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Amelia Brown Part 1
-new storaaay -Marie <3 This all happened 16 years ago. I was bestfriends with LaToya Jackson we all went to school together (Michael and Marlon) It was 1974 me and Michael were 16 ,Marlon 17 and La Toya 18 ( just pretend). Lets start from the begining aka the first day of school. *First Day I wasn't new to the state of California i was just new to the city of Encino. You see i lived in San Diego all my life and it wasn't going to good over there my father passed away from cancer and my mom felt like it was good for my sister and I to move somewhere else so she picked Encino,California. La Toya: You look lost. Me:hey your La Toya Jackson. La Toya: fan of the family? Me:yes your family is really talented. La Toya:Thank you and you are? Me:Amelia...Amelia Brown i put out my hand for her to shake it she stares at it for second like she didn't know what to do then she reaches her hand out and begins shaking mine. La Toya: You new? Me:yeah i just moved from San Diego. La Toya:To Encino? Me: My Father passed away and my mom thought it would be good for us to leave and "start fresh" i guess. La Toya:oh im sorry. Me:no,no its fine i'm just glad to know he's not suffering anymore. La Toya:yeah... *changing the subject* whats your locker number? Me:let me check. i take out my schedule that had everything on it. me:Locker B129 La Toya:thats right next to me and my brothers. Me:Michael and Marlon go here? La Toya:yeah why wouldn't they? Me:i thought they were home schooled because of touring and all. La Toya:oh she's just there for when their on the road but now since their working on a new album they come to school besides this is a private school. Me:really? La Toya:yeah they can't even walk down the streets without somebody yelling out their names. Me:Must be the life. La Toya: i wouldn't know i just sit back and watch. We arrive at my locker i dropped my bag on the floor completely forgetting i left it open and everything falls out. Me:ahh man *bends down to pick it up* La Toya does the same she comes across a journal... La Toya:you forgot this. Me:oh thank you, its my Journal. La Toya:oh like a diary . Me:yeah but i hate the word diary so i use journal. La Toya:clever! Me:isn't it? we laugh at that then i saw two boys walking down the hall calling out La Toya's name. Marlon:aye Toya do you still have the notes from science? La Toya:yeah its in my locker let me check, oh Amelia these are my brother Marlon and Michael , Michael and Marlon this is my friend Amelia shes new. Marlon:Hello. Michael:Hey Me:Hey i love you guys ... i mean im a big fan. Michael:*smiles* thank you Amelia. Me:your..your welcome. Michael:how old are you? Me:umm 16 La Toya:really? you and michael might have classes together. Michael:yeah can i see your schedule? i hand him my schedule he glances over and hands it back. Michael:looks like we have 3 classes. French,gym and algebra. Me:*smiles* Thats great! Michael:Lets go we have French first , we wouldn't want you to be late to your first class so i'll walk you there. Me:thank you,see you around La Toya and Marlon. i close my locker and walk to french with Michael. La Toya:looks like Michael is liking Amelia. Marlon:how do you know? La toya:did you not see the way he looked at her its written all over his face. Marlon:yeah and hers also blushing everytime michael smiled. La Toya:We got to get them together. Marlon:lets do it shoot michael needs a girl. La Toya: this is how were going to do this first i talk to Amelia see if she likes him you talk to Mike do the same then we meet up discuss then i invite her over tonight to hang we leave them alone for 10 minutes or so let the talk and boom Michael pops the question do you want to go out? Marlon:okay and how do we know Mike will do that? La Toya:shit i don't, but we'll see tonight. Marlon:alright im down, i better get to class though Mrs.King be tripping if im late. La Toya:well then dont be late. Marlon:bye Toya. La Toya :see ya... *Back to me and Michael. Michael:oh man i left my things in my locker. Me:go get them. *smiles* Michael:come with me? Me:but then won't i be late? Michael:so will I but at least we'll be late together. Me:fine lets go. as were walking back the bell rings. Me:i've never been late to class before , Michael Joseph Jackson just made me a rebel. Michael:*laughs* i never had somebody use my whole name in school and im glad im the first to make you a rebel. Me:im glad im the first to say your full name in school. *laughs* michael*laughs* Oh no my lockers jammed. Me:let me help Michael:your a girl. Me:im a lot stronger than you think *opens his locker* Michael:remind to go to the weight room after school today. Me:*laughs* will do we should really hurry its already been three minutes. Michael: Record huh? Me;you know it. *hits his shoulder* michael:OWWWWWWWWWWW! Me:aww man i didn't think i hit you that hard. Michael:got ya. Me:*playfully hits him*thats not funny. Michael:that was funny your smile dropped and you*laughs* Me: its not that funny. Michael: it was *closes his locker* Teacher:hey you too where are your hall passes? Michael:run! Me;what? Michael:Runnnnnnn! we both begin running with the teacher right behind us. Michael then pulls me into a room with everybody staring. Mrs.Yellington: You two are beyond late. Michael:im sorry Mrs.Yellington , Amelia had locker troubles and once we realized we were this late we ran to class. Mrs.Yellington:Amelia your new aren't you? Me:yes. Mrs.YellingTon:i'll let it slide for today but any other day you two would be serving after school detention. Michael:it won't happen again Mrs. Mrs.Yellington:better not now you two take a seat and lets begin. Me and Michael takes the seats they were nowhere near eachother he sat on the other side of the room next to a boy names Jonathon and i sat next to a girl names Hannah .Hannah was nice helped me out a lot .class was over... Michael:tomorrow we got to get to class early so we can sit next to eachother. Me:could have did that today but nooo you forgot your things. Michael:well when i went by my locker something was distracting. Me:Like what? Michael:this beautiful girl. Me:you have a girlfriend? Michael:not yet. Me:you like someone? whats her name?!?! Michael: i'll give you her Initials AB! Me:AB? do you know how girls have that initials? Michael:Look real closely. *he says about to walk the other way* La Toya:how was class? Me:good. La toya:you and michael seem to hit it off. Me:what? were just friends besides his likes somebody. La Toya:really? who? Me:Some girl with the initials AB and he wants to figure it out do you know how many girls have that initial? La Toya:i dont know to many but i do know one. Me:Whoo? La Toya:first you have to answer my question honestly. Me:what is it? La Toya:do you like Michael? Me:i mean he's cute... Im can't yes i like a lot i've liked him since i was 9 he is like my dream boyfriend. La Toya:wow okay thanks. Me:dont tell him please. La Toya:i won't... Me:now who do you know with the initials AB? La Toya:some girl named Amelia Brown. TBC.........................
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