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Darling Nikki (Part 27)
OMG! I haven't been on in a looong time. Here's Darling Nikki 27.. -Nicole â??Put me down! You canâ??t carry me to every class. Itâ??s embarrassing and I look crazy!â? I yelled trying to wiggle out of Michaelâ??s arms. He had literally been carrying me since I stepped foot out of my house. â??I donâ??t like to see you limp.â? He informed me hugging me tighter so that I couldnâ??t slip away. â??Isnâ??t that my problem? I donâ??t give a fuck how my limping looks to you.â? I replied trying to kick him with my good leg. Everyone was staring and I began to feel uncomfortable. â??Blah, stop talking.â? He quickly replied making me giggle. â??Put me down!â? I yelled a second time giving up. He carried me to class and then finally put me down when we reached the door. â??Give me my damn books!â? I yelled being a bit cranky. My pain meds had me acting like a real bitch. But everybody just dealt with it. Michael being one of those people. He handed them to me and waited for me to walk inside. â??Iâ??m fine from here thank you.â? I spoke up waiting for him to leave. He rolled his eyes and began to walk away. I limped after him. â??I was kidding!â? I yelled trying to get him to turn around but he continued to walk. â??Get your skinny ass back here.â? I called after him. But still he continued to walk. I kept limping after him until I realized I was too far away from a wall. â??Michael, Iâ??m going to fall.â? I informed him, trying to keep my balance. He slowly turned around and stared blankly. I pouted while balancing on one foot. â??What am I supposed to do about that?â? He asked as if he was a bit annoyed. I rolled my eyes and turned around. I began to hop towards my classroom going one forth of a fucking mile per hour. That was until I felt him scoop me up. â??Now take me back to class you peasant.â? I ordered pointing towards the classroom. He laughed which made me smile. Once class was over it was lunch time. Everyone kept asking questions about my leg and I came up with a new fr fetched story to tell. â??There I was, standing in front of a burning building. Hearing the cries of a young baby. I knew that Iâ??d have to risk my own life, for a life that hasnâ??t yet begun. Is this shit dramatic or what?â? I asked cutting myself off. Everybody laughed and I continued figuring that it was dramatic enough. â??Tell them about the nun you saved in that burning building.â? Tyler added to my lies. Feeding my dumb ass story. â??Yes the nun!â? I screamed slamming my hand down on the desk. She tried to hold back her laughter but I could tell that it was damn near impossible. â??There was a nun, under a pile of burning rebel. She was clenching onto her Bible for dear life. Even though the building was just about to collapse I thought to myself. â??What would Jesus do?â??â? I made sure To look up when saying the last part. â??Shut up.â? I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Michael holding a trey of food. â??Michaelâ??s just a bit angry that Iâ??m getting more shine then the football captain.â? Everyone ooed as if what I had said was more than it really was. â??Iâ??ll let you have that one because youâ??re injured.â? He replied while sitting next to me. He grabbed my injured leg gently and pulled it up on his lap. â??Keep your leg elevated.â? He reminded me. I rolled my eyes and looked away. â??Keep your leg elevated blah shut up.â? I replied under my breath. But apparently I wasnâ??t as quite as I thought I was because people began to laugh. â??Iâ??ll let you have that one, because youâ??re on medication.â? He responded just as calmly. I smiled watching him eat. He looked over at me and made a funny face. I began to laugh. â??Ugh you guys are sickening!â? Tyler screamed getting both of our attention. â??What are you talking about, we barely do anything.â? I replied completely confused. â??Youâ??re always gazing into each otherâ??s eyes ugh.â? She quickly explained trying to copy the expression. â??Go get some dick.â? I said this while picking a fry up from Michaelâ??s try and throwing it at her. Sher laughed and flipped me off. â??Say that Iâ??m wrong.â? I demanded trying to prove my point. She nodded her head and looked around the cafeteria. â??I got me some dick.â? I pretended to whisper and Michael quickly scolded me. Tyler laughed making it worst. â??Behave yourself.â? Michael corrected me. I just smiled back and when h looked away I continued to mouth it. â??Youâ??re right. Aye, TJ!â? Tyler yelled making me jump. TJ was on the football team and according to him she had been sexually harassing him since middle school. He walked over and casually sat down. â??What?â? He asked looking a bit confused. â??You, me, together.â? She spoke making me laugh. It couldnâ??t have been that easy. Michael even laughed at this. â??Huh?â? TJ asked a bit confused. â??Donâ??t act like you donâ??t know what's going on. Now I know, that you know, that I wants that ass. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Iâ??ll leave that up to you.â? Her methods were very unique. â??Whatâ??s the easy way?â? He asked now amused. â??You are taking me on a date.â? She informed him. â??Whatâ??s the hard way?â? He asked. A sneaky smile spread across her face. â??Iâ??ll rape you.â? She informed him. I believed her. â??But Jasmine likes me already. I donâ??t want to let her down, I already said that-.â? â??Do I look like I give two fucks about Jasmine? Because I donâ??t. Jasmines a whore, Iâ??m saving your dick.â? She cut him off. He chuckled and looked towards the other people in the lunch room. â??Saturday, six oâ??clock, the pizzeria.â? With this being said he got up and walked away. â??You happy.â? Tyler asked stealing one of Michaelâ??s fries. â??Aw, I wish my shit was that smooth. I couldâ??ve gotten Michael like that.â? I spoke barely acknowledging him. â??No you couldnâ??t have.â? He butted in as usual. I rolled my eyes and gave him the side eye. â??Iâ??m going to the other table.â? Michel informed me while slowly moving my leg. I watched him completely confused. He got up and gave me a quick kiss. After that he disappeared and I was left with his food, sucker. Tyler watched me eating his food with that stupid smirk on her face I knew too well. â??What?â? I asked once I realized ignoring her wasnâ??t working. â??You and Michael. Iâ??m about to have a chick moment. Yawl are so cute together!â? I pretend to throw up and we both laughed. â??Cut that shit out.â? I spoke up while digging into the nachos. â??So have you talked about uh you know, getting between the sheets?â? She asked while wiggling her eyebrows. â??No.â? I replied laughing at her expression. â??It is early I mean thereâ??s really no rush. I just know that I gots to get mine at least once a day you know what Iâ??m saying?â? She tried to give me dap but I just sat there staring at her with a blank expression. â??We both know youâ??re a virgin.â? I spoke up after she was done acting like an idiot. â??Keep it down damn.â? She replied, looking around as if someone gave a damn about our conversation. After lunch was over I slowly got up and walked out with Tyler. I didnâ??t feel like being carried by Michael, so Tyler served as my crutch. I left my real ones at home because I didnâ??t feel like carrying the shit around. When I got to my class Tyler left me. I didnâ??t go in yet because it was a bit too early. I stood in the hallway leaning against the wall bothering people. That was until I felt someone bump me extremely hard. I fell to the ground and instantly became furious. I looked up to see the cheerleaders, including Tiffany. â??Watch where youâ??re standing Forest Gump.â? One of them commented and the rest laughed. I looked over at Tiffany and watched her walk away. â??What the fuck! You fake ass bitch!â? I yelled to the top of my lungs. Everybody around me looked towards where I laid and became concerned. But before anybody could help me up Michael came busting through the crowd as if he was told that someone jumped me. He picked me up and brushed me off like youâ??d do a three year old at a sand box. He seemed absolutely pissed. In fact it was the first time Iâ??d ever seen him so angry. He didnâ??t say anything he just simply carried me to my classroom and handed me my stuff. â??Calm down. Thereâ??s no reason for you to be angrier than I am.â? I spoke up trying to get him to smile. But his face remained serious. â??Iâ??ll come back after class.â? He informed me. He gave me a kiss and then walked out of the classroom. I wondered why something that had been going on for so long all of a sudden made him angry. As if my foot being hurt changed anything.
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