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Our "Thing" Part 31
i'm making this part a little longer so I can finish this story soon while trying not to make everything too choppy. hope yall like it. -norah The sun shon brightly that Saturday morning. Rae wished it'd start raining so the weather could match her mood. She was lying in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about her life up until that morning. Rae was mainly trying to figure out what Africa would be like as her new home. Rae: *thinking* When I finally leave, I'll be getting out of alot of people's hair. Kendall won't have to worry about the day I moved out any longer, I'm sure Keyontay, Melinda, Sierra and even the very ditzy Beth will be thrilled to have rid themselves of another office geek, heck maybe Carl's counting the days I have left here and well there's Michael who should go to hell with his hot girlfriend who makes me admittedly self conscious. Who am I trying to kid? Of course Michael shouldn't go to hell. He should be happy. Without me. Thoughts of Michael made her think about Blaire's funeral that same morning which she had decided ultimately to not attend. That's where he most likely was. She dragged herself out of bed and walked to the closet in her room. Packing for Africa early was probably the best thing she could do for herself. At the same church Rae and Perry got married in two years earlier, Blaire's funeral was about to commence. A fair amount of people had come. Kendall with his pornstar cousin, Keyontay with 2 year old Magenta Sparkle, Melinda, Sierra and Beth were there along with some of Blaire's old party friends. Michael tried not to crane his neck too much looking for Rae. He then focused his attention on the picture of Blaire on the program. She looked like her old self. Without the drugs, alcohol or glazed over looks from partying too hard the previous night. Just a beautiful young girl who died too soon. Michael was sitting at the third row with Ivana and Blaire's friend Cassie who was a huge space away. Ivana: *squeezing his knee* You alright? Michael: *looks at her* Yeah, I just can't believe she's gone that's all. Ivana: Blaire was- Ivana was cut off by a middle aged blond woman entering the church sobbing to seat in front. Blaire only ever told Michael that her mother was a fugly, dirty bitch. Michael could tell almost right away that the woman was her. In ten minutes, he service started. And no sign of Rae. The speeches were surprisingly touching given the kind of lifestyle Blaire led. Some were funny, some were heartwarming and others supplied a litte too much information on sensitive topics. It was finally Michael's turn to make his speech. He didn't really prepare anything and felt unnaturally nervous going up. The guests' eyes were all on him. Michael: *clears throat* When we think of Blaire, we'll all remember- She took advantage of Michael's kindness. She got him into a fight with some guy at a party and broke his arm over that. The way she badmouthed Rae on live television. The way she flashed a 'Michael'tattoo and her underwear on TV at the same hour. The way she drank and drugged up. The way she stole Michael's money to go partying. The way she lied about her age and ended up sleeping with Michael at 16 while he was 21. The way she constantly lied to him. Maybe we'll remember her horrid personality best. Michael: That she wasn't very easy to understand. Her spirit though brought us all here. With every passing word, Michael's voice was growing croakier. He didn't intend on crying at all. Maybe doing this whole thing was a bad idea altogether. Michael: She was a caring person and most importantly a good friend. Michael decided to end it off there or he'd break down in front of everyone. The actual burial was pretty morbid. It was a bit much to take that Blaire's body was going six feet under so early in her life. After the funeral, Michael went up to the middle aged blond woman who entered the church in tears. The woman(Dawn): Hi. Good speech back there. It's Michael Jackson right? Michael: Yeah and my speech wasn't that inspiring. Dawn: No sweetheart Blaire would've loved it. I'd know. As her mother. Before Michael could say anything else, she was already going away. He decided to look for Ivana and just leave. He spotted Kendall and Keyontay talking and tried to walk faster. Unfortunately, Kendall saw him and motioned he join them. Michael groaned inwardly as he went up to them. Keyontay: *hugs Michael* I feel so sad about Blaire. The girl was only 18. Michael: *takes her hands off of him* Yeah. Tragic. Kendall: Do you have any clue why Rae didn't pitch up? Michael: None. I'm sure she had her reasons. Keyontay: Hmmmmmm. Kendall: I should know I live with the girl. Michael&Keyontay: You what?! Kendall: *shocked* Did she never mention it?! Keyontay: Wouldn't know. I zone out when she speaks. Kendall: I'd have expected you *turns to Michael* to have known. Michael: *shakes head* Is there anything else I should probably know? Kendall: Err yeah as a matter of fact but she's the best person to tell you. *sighs* I hope you listen to alot of Diana Ross. In minutes, Kendall was driving Michael to his place while listening to The Supremes on high volume. When they got to Kendall's, Kendall plonked himself on the couch and sighed. Michael couldn't help but notice how clean everything was. Nothing like how his and Rae's old apartment used to look. The place was always a mess. It was THEIR mess though. Kendall: *yells* Rae get your ass down here, I've got something for you. Michael: Hey I'm not some 21st birthday stripper you know. Kendall: Cool it, will ya? Rae was satisfied with the prgress she made for the day and was really absorbed in one of Kendall's romance novels. She went downstairs still reading the book. She missed a step and slipped and fell face first. She found herself staring briefly at big brown almost puppy dog eyes though not begging for anything. She blinked twice to be sure of who it was. Rae: Michael?? Michael: Are you alright? That was a nasty fall. Kendall: *giggles* Rae: Yeah I'm fine but Michael what are you doing here? He let go of her and sat on the arm of the couch Kendall was lying on. Michael: I noticed you didn't come to the funeral Rae: I couldn't go. Blaire hated me we all knew that and being at her funeral would just- Was her mom there? Michael: *trying not to roll his eyes* Yeah she was. Rae: Now what, Michael? Michael: Nothing. You could've mentioned you were living with him. Rae: Is that what you're seriously getting worked up over? Michael: Am I getting workedc up? No, I'm not. I was jsut saying. Kendall: *gets up and leaves* Tell me when you leave, Michael. Michael: Is there anything else I need to know? Rae: I'm leaving for Africa in two weeks or less. This time it's for my job. Michael fell silent for a moment and just shot her a mean look. Michael: Carl's idea, ha? Rae: I'm the one who said yes. And I'm actually excited about this. You get to do everything a singer could ever do and I just have to be your best friend with no life who supports you. Michael: Girl, I'm not stopping you. Do it. *storms out the house and slams door* All her and Michael ever did when they saw each other was fight. Instead of feeding his 'overgrown' ego by crying, Rae decided not to give him that satisfaction. If anything their latest fued made her want to leave faster. ******************************************************************************************************************************* Decided to leave it there. Sorry if it was boring. Next part will definently be better.
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