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Finding that missing something. part 1
new storrry, still writing the How did we get here from there. <3-Marie. im 13 years old my name Marilyn Giggles. strange name right? lmao im adopted i guess my parents didn't want me. me and my adoptive parents just moved to Encino ,California . me:This is a huge house. Mom:i know mind helping us *placing the boxes on the floor* Me:oh sorry just looking aroun *runs upstiars* it smelled just like fresh paint i turned to the left and went into this huge white room i had this one huge window i looked out the window and saw a boy outside in his backyard dancing it looked like... i ran downstairs Me:Who are our neighbors? Mom:not sure why dont you go next door and see. Me:What this look like? Mom:it looks like your going to take this up to your room cause this is yours *hands me the boxes* Me:Gee Thanks. We finally get all the boxes in the house i was tired of picking up boxes putting the down,picking up boxes , putting them down repeat! after we eat i go up in my room to unpack a few things its got dark outside i was tired so i decided to look out the window it was a full moon i saw the house behind mine , as i was looking out the window i saw a boy looking out the window directly at me, he had an afro looked about my age all he did was give me a smile and waved i waved back and each day at the exact time we smile and wave to eachother. I never met him nor been to his house which was weird because i've been living in this house for almost 2 weeks now why haven't i met him? Me:Mom! Mom:yes sweetie. Me:who lives next door? mom:No one sweetheart. Me:*takes a bite out of my apple* uh uh theres this boy i wave to everyday. he looks about my age ,afro. Mom:*feels my head* are you sick? Me:No why you say that? Mom:sweeite nobodies lived in that house in over years. Me:thats impossible then who is that boy i wave to everynight. Mom:i was hoping you can tell me. Me:do you know anything about it? Mom:well i know the people the owned was very rich. Me;names mother... Mom:hmmmm *thinks* The Jacksons i believe The Jacksons lived over there. Me:The Jacksons as in Michael Jackson. Mom:yes. Me:okay thanks. i ran upstairs and took my labtop out i typed in Michael Jackson and did some research on him i learned a lot of things then i saw of picture of him when he was younger i remember me taking a picture of the boy i waved to everynight and matched it up with that picture of michael from the 70's . The picture i took was dark hard to make out a face but the hair, the hair was the exact same and hand his fingers were the same length apart then i scrolled down and saw another picture it was the house thats behind mine... i began pacing the floor thinking and thinking and thinking this wasn't making any sense how can no one be living in that house but yet there is a boy that looks similar to michael jackson waving at me every night. i took a quick glance at that house nothing there...i had to go in there i just had to i needed to know the answers to what im thinking. i waited till it was late at night when my parents were asleep to sneak away next door. it was breezy outside,dark the only light i had was the street light that kept flickering on and off ,off and on,on and off. was i scared? yes i walked up the house shaking it looked empty nothing was outide i used my bobby pin that was in my hair to unlock the door . i was in i stepped with my fashlight on just a plain empty house the door slammed behind me scared the crap out of me i began moving foreward closer to the steps when i heard my name. "Marilyn" Me:Whos there? who said that? i have a metal bat and im not afraid to use it. i closed my eyes and i could see this boy infront of me with an afro telling me to come upstairs i followed then we stopped infront of a door he never took one look at me and he just walked through the door like,like a ghost of course me being retarted i tried ended up bumping my head hard. i tried turning the knob,pushing ,pulling nothing would open this door i even tried to put my bobby pin in the lock but it wouldn't work. then i saw a not slip from under the little crack in the door. it read. To be able to open the door you must follow the clues and find the missing key to unlock the secrets that lie behind this door.. TBC.. HUh?scary? no? yes? part 2?
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