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More Than Just Good Friends :: 2
Here's Part 2. I hope you all liked Part 1! - Nicole XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Chapter 2: Games "True story..." Allison laughed as her date finished an especially funny story. "That's unbelievable Steve." She said, being flirtier than usual. He smiled; "You know what else is unbelievable?" She leaned forward and rested her arms on the table, smiling at him. "What?" He leaned forward slightly from his side of the booth. "How beautiful you look right now." He said in a low voice. She grinned and sat back; "Well aren't you a flatterer." After they had danced at the party, he had slipped her a card with his number on it... she thought he was attractive and charming, so she had called. Turns out, he was actually pretty smart and funny too. "So, what do you like to do for fun?" She asked twirling the straw around in her drink. "Well, I like music." "You play an instrument?" He smiled; "A little guitar here and there, and some piano... how about you?" She laughed, thinking about what Michael would be saying about this guy right now. He hated when people said that they played â??a little' bit of certain instruments. To him, saying that you played â??a little guitar' meant that you had touched a guitar once, set it back down, and were trying to impress girls with your non-existent talent. "Well I don't really play any instruments, but I sing some." The man's eyebrows went up slightly; "Well I might have to hear that sometime." She smiled, being flirty; "We'll see." He chuckled; "Playing hard to get?" "Depends, do you like it?" Allison had always been a flirt... and sometimes it got her in trouble; leading men on only to tell them that she really wasn't interested. But she liked to have fun, was that so wrong? "Actually, yes." He replied. She laughed; "Then yes, I am." They continued their conversation for another hour or so until Allison remembered that she had something to do tomorrow, meaning that she needed to be home soon. "Could you take me home please?" Steve looked at her in disappointment. "You sure you have to go?" She gave him an apologetic look. "Wish I didn't." He pulled some money out of his wallet and placed it on the table. "Alright then, let's go." She stood and let him lead her to the door, opening it for her. The car rolled to a stop outside of Allison's house, the only light coming from her porch. He smiled; "I'll walk you to the door." Steve led her to the door, stopping at the porch as Allison dug through her bag for her keys... shit, where were they? "I think I'm locked out." She said with an aggravated sigh. "You need me to take you anywhere?" She shook her head. "Nah, I'll just call Mi- my friend." She wasn't sure if he had seen her and Michael dancing at the party and she didn't usually like to tell people that her best friend was Michael Jackson... people tended to get weird about it, like she was so special because he had chosen her to be around. "Thanks for a great time." She said with a smile. He nodded; "My pleasure." She kissed his cheek softly before he walked back out to his car, leaving her alone and locked out. Allison sighed noisily, knowing that she had to go ask her neighbor if she could use their phone... she didn't really like her neighbors, they were loud and usually left their bedroom curtains open. She removed her heels and set them on the porch before making her way through her small yard, and over to the neighbor's. She rang the doorbell and waited; hoping that they weren't already asleep. "Allison?" "Hey... sorry to bother you guys, I know it's late, but I, um, I kind of locked myself out of my house." Her neighbors were both around her age, and newly married, which for some reason, irritated her even more. She didn't like when people got married young, she felt like it was a waste of what could be some amazing years. "Can I use your phone?" The man nodded; "Of course, come in." He opened the door fully and led her to the kitchen, leaving her alone so she could use the phone. Allison quickly dialed the familiar number. "Hello?" "Hey Mike." She said, wanting to laugh that she had obviously woke him up. "What's up?" He asked, clearing his throat. "I kinda, sorta, maybe... locked myself out." she said, embarrassed. "Isn't your dad home?" "I told you, he's out of town." Michael sighed noisily on the other line; "I'll pick you up in thirty." "Thanks Michael." "No problem." She hung the phone back on the receiver and made her way back to the front door. "Thanks again." She nodded to her neighbor. "See you around Allison." He shut the door behind her as she walked back over to her porch. After waiting for awhile a large limousine pulled up the curb, not an uncommon sight in this neighborhood. The door was opened from the inside by Michael. Allison giggled as she sat next to him; "Pajamas?" He glared at her; "You're the one who locked yourself out of your house... again." She scoffed; "Oh so now it's my fault?" He laughed; "Who else's would it be?" She shoved him playfully; "Shut your mouth." Allison scooted close to the heater trying to warm up. "Fuck, its cold outside." She knew that Michael wasn't big on swearing... but that didn't mean that she wasn't. "Maybe that's because you barely have any clothes on." He said with a cocky smile. "How many times am I going to ask you to shut your mouth in one car ride?" She said with a laugh. Michael laughed; "What were you doing before I got here?" "I was... out." She said, not wanting to hear Michael's opinion of Steve. "With...?" He urged. She crossed her arms over her chest; "I can't go out alone?" He looked at her with both eyebrows raised... waiting for her to just admit it. "Fine, if you must know, I was out with Steve." His face twisted into an almost frown; "From the party?" She nodded slowly, knowing that she was about to hear what Michael thought of him. Michael didn't exactly know how he felt about Steve... he had only met him a couple of times and that was only because he was working on some sort of new movie and had been invited to a few of the same parties as himself, and even then, they had only said a few words to each other. "You like him?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. Allison shrugged; "Yeah, I guess so." Michael wasn't sure why, but the added â??I guess so' gave him a feeling of relief. "Your outfit says that you like him more than that." Michael said teasingly. She slapped his arm and chuckled; "Would you shut up about my outfit already?" Michael straightened his light blue sleeve back out, making Allison roll her eyes. "I'm sorry for hurting your pajamas." She said sarcastically. Michael turned to the window dramatically; "Apology not accepted." After continuing to mess with each other for the remainder of the car ride, they finally pulled into the driveway of Michael's large home. It was dark, so you couldn't see everything, but Allison had been here plenty of times, and knew her way to the front door quite well. Once they were inside Michael turned to look at Allison. "We have to be quiet... I don't want to wake mother up." Allison nodded, following him up the stairs to his bedroom. She had spent countless nights in this house. She could remember coming here almost every weekend that she could... she loved it. She sat on the edge of his bed as he began rummaging through a drawer. "Here, actual clothes." He said as he threw a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt into her lap. Allison rolled her eyes. "Alright, I'll go put on these â??actual clothes'." She said with little air quotes. Once she disappeared into the bathroom Michael went into the guest room and got it ready; turning the covers on the large bed down and turning on a few lamps, making things cozy. Allison appeared in the doorway, wearing Michael's shirt and sweatpants. "I can do this." She said gesturing to him folding the blankets down. "It's alright." Allison jumped onto the bed and sat cross legged in the middle of it, looking at Michael. "Could you hand me the remote?" Michael smiled; "No." She looked at him, un-amused. "You're going to make me get up and get it?" Michael shook his head; "No, I'm going to make you take it from me." Allison groaned; he did this almost every time that she stayed at his house. He could never just be nice and give her something... there was always some sort of game behind it. "Fine... if you're going to make me beat you up..." Michael's eyebrow went up; "Oh really?" Allison stood and reached for the controls, which were quickly pulled out of her reach. "Come on Michael." She whined. Michael's smile just got wider as he stared at her. He couldn't help but think that she looked attractive right now; even if her tiny figure was overshadowed by his sweatpants and overly-large t-shirt. "Ask nicely." Michael said innocently. She glared at him. "No." Michael had kind of always had a â??thing' for Allison... Even if he refused to admit it, that had been the main reason that he had requested to meet her in the first place. Michael just raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to cave. "Michael, I refuse to ask nicely." He held the remote even further away from her; "Then I refuse to give you the remote." She groaned noisily; sometimes Michael could be a real pain in the ass. She jumped for it and almost knocked it out of his hand, but he quickly tightened his grip on it and held it behind his back. They were standing next to the bed and Allison shoved him backwards, making him lose his balance and fall onto the mattress. "Give it to me." She demanded, while laughing. He quickly sat up; "I didn't hear a please." She jumped on the bed next to him and tried to grab it once again. "And you're not going to." She twisted his wrist slightly, making him let go of the remote. "Ha!" She said picking the remote up and sitting back on her side of the bed. Michael looked like he had given up; "Fine... you win." Allison wasn't sure why... but the way he had said it made her think that he was far from letting her win. Suddenly Michael was basically on top of Allison, making them both laugh as she uselessly tried to hold the remote away from him. Before either of them was aware of what was happening, their faces were only inches apart; each of them able to feel the other's breathing on their face. Neither of them knew what to do... they both just stayed there and stared at each other, both of their eyes full of questions. Should someone make a move? Michael's eyes suddenly seemed to clear up, as the look of confusion was overtaken with apology. He stood up quickly and only stopped as he was walking out of the doorway. He rubbed the back of his neck, obviously trying not to make eye contact with Allison: "Um... goodnight."
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