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how did we get here from there? part 7
beeen awhilee . -Marie :) i was playing with little michael when marlon came in. Marlon:who this? Me:umm,this is..... little Michael:im Mwichael. Marlon:oh Heaven is this? Me:*shakes head yes?* Marlon ran up to little Michael and gave him a big hug. What is really going on ? this must be fake but why would he be doing this? this doesn't make sense im so confused... Me:Marlon can i talk to yo for a second? Marlon:sure babe. Me:i'll be right back little Mike. *walks into the kitchen* Marlon:*follows * Me:what is up with you? Marlon:nothing baby. Me:dont call me that. Marlon:why you are, aren't you? Me:no im not Marlon:*pulls me into him* i love you baby . *kisses me* Me:*pulls away* Ew his breath smelles like alcohol it was clear he was drunk, i just walked away from him i didn't want anything to do with him.... little Michael: heaven your really nice i wish i could stay with you forever. me:awh i wish you could too michael. Little Michael:please lwet me stay, my mom and dad are rweally mean. Me:what you mean? Little Michael:they hit me really hard and leaves marks see he lifts up his shirt and shows me all his cuts and bruises. i lost it ! i could understand you know a little slap on the wrist if he was acting up but these people were full on beating him... Me:oh my.. are they doing anything else? Little Michael; well sometimes when i really bad they lock me in the closet and i be rweally scaredd. this really set me off. i went into the backyard where everybody was! Me:YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES! little michael's parents :( Lisa, James) Lisa:are you talking to us? Me:yes im talking to your fuckin messed up head ass, why the fuck are you beating my child? james:we have no idea what your talking about. Me:oh really why does my son have cuts and bruises all over his body? Lisa:well you know kids. Me: he told you two hit him and locked him in a closet. Lisa:yes we may hit him but locked him in a closet never? Me:what 3 year old would lie about something like that? Lisa:well you never know he watches lots of tv *smirks* Me:YOU BITCH *slaps her* Michael*grabs my hand* Heaven calm down. Me:Michael dont tell me to fucking calm down there beating and locking my child in a closet you want me to calm down? Lisa:if you hit me again im calling the cops. Me:call them bitch adn let them know your a child abusier James:we should go. Me:your not leaving with him. lisa:how? your not his mom anymore i am. Me:i will always be his mom, a better mom to him than you'll ever be. Lisa:oh really then why did you give your son up? Michael:please just leave ... Me:Michael i dont want them to leave with my child. Michael:Look you can file for custody . Me:Michael i dont have the money for it. Michael:its alright i got you. Me:no michael thats to much. Michael:no trust me i know what little michael is going through. Me:thank you michael *kisses him* michael;anytime *smiles* lisa:Michael were leaving lets go.! little Michael:i dont wanna leave *runs to me* heaven please dont let them take me. Me:*crying* your just gonna leave for a little bit but i promise i will get you back okay *looks at them* i will get you back* Little Michael: you promise? Me:i promise. Little Michael: pwinky pwromise *holds out his pinky* Me:*laughs * i pinky promise *hugs him* i love you :) James: ugh lets go! *pulls michael* Me;dont pull him like that. lisa:*slams the door* i hate that he has to go with them but i dont have any say so in what he does anymore. im so happy im going to fight for full custody of him i dont want him with those people anymore. them assholess. me:Michael i dont know what to do, this is hard im so young im just lost... Michael:your a strong ,beautiful ,brave woman ,heaven i love you so much because of that. Me:that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.*hugs him* Michael:*hugs me back* we both look into eachother eyes i smile and michael kisses me i kiss back. this was getting intense michael picks me up my legs wrapped him . he walks me upstairs to his room and lays my on the bed then gets on top of me.... were still kissing i could feel his hand go up my shirt. Me:Michael-micha... Michael;what? Me:there are people downstairs and today isn't the right day to do this... Michael:its your birthday. Me:i know but with whole little michael situation and the people downstairs maybe another day. Michael:*sits up* heaven it will be quick. Me:you know thats exactly what your brother said to me. Michael;why are you bringing him in this? Me:no reason. *looks away* Michael:are you hiding something from me? Me:no michael, just come lets do it then. Michael:*stand up* No , wait tf? you are hiding something from me. me:im not michael please just drop it. Michael:No Heaven, do you...do you still have feelings for Marlon? Me;no i dont. Michael; then tell me why are your acting like this. me:okay michael . marlon came acitng all nice and i went in the kitchen to talk to him and he said he loved me and kissed me but he was drunk i could tell. Michael:Did you kiss back? Me:no i swear i pulled back and walked away. Michael:okay im going to ask you this once look me in my eyes and answer me this do you still have feelings for my brother? Me:*silent* Michael:heaven please get out of my house and dont ever come back , dont call my phone, nothing i want nothing to do with you. Me:*crying* Michael please stop i didn;t do anything. Michael:*shakes his head* leave now heaven. me: Michael i will always love you no matter what you do or say to me will change the way i feel about you. Michael: bye. *slams the door* AHHH THAT SHIT CRAY. part 8? yes ,no? lemme knooow ! -Marie
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