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Overcoming *1*
*Hey, it's Tori, the author of "I Want You Back" just wanted to make a new story! -Tori* "I need to get out of here!" Michael said to himself while looking through his bedroom window, he looked behind him to see what time it was on his clock. 2:30 a.m. 'Great, just pefect! Im not even tired' he thought to himself. Ever since 'Thriller' was released a few weeks ago, he's been in the house with only his mother and joseph everyday. All his relatives have gone there seperate ways; they either got married or just wanted to move out, but Michael thought he didnt need to move, he just had no real good reason to move. He still felt like a kid even though he was 23 years old. He looked at the moon and wondered how it was to be a 'Normal' human being. He wondered how every ones daily lives consumed of. Whenever he was in his limo, he couldnt help but to look out at the sidewalk that was full of people and wonder where they where going, and what's his/her name. 'Sneaking out for a short while wouldnt hurt anybody. Right?' Michael thought to himself. He speed walked to his closet and pulled out a blue button up short sleeve shirt along with a dark blue cardigan button up sweater along with a pair of jeans and penny loafers. He went towards his bedroom door and started to crack the door open. It slightly squeaked whenever he inched it more open.'Joseph, pleasseeeee dont wake up!' Michael prayed silently to himself. Finally the door was open big enough for him to go through. Once out of his bedroom door he started to speed walk towards the front door. He reached the door and looked back to see if Joseph or his mother was anywhere in sight. "Yes!" Michael said quietly to himself. He opened the door slowly so it wouldnt squeak loudly. If any of his parents woke up, he would be in trouble, but;most likely he would be more in trouble with Joseph, and he didnt want that! Once the door was closed behind him, he started to run towards his front gate. Once out of his gate he kept running. He kept running til the house wasnt in his sight. He looked behind him and spotted - nothing. He silently smiled to himself. 'I did it!' he thought to himself. He started to walk around and looked at everything around the neighborhood that came into his view. Every big house, car, etc. He kept thanking god silently that is was dark, so no one would know who he was. As he continued to walk he started to hear a muffiling noise. As he kept getting closer it started to hear like someone was crying. He kept walking quietly til he heard it more cleary. 'I was right, someone is crying' He said to himself. He hid behind a nearby tree and looked upon this dark figure who was crying on a bench in front of him. He knew it was a girl by the way she sounded while she was crying. She suddenly got up and started to walk away. He kept his eyes glued to her as she slowly walked to a car underneath a street light. As she kept walking, the street light made her dark figure light up. Michael gasp " She's breathtaking". He said in a low whisper. Her complexion was a beautiful mocha caramel brown. Her dark chocolate wavy hair cascaded past her shoulders; near the middle of her back. He looked back at her face and seen her eyes were slightly swollen from her crying but once he seen her hazel brown eyes he couldnt help but feel weak in the knees. She took a deep breath, held it for a second and exhaled the air out. She took her piece of tissue that was in her hand and dried the tears away. She ran her hand in her hair and made her way into her car. Michael couldn't help but giggle when he heard his song, 'Human Nature' blasting in her car. Soon after she was gone. He placed his back against the tree and placed his hand on his heart. Whenever he thought about her his heart beats quickened. "She was a very beautiful girl" He said. Suddenly he smiled and he couldnt get the smile off his face no matter how hard he tried. He was just too happy, but; then he felt bad because she was crying. He desperatly wanted to know why she was crying for and he wanted to help her. 'To late now Michael, Your probabley not going to see her ever again' He thought to himself. He couldnt help but smack his hand up to his forehead for his stupidity of not going to talk to her, but who knows how she would act when he identify's himself to her. She would probabley freak out and jump on him. He looked at his watch and broke out into a fast running past. It was 4:00 a.m. He made it to his house, went through his gate and slowed down his pace so he could sneak back into the house and back into the safety of his home. He closed the front door to his house quietly as possible and made his was up the stairs quickly but still being silent. He closed his bedroom door and exhaled a breath he didnt know he was holding. He looked around his room and instantly felt lonely and was desperate to talk to someone. He wished he talkened to that girl, even if he didnt know her or even knew why she was crying he could sense she was as lonely as him. He could just tell. He threw his pajamas on and looked out his window once again. Other than a moon, it was the sun rising above the horizon. He felt tired as he looked at the beautiful sun. He went to his bed and drifted into a peaceful sleep that he hadn't have in weeks. All because of that beautifully mysterious girl. *Yep, that's it. -Tori*
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