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Tough Love Part 61
Hey guys, I havenâ??t forgotten aboutâ??cha! Ideas have been swarming, and I setting up the next few days in the story in my mind. ENJOY!! (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) Chapter 61 Thanksgiving Evening Dad and I were still talking about the food fight, and we had collapsed on the couch and were watching TV when there was a knock on the door. Probably Michael. I answered it and itâ??s him. He was grinning and he had already changed into some other clothes. After a little, I continued doing what I was doing with Dad, but then for some reason, I sit out on the porch steps. I was leaning back on the steps with eyes closed. I open them again, and M.J. is LITERALLY strolling in the neighborhood! I perk up as he gets closer and smiles. I stand up as heâ??s walking on the driveway. We hug and give each other a hard peck. We release and rub each other tenderly. I bite my lip and we kiss again. â??Wanna come in for a few?â? â??No not really. Iâ??m afraid to see your pops, but Iâ??ll do it for you.â? I laugh and roll my eyes. â??He only means well.â? I open the door. â??Dad, M.J. stopped by.â? Dad eyebrows shoot up, but he stands and sticks his hand out to M.J. â??Want to try some of Lyricâ??s famous peach cobbler?â? â??Sure, sir.â? He smiles. â??Okay,â? I say and he sits with Dad as I scoop him some of the peach cobbler I made and some vanilla ice cream. â??Want to eat it out on the porch?â? â??Okay,â? he says. He slowly gets up and Dad doesnâ??t stop him. Itâ??s silent until I start talking. â??How do you like it?â? â??Itâ??s good.â? He says. He leans over and I taste the peach cobbler on M.J.â??s lips. â??Though I feel Iâ??m too full to finish it by myself. Want some?â? â??No, Iâ??ve had enough.â? But I look at his expression, so I let him feed some of it to me. â??You fixed me so much.â? He laughs. â??Better to have enough than not enough.â? I decided to use the double-standard joke boys use. â??I like a guy who can eat.â? Lyric, as in I, canâ??t keep a straight face, so I immediately start laughing. He rolls his eyes and laughs. I take the plate from him and sit it to the side. He leans back and I sit in front of him so I can lay back. With both arms on his side, I felt pretty chilled. He starts kissing my face, when I ask him why he had stopped by. â??Dad didnâ??t care. I told him I wanted to see you.â? He tilts my head up and our tongues grasps each otherâ??s real quick, which made me melt quickly. â??Ohhh.â? I smiled. At first, M.J. was moving me to seat on his lap while facing him, but I think he thought about our surroundings and was smart enough to not do it. So I sit to the left of him. â??Anyways, I have a proposal for you.â? â??Yeah? What is it?â? â??Well, I think itâ??s time we go on our first date. Now donâ??t judge me, but what about the movies? Afterward, we can go to T.G.I.F.â??s or some other place, just as long as I can spend some time with my baby.â? He starts smiling, and I canâ??t resist. â??Mmhmm,â? I say as I clamp by arms around his neck, and we start kissing. Someone clears their throat. We look up, and thereâ??s Patricia and Austin, smiling. We stand up. â??Hey,â? I say as I hug Pat and Austin. M.J. welcomes them as well. â??Just wanted to stop by.â? Austin says. While Pat and I are sitting on the steps, she gives me more of the story. After drinking out her bottled water, she says, â??After I was done with my family, I stopped by Austinâ??s house.â? His mom teaches at our school and when Patricia did her community service, coincidentally, Austinâ??s mom was the sponsor, so they know each other pretty well. â??What did she say?â? â??Well she looked a little shocked at first but was gracious enough to invite me in, though Austin saved the day and walked out the house for me. After walking blinded for a little, I led him here.â? I shrug. â??Oh.â? I say. â??But I think me and Austinâ??s momâ??s relationship is a little better. Itâ??s been hard on them since the separation.â? Itâ??s a true possibility that Austinâ??s mom might return to her maiden name, but I donâ??t knowâ??we donâ??t know. â??But what about you and him?â? She points over to M.J. Our guys are wrestling and just talking. â??Nothing.â? â??Oh come on Lyric! STOP lying!â? â??Well to be honest, weâ??re in the puppy dog stage but he really needs to step it up.â? â??Have you spent much time together this week?â? I sighed. â??No...but weâ??re going out Saturday.â? I end up fixing M.J. another plate of cobbler for M.J. and he finishes his plate this time. I observe him quietly as heâ??s finishing up. â??Whatâ??s wrong?â? â??You have a little,â? I point at his nose, â??right there.â? He looks at me, tries to lick it off with his tongue. That isnâ??t too weird to me because Iâ??ve seen him do it before, but this time, I lean over and do it for him. He looks at me and I smile. He laughs with me. â??If I had the chance, I woulda hanged out more this week, but with basketball conditioning, I didnâ??t stand a chance. But I just got an idea.â? â??What?â? â??I ainâ??t got that much to do and Iâ??m hoping you donâ??t either. Spend the day with me at my house Saturday, then you can go home to change for the date. Iâ??ll scoop you up again and we can go see the movies and pick something up after that.â? â??Seriously?â? I say as I raise my head. â??Yeaah. I miss my girl.â? He nods with a knowing gesture. â??I hope youâ??ve missed me.â? I look at him and his innocent expression. â??Câ??mere,â? Iâ??m reaching for his neck. â??Why?â? I finally get him where I want him, and we REALLY kiss as the moonlight starts to shine on us. Before M.J. left, he went to use the bathroom and the phone rings so I go for it. It was Donovan. â??I was calling to wish you a happy Thanksgiving!â? â??Oh, thank you! You too.â? I smile for memories sake. â??So who you spent it with?â? â??â?¦Loved ones.â? After each response, there was this awkward pause, and I knew our conversation on the porch hadnâ??t resolved everything, but I didnâ??t have the time to worry about that right now because M.J. walked out the bathroom and I turned away too darn quick in the first place, so OF COURSE he noticed something in me. His smile dropped. When we walked back on the porch, he started a conversation, so I was thinking that maybe he had forgiven me or just didnâ??t want to talk about it when he slipped it in while I was laughing. â??So the person on the phoneâ?¦we know them?â? â??Yeah, we do.â? â??Do you mind if I asked who it was?â? â??Sure I you can ask, but that doesnâ??t mean Iâ??m gonna answer.â? I mean itâ??s HIS prerogative if he wants to ask and itâ??s MINE to not even answer if I donâ??t want to. He became a little silent again. â??Fine.â? He finally says. â??But I was wondering if youâ??d like to hang with me, even with my practices and all.â? â??But wonâ??t you be super busy?â? â??Thatâ??s why Iâ??ll compensate some of my time to be with youâ??just the two of us.â? â??Why is that?â? â??So I can spend time with you.â? He gives me his genuine smile and giggles a little like he does and kissed me full on the lips. â??I just love your presence.â? He squeezes me close. M.J.â??s dad pick him up, and after the cliché kiss on the cheek, he gets in and leaves me there with my TRUE reality of staying with a father and a roommate who feels more like an Alien because he doesnâ??t seem to belong in your habitats. Either way though, I have to deal with it. I was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang around nine. I look over at Michael because weâ??re trying to find out who is this next guest when Dad answers. â??Oh, Coop! Come in man.â? I turn around with my mouth open. What is he doing here?! Not even Donovan stopped by on this occasion, but THIS guy stops by? Seriously! We catch each otherâ??s eye and he starts to squints his a little. I think he does that when heâ??s thinking about something. Let me not play dumb and know that itâ??s probably about the hockey game Sunday. Things are uneventful. I fix him peach cobbler and he sits with Dad while having a beer. But when Dad goes upstairs to get something so he can show Dylan, Dylan comes back into the kitchen to drop off his plate. As usual, heâ??s wearing some kind of suit. This time itâ??s beige and a sky blue top but his jacket was laid over the back of the couch. I get to see his figure a little better this time. His chest is really fit and so are his arms. I wonder how many hours he stays in the gym. Cooper turns around and catches me looking at him. He sips some of the water from his glass and looks over at me over his nose. â??Like what you see?â? â??Oh so youâ??re fancy huh?â? I say. He scrunches up his face and I gesture toward his clothes. He only chuckles. But when Dad came back, I followed Dylan into the living room. Dad sits in the recliner to the right, the one by the door, and Iâ??m on the end to the left while Dylan Cooper sits in between us. From him, I learned that he and his brother spent some of their Thanksgiving at the house, eating what they made. Then they went to a restaurant, though it was packed, and shared a table with a big family. He laughs. â??It was really crazy.â? While sitting by him, I tried my best to be normal though it was hard to look at him sometimes because I was self-conscious. Just his presence fills up a room, and even though itâ??s all about him, I really donâ??t mind. Before he gets up to leave, Cooper says as an afterthought, â??Yâ??know, there were these hockey tickets that I got for a good deal. I gave â??em to Michael so he and Lyric could go, but he didnâ??t wanna go.â? â??Really, when is the game?â? â??This Sunday.â? â??Lyric I didnâ??t know about this.â? Dad looks over at me. â??Yâ??know I guess I forgot to tell you.â? â??Do you have that ticket still?â? â??Yes. Non-refundable.â? â??Well I donâ??t want you to waste it.â? â??Yeah, I was hoping I could use it.â? Dad looks over at him again. â??I know you canâ??t always be around to teach her life lessons, so I was wondering if I could teach her a little about the towns outside of Encino.â? â??You wanna go?â? Dad asks. â??Sure.â? I shrugged. We get the details and itâ??s a done deal. Only if Dad knew it was already a done deal. Michael comes home and Dad explains to him what Dylan has told us. Though Michael is caught off guard, he just nods and says that since we were going to the carnival tomorrow, he decided to take Sunday off. But he didnâ??t talk to me the rest of that night. Iâ??m thinking Michael is still sleeping when I go downstairs the next morning to find something that was easy to get to, but I hear footsteps and weâ??re face-to-face. â??Still plan on going with me today?â? â??Yeah. Just let me eat first.â? Itâ??s silent in the car while Michael is driving. Iâ??m sick of the silence and writing my poems, so I let out a big sigh. â??Whatâ??s up with you?â? I look out the corner of my eye at first, then I actually look over at him. â??Nothing.â? â??Thatâ??s not true.â? He shakes his head. â??Iâ??m justâ?¦tired.â? â??Of what? Of me? Of all the bull with guys? What is it?â? I look at him and roll my eyes. â??Really, if anyone should be mad, it should be me. Cooper perfectly lied on me to get what he wantedâ??youâ??and youâ??re going along with it.â? â??Heâ??s interesting, Michael.â? I jumped in and said before I checked in with myself. â??What about that other guy youâ??re daddy say you be hanging around with?â? â??M.J. and I wasnâ??t even talking before then. He wasnâ??t even supposed to happen. It justâ?¦did.â? â??Would you stay with him?â? I look over at Michael and smiled. â??Heâ??s incredible, Michael. But you wouldnâ??t understand or believe, would you?â? He shook his head and there was silence until we got to the fair. Though this was the place to whoop and shout, I felt so empty andâ?¦alone. Once again, this would be a difficult time for both me and Michael, but I wonder why. (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) (*8) Like? -Aariyan
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