid of me,i told you nobody cares. I began to walk around nothing seemed the same the cars not even mcdonalds. This didn't even seem like Indiana anymore i mean this place had huge buildings & tons of people. As i conintued my walk to i don't even know i came across this huge house with a guard outside. Me:excuse me sir. Guard: go away little girl. Me:please help me... Guard:I said go away , we don't need 7,000 people over here today. Me:who lives here? Guard:Leave before i call the police. All i needed was some help to tell me where i was at i can't even get that its just people seem not to like me by just looking at me. I needed to know where i was and this house was the closest house and i don't even know how to get back to the busy streets so i decided to climb a tree and hop over the gate and there waiting for me was a huge lion roaring at coming close to me. Me:*screams* i tried to climb back over the gate but it was to high. The lion was getting closer and closer to me i started shaking i tried that therory of if i be still he'll leave me alone but that didn't work i couldn't run because it would out run me. I guess this is where i die... I closed my eyes and let out a loud scream. I opened my eyes and the lion was in its cage walking around but instead it was a man standing infront of me. Me:your-Your-Your Man:how did you get in here? Me:This can't be possible i mean your de-- No i don't understand. Man:What are talking about ? do you need some water or? Me:no your-your-your MICHAEL JACKSON! Michael:yes i am and you are ? Me:Halie, Halie Livingston Michael:nice to meet you Halie *holds out his hand for me to shake* Me:*shakes his hand* I'm so sorry to just be over here in your yard Mr.Jackson but i don't even know where i am. Michael:Call me Michael . Mr.Jackson is my dad and your in California Me:IM WHERE!?!??!?! Michael: Are you sure you dont want to call anybody for you get you some water? Me:how did i get to California i mean im from Indiana. Michael: Me too. Me:This can't be possible i mean im talking to Michael Jackson who is not even ali--- Marlon:Michael you've been out here for a while . Who is this? Michael:Halie. Marlon;how she get in here? you know Joe dont like fans in the house. Me:Michael what is today? Michael:August 16th.... 1981 Me:*screams* Thats impossible i mean its 2012 they've inveted ipods and the internet and HD Tvs . Marlon:*leaves over to Michael* She needs help. Michael:*hits him* shut up, sweetie we don't understand what your saying. Me:i'm saying that.. Can i have some water please? Michael:sure come inside with us. He pulls his hand out for me to grab it. I hesitate for a mintue than grabbed it. I can't believe im holding Michael Jacksons hand right now. Michael: here's your water. *hands me the glass* Me:thank you *takes a sip* Marlon:didn't your mother ever teach you not to talk to stangers especially in there house. Me:No my mom doesn't really care about me she didn't even wish a happy birthday on my birthday. Michael:im so sorry. Me:its okay. So Michael did you release Thriller yet? Michael:how do you know about Thriller? Me:you didn't did you? Michael:how ? Me: well i knew you were working on a album but i took a guess on what it was going to be called . Thats right you didn't release it till November of 1982. Michael:How do you know the release date? Marlon:Michael can i talk to you for a minute. They walk into the hall to talk. Marlon:i say we take her to the hospital and leave her there let them call her mom and she will pick her up. Michael:didn't you hear her say her mom doesn't care about her. Marlon:thats not our problem. Michael:Marlon stop. Marlon: does she not sound insane to you, She knows the name of your album and when your going to release it. Michael:she's a fan maybe she did some research or something. Marlon:No you told everybody at your work not to tell anybody i didn't even know it and now some girl shows up and knows everything about the album. Michael:i-i Marlon:you know that sounds kind of stalkerish right? Bet she's been crawling around this house plenty of times and today is the day she got caught i mean did you not hear her make up that thing about an iPod and intervet. Michael:net Internet. Marlon:whatever what is that anyway? im telling you she needs to be locked up somwhere first for stalking then for lying and making up crazy invetions like that. Me:i'm not making anything up i promise you and i haven't been stalking you i don't even know how i ended up here im only 12 years old and im still trying to process this whole situation.Michael i can tell you so much about yourself. Marlon:Mike do you hear this ? im telling you. Michael:tell me something. Me:Well i know you have a skin condition called Vitligo and by 1985 your whole skin is going to turn white. Marlon:your not buying that are you? your whole skin is going to turn white really mike? Michael:Shut Up Marlon, how did you know i have Vitligo i never told anyone about that yet. Me:im not from this time my mom wasn't even born yet . I was born 1999 in Indiana and the now the year is 2012. you have to believe me Michael Please if anybody you should know whats it like to have people not believe you. Michael:i-i-i believe you. Marlon:what!?!?! Michael:i want you to go back in the kitchen while i talk to Marlon. Me:thank you. Marlon:WOW! you'll see later on, you'll see...
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