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Tough Love Part 48
On Feb. 11th, I was going to say these following words, but I was stressed and didnâ??t want to give a weak part to a strong story, but you can read it anyways: Hours ago when I planned on typing this, I was gonna say that today is February 11th, and you donâ??t know it today, but in the story, thatâ??s ANOTHER important date, and that I took some time out of my busy workload day to type it JUST for yâ??all. But since I just got the chance to type, I must say that my intro today has made another turn: She doesnâ??t pertain strictly to Michael, but sheâ??s important too. Iâ??m talking about Whitney Elizabeth Houston. I never thought Iâ??ll be writing R.I.P. Whitney, but I amâ?¦and I feel it. Her song â??Iâ??m Every Womanâ? hurt because she sounded so happy, but Iâ??ll mourn on my own. This brings up another issue also, unlike life, my story or my writing will not die out. Know that Iâ??m always thinking of it, and Iâ??m sad to when it seems like the site seems less populous. But I type when I can. Enjoy, Aariyan. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Chapter 48 Jan Stops By I woke up and after I looked at clock, I remembered who birthday it was. Her name really doesnâ??t have to be mentioned. I felt better if I was to talk to her in the kitchen, so thatâ??s where I went. Michael was sitting up on the couch watching TV, but I ignored him. This wasnâ??t a time to play. So I took the phone off the hook, dialed her long distanced number, and waited as it kept ringing. I waited there, anxious and irritated, so I hanged up, more like slammed the phone down. I called again and waited â??till the ringing ran out. That was odd. It was sometime after nine and I knew she wasnâ??t working today; so what was she doing? Tied up with Quentin? I shrugged and went to the refrigerator. â??Something wrong?â? I looked up from it and met Michaelâ??s big eyes. The way they were looking, I knew he was worried for me. â??Nothing.â? â??You didnâ??t even tell me good morning this morning.â? I walked up to him and hugged his waist. I knew that would make him happy. â??Good morning,â? I said. â??Thatâ??s better,â? he says with a smile. But as I turn from him to go to the fridge again, he stops me by saying this: â??Something still seems to be bothering you.â? Either I sink by telling him; or I swim by keeping it to myself. I turn to him and say in a low tone so Dad wonâ??t hear, â??Iâ??m just pissed Michael, and donâ??t ask why.â? â??Okay,â? he surrenders with his arms, â??But is there any way I can make things better?â? â??Donâ??t try.â? He stands there for a minute, and I can tell heâ??s thinking. He comes up to me and picks me up the way the grooms hold their wives. If I protest, weâ??ll get loud, so I just squirm, but he sits me on the couch, which was still in bed form, and goes in the kitchen. I turn around to see what heâ??s gonna do. I hear him rumbling in the kitchen, and after another minute, I get comfortable with the TV. Sometime later, I feel a nudge. I look up and see Michael with a plate in hand. He was poking me with it. I look down at the food, smile, and take it. â??Thanks,â? I say. I scoot over to give him room. He watches me before I get to take my first bite, and I start to cry a little. I can tell heâ??s hurt by my tears, but I canâ??t help it. He takes the food from me and sits it on the table and hugs me as I cry a little more. Michael quietly sings in my ear. Only if he knew I was crying because of old wounds, but he made me feel better. After I noticed I couldnâ??t keep my eyes open again, I left Michael and went back to bed. I was woken up by Dad. â??Shaun has to take you to the stylist, donâ??t forget that.â? â??Oh, yeah,â? I said as I jumped up. â??Did you call your mom?â? â??Didnâ??t get an answer,â? I nearly snapped. â??Lyric, you gotta call again if it donâ??t work the first time.â? â??I did, twice,â? Iâ??m making up the bed now. â??The second time, I waited until the ringing stopped.â? â??Oh,â? he was stunned. â??Well, I donâ??t know what she could be doing.â? Yeah, me either, I wanted to whisper so bad! â??Let me see if I can later,â? he says. I let him be on his way. Either way, Iâ??m downstairs and let Shaun in. Now, she canâ??t just stop to get me and leave. She gotta follow Dad in the kitchen and I have to let them have their little laugh. So I was on the back of the couch while Michael laughed at my expressions. I was in the middle of rolling my eyes as Shaun came out the kitchen. Michael laughed and I couldnâ??t help but melt the feelings away with my own laugh, so I did too. â??Ready to go?â? she asks. â??Yep,â? I hop off the back of the couch. â??Bye Lyric. Bye Shaun.â? â??Bye Michael.â? Then I leave with Shaun. â??What style you want?â? â??Something similar to Josephineâ??s.â? â??Baker?â? â??Yup,â? as the people put my hair in the style of my dreams, I sit there and think. After all this time, she still isnâ??t taking me serious? And if it IS true that she is hanging out with Quentin, she should know he was my dingy teacher. Now that heâ??s faked a disability, I know other kids are safe. â??Lyric, wake up!â? I hear Shaun sing. I open my eyes to her smiling. â??Why donâ??t you say much?â? I look at her and shrug. I donâ??t want to give the wrong impression right out. â??Ready for tonight?â? she asks before I got to say anything about her last question. â??Yes.â? â??Your dad assumed you had your dress.â? â??I do,â? I kinda cut her off mistakenly. â??Whoâ??s your date?â? â??Michael,â? I shrugged again. â??Oh,â? she says with much surprise. â??Want some ice cream?â? â??Yep.â? Iâ??m surprised to see Miss Jacksonâ??Janet Jackson, that isâ??at the house. â??I want to make sure that Brother wants to take you out again!â? she says with a laugh. I follow her up the stairs. â??This your room?â? she asks. â??Yep,â? I say. I could tell she meant no harm. So I cover up my hair and shower. Janet puts the lotion on my back after I slip the dress on. â??I love it,â? I say as I turn around in it. â??And I have something else for you.â? â??Like what?â? I ask. â??Come towards the bed and close your eyes.â? So I do both. I feel something over my head and I panic. â??Relax,â? she says. Then she grabs my wrist and takes me to towards my mirror. â??Open,â? so I do. Janet go the mask! I hug her. â??Thanks, Jay. I forgot about it.â? â??Itâ??s a masquerade, Lyric.â? â??And I forgot!â? â??Want a necklace?â? â??Didnâ??t plan on it. But I have my gloves, and Iâ??m happy you went on ahead and polished my nails. â??Black,â? we say together. â??Are you gothic?â? â??I just like the color black, Janet. The Black Dahlia and my chorus teacher, Mrs. Vinson wears it. It looks good on their pale skin.â? â??But Michael told me your friends with this guy with black hair and seems to be a rocker. Heâ??s white.â? â??And he likes me.â? I looked at her. â??And you can tell Michael that, too.â? She tries seeing if Iâ??m serious then I laugh after she starts to. We hear the door open. â??Whatâ??s the time?â? â??Itâ??s about to be six.â? â??We might as well leave now. You know those high-and-mighty people are going to get there early.â? â??Do you know if theyâ??ll be refreshments?â? â??Yeah, but the entire thing is still starting at seven.â? She sits on the bed. â??Who ask who?â? I sit next to her. â??Well, I was GONNA go with that dark-haired rocker, but your brother sorta forced me.â? â??How?â? â??I could tell he really wanted to go, and how can I pass up a date with thee Michael Jackson.â? We laugh. I love teasing her and Michael by making them unlike normal people. â??He uses that to his advantage. But tell me this, if yâ??all kiss, tell me!â? â??Wellâ?¦.â? â??What?!â? â??Nothing, Janet.â? Then I get up. â??Wait!â? â??My lips are sealed.â? Iâ??m heading to the door as Dad calls me. â??Come on, Lyric!â? I look back at Jan for a second, who hands my little black purse. She skits in front of my and run down the stairs. She might stand by her brother. Now the staircase is all mine. I walk down the stairs with a bounce and confidence, but as I get closer to the bottom, my heart wants to beat even harder. And I didnâ??t check if my makeup was okay! But thatâ??s fine. The last time I looked, it was straightâ??very much perfect!â??so I keep going and I canâ??t help but smile as I lock my eyes on Michael first once I get to the first floor. He catches his breath briefly and has Janâ??s mask in his hands. Michael looks as if he was walking on clouds when he walked over to me. He hugs me and kisses my cheek. â??God youâ??re beautiful,â? he whispers. He kisses me in the left ear, and as I giggle a little, he squeezes me to stop so Dad or the others wouldnâ??t know. He backs away and look me in the face. â??Do I have the honor to put this on your face?â? he says. â??You said that all wrong,â? I smile. But he does, and I help him to. â??Wait, Lyric.â? Janet says. She races upstairs. â??Hereâ??s the bag.â? â??Thanks,â? I say. â??Whatâ??s that?â? â??A bag for miscellaneous,â? I say. After Shaun and Dad hugs me, weâ??re heading for the door, but I decided to try and call Mom again. â??You sure your ride is coming?â? I ask Jan. â??Marlon is just slow about things,â? she say. So I dial the number again. Itâ??s already 6:21, and weâ??re endanger of being late; but that mustâ??ve didnâ??t mean squat to Mom. She STILL didnâ??t answer. The answer machine DID work this time, but I didnâ??t say anything. I silently breathed while I couldâ??ve said something, but I didnâ??t know what to say, so I hanged up the phone. â??Ready to go?â? Michael say. â??Yeah,â? I say in a hoarse tone. He grabs my hand, and I think that heâ??ll make my bad feelings go away. And, oh, I FORGOT to tell you! Michael looked lip smacking in his tux with that thick red ribbon thingy men wear. And his curls were California curls again! It was how he had it in 1974 sometimes. â??Why are you smiling?â? â??I love California curls,â? I tell him as we head to the limo. â??Good night, house,â? I say. Michael giggles, and I can imagine his smile. â??Iâ??m gonna rock you tonight,â? he says. I shake my head and we wait as Marlon picks Jan up. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH More to come, baby! Yes, more twist & turns to come. See ya!
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