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Darling Nikki (Part 30)
After class I headed to lunch, well more like limped to lunch. Along the way I spotted Tyler messing around with a group of guys. I recognized a few of them from the baseball team. â??Hey ugly!â? I yelled, limping over to her. â??Hey crippled.â? She replied nudging me a bit. â??So I saw Brenda, sheâ??s a complete bad ass I mean her shoes were heavenly.â? I explained and Tyler seemed shocked. â??Bad ass? Are we talking about the same Brenda. Pink everyday Brenda?â? She asked, making sure that we were speaking of the same person. â??Yes! Our Brenda. You have to see her dude a I swear youâ??re going to faint.â? She seemed excited by this. â??Whereâ??s Michael?â? She asked as if I should know. â??Let me check the chip I implanted in his brain.â? I sarcastically replied while getting out my calculator and pretending to type. â??Donâ??t be a smart ass.â? She replied, watching me type. â??Oh look heâ??s in the bathroom taking a shit.â? We both laughed at this. â??Letâ??s go to lunch, Iâ??m hungry enough to eat paper.â? Tyler suggested. Grabbing my arm so that I could limp a little faster. â??Why didnâ??t they just give you a wheel chair or something?â? She asked. â??Because while I was in the hospital I would roll around the hall and yell â??They see me rollin they hatin!â?? and the doctor said that he was giving me crutches after that.â? We both laughed and kept on walking. When reaching the cafeteria everything went silent. As if I was being talked about before I entered. A feeling I had become immune to. â??Proceed!â? I yelled in a deep voice, making some people laugh. Tyler and I sat down at an empty table because well I didnâ??t want to be bothered. Almost immediately people started flocking over to our table, which wasnâ??t unusual. "Thereâ??s Michael.â? Tyler informed me, pointing over my shoulder. I looked back for a brief moment and saw him coming through the double doors along with his teammates. â??Oh shit! The chip must be broken!â? I exclaimed sarcastically. â??I donâ??t give a fuck where he is, heâ??s a big boy I think he can behave himself without me.â? She put her hands up as if to surrender. â??Iâ??m not coming at you. Itâ??s just that everyone is doing that and itâ??s getting on my nerves. I didnâ??t mean to lash out at you.â? She waved off my apology and continued eating. â??So whereâ??s your arm candy?â? I asked trying to change the subject. â??More like ass candy!â? She exclaimed making my milk come shoot out of my nose. She began to laugh uncontrollably finding this so funny. I laughed as well, not expecting milk to actually come out of my nose. â??Dude, you need help!â? I exclaimed, throwing one of my baby carrots at her. She blocked with her hands and continued to laugh. I felt someone kiss me on the cheek and when I looked over he kissed me on the lips, catching me off guard. When pulling away I spotted him stealing one of my cheese sticks. â??You sneaky bitch.â? I spoke, trying to get it out of his hand. He sat down beside me and took a bite out of it. â??Hey Tyler.â? Michael greeted, waving a little. â??Sup Mike.â? She replied, lowering her fitted cap. I began to wonder where Brenda was. But I figured she probably had changed her schedule. That was until the entire cafeteria went silent. I turned towards the doors and spotted her walking towards us. Tyler raised her fitted cap and her eyes grew wide. â??Well damn!â? She exclaimed watching her walk over with a big smile. â??Hey everybody!â? She exclaimed, walking around the table and sitting next to Tyler. She wrapped her arms around Tyler and squeezed her tight. â??Oh God! You are Brenda, gay ass hugs.â? Tyler spoke making her laugh. â??Brenda?â? Michael asked as if he was still confused. â??Yep.â? He quickly replied as if she didnâ??t look completely different. â??This look, I like it.â? Michael complimented while nodding his head. â??Of course you do sheâ??s learned from the best!â? I exclaimed while popping my collar. â??Seriously, who does that anymore?â? Brenda asked making everyone laugh. â??Me damn it! Now shut the hell up and let me pop my collar!â? I replied, pretending to be offended. â??So you guys, I want to do something a bit crazy, well maybe itâ??s not crazy, I donâ??t know.â? Brenda said, confusing us all. â??Like what?â? I asked, now truly interested. â??I want to get an eyebrow piercing.â? She replied shocking us all. â??That would be so vicious.â? Tyler sung and we all agreed. â??Why do you want that?â? Michael asked being the bubble buster. I hit his arm and he seemed confused. â??What? Iâ??m just curious.â? He explained. â??Iâ??ve always wanted one since like the seventh grade. But my parents wouldnâ??t let me. But Iâ??m not living with them anymore so I say fuck it. Ms. Katie wonâ??t mind, we already discussed it.â? I assumed that Ms. Katie was the lady she was living with now. â??Okay then, letâ??s go to the tattoo parlor in town and get you a fucking eyebrow piercing.â? Tyler replied with a big smile. I nodded my head and she looked between the both of us. â??To the parlor we should go, and who knows maybe Iâ??ll get a tat.â? I said this knowing that I would get a reaction from Michael. â??If you get a tattoo, Iâ??ll personally remove it with a razor blade.â? Michael spoke causing everyone to wince. â??Okay I get it.â? I quickly replied, imagining him doing so. After school we all headed into town to get Brenda a piercing. We got side stares from many people as if we were a gang. Which I found quite hysterical seeing that none of us were anything close to thugs, well maybe a little. â??We should all get piercings, what do you say?â? Tyler suggested. â??Hell no, my ant will skin me.â? I replied already knowing that her plan was going nowhere. â??Come on dude! I want something! My mom wonâ??t care, much. Okay sheâ??ll kill me but at least Iâ??ll die fly.â? I nudged her, unable to take her stupidity. When entering the parlor we were all like kids in a candy shop. There were pictures of tattoos everywhere and they were all so good. There were people already in the parlor getting tattoos. One guy was getting a name with angel wings. This intrigued me on so many different levels. â??What can I do for you?â? A guy with a scratchy voice asked. We looked over to see a six foot hundred guy whose head damn near went through the ceiling. He had tattoos all over his body. All the way up to his neck. He had a black greasy ponytail and a wife beater. With some leather pants and some leather boots. It took us all a while to find our voices because if we saw him anywhere else, we might have jizzed our pants. â??Uh yea, I want an eyebrow piercing.â? Brenda finally spoke up after gaining enough courage. â??Whereâ??s your parent?â? He asked looking all around us. â??Mineâ??s at the grocery store!â? Tyler exclaimed like a two year old. â??Dude.â? I spoke up giving her the side eye. But I could tell that she was just nervous. â??She couldnâ??t come but she wrote a little letter with her number, and a signature.â? Brenda informed him. She reached into her book bag and pulled it out. We all became cocky and gave him the â??In your faceâ?? look. â??Well, signatureâ??s good enough for me. Thisâ??ll hold up in court.â? He stuffed it in his pocket and began to walk towards one of the booths. Brenda stood there as if her feet were glued to the floor. Tyler nudged her, causing her feet to wake up. She sat down in the chair and began to shift nervously. â??Dude, if you donâ??t want to do it you donâ??t have to.â? I informed her, knowing that she was two seconds away from shitting her pants. â??Iâ??m fine really. Iâ??m just kind of wondering how much this will really hurt.â? She turned towards the guy and he gave her a smile. â??Honey, this will hurt as much as you want it to.â? He said this as if he was giving words of wisdom. â??What the hell does that mean?â? She asked with a scrunched up face. â??It means that pain, is all in the mind. Ever heard of those monks who set themselves on fire during protests, in a meditation position. Never flinched not once.â? Was this supposed to be making her feel better? â??Itâ??s going to burn like fire?â? She asked now pulling away from him. â??No little dude. Now, bring your head to this sharp needle.â? She looked at the needle and quickly shook her head no. â??Come on Bren, the longer you wait the worst itâ??ll be!â? Tyler exclaimed, apparently the suspense was literally killing her. â??Okay, get it over with.â? She brought her head closer to him and he grabbed her eyebrow. He rubbed it with ice for like thirty minutes. I watched, knowing that it would be gross. â??Count of three.â? This only made the suspense worst. â??One, two.â? He began to press and she squealed, biting down on her lip. â??Three.â? He pushed it through and we all cringed. â??Oh shit!â? She exclaimed, feeling the pain. He quickly placed the earring through and grabbed a cotton swab. â??Oh my goodness I was about to die!â? Tyler confessed making us all laugh, including Brenda. â??The pain is already starting to go away.â? She informed us all. â??What I tell you kid?â? The guy asked while backing away to get a better look. She definitely looked bad ass now. â??What do you think?â? She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. â??Iâ??m begging my aunt for one.â? I informed the group. Even though I knew that was never going to happen.
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