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Tough Love Part 34
I hoped you liked the last part! ~Aariyan Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Chapter 34 Taking My Breath Away Despite the fact that my legs felt like Jell-O as we made it down the stairs, WE MADE IT. Michael led me into the same room we were in. â??I wanted us to come back to the same room so it wonâ??t seem like what just happened affected you as much,â? he says with a weak smile. â??But how can I have this intimate conversation with you while someone else is sitting on the end of the couch, and someone behind you?â? I asked him through the best whisper I could conjure. When he raised his eyebrows when I said â??intimateâ? I responded with, â??Intimate could also mean private, Michael. Iâ??m not saying that I want to get with you,â? I said while rolling my eyes. I was frustrated because LaToya was sitting right behind him! She knows how she makes my skin crawl, so she knew what she was doing. â??I need some air,â? I told him. I stood up, making my eyes look down at him so he would know to follow. As I took my first step, he took my right wrist. â??I donâ??t think thatâ??s a good idea.â? He whispered. â??I donâ??t care; and I NEED you to follow me,â? I told him. I was wondering if he was gonna call me on my bluff; though it really wasnâ??t. I just need him to take me seriously. Once I got behind the couch, I looked at him one more time, then I walked out the room. I went into the kitchen, and I saw a bottle of cranberry juice. â??Take whatever you want,â? Katherine said smiling. â??Thanks,â? I said, weakly. I walked out before she got to ask me anything about her husband. I went to the front of the house, and opened the door. I decided that I wanted to direct myself to their fountain, so thatâ??s where I went. I didnâ??t wanna fall in the fountain, so I sat up against it on the ground. I didnâ??t wait probably even a minute, because there he was, following me out there. He sat back against the fountain also. I sipped on my juice as I secretly eyed his flannel top. I screwed the top on. â??So thatâ??s how you met my father?â? I asked without looking at him. â??Yeah,â? he said in a low tone. I nodded my head. â??Why didnâ??t you tell me?â? â??It was his story to tell.â? â??But how did you know that he HADNâ??T told me?â? â??Because you wouldâ??ve SAID something in that room.â? he said. I felt the power in his tone as he pointed towards the house. â??And he said he would tell me once he did. Or he would include me in the conversation. Either way, I would know.â? â??I knew we were struggling a little that month, but I didnâ??t know that badly.â? I was apparently a little more than embarrassed. â??He said that his money was supposed to be in the bank, but the reason he was holding up the line was because he was trying to get the clerk to find it, but she wasnâ??t pulling it up.â? â??My God, DONâ??T tell me any more.â? I said. He was to the right of me, but I decided to be on his right. This isnâ??t the first that has ever happened to me, thatâ??s why I was so ashamed. We all knew Michael came from humble-beginnings*, so I didnâ??t want him knowing about MY struggles. He would never look at me the same. â??Itâ??s okay.â? He said as he rubbed my back to comfort me. I tried to fight off his efforts, but as soon as he did it, I was already feeling better, and my back wasnâ??t as tense. I relaxed a little more, and laid against him as he rubbed my back with his hand. â??What do you think Joseph thinks of me?â? After a few seconds, Michael answered me. â??I think he likes you, which is a step up.â? â??But what about that ulterior motive he was talkinâ?? about?â? â??Never mind him.â? â??Does he think Iâ??m a bit promiscuous?â? â??Thatâ??s why he was mumbling he had good taste. He thinks thatâ??ll be a great balance between the two of us.â? â??So he wants me with Randy? He wants Jermaine back in the group or something?â? â??You catch on fast.â? â??It only seems to make sense.â? I said in a joking tone. â??But I donâ??t know,â? I concluded. Michael looked like he was gonna respond as I looked up at him, but he decided not to. â??Come on, Billie Holiday,â? he said. Then he smiled. â??What did I do?â? I said as I sat up. â??The both of you know somethinâ?? about the blues,â? then he pulled me up by the hands with much excitement. I saw as Katherine had her employees help her move the food into their dining room. I decided I would help. â??Lyric, I donâ??t want to ruin the surprise for you.â? â??I need to see where Iâ??ll be sitting.â? I said. â??It doesnâ??t matter. I just know that Joseph and I will be on opposite ends of the table.â? I paused. â??So it doesnâ??t matter who Iâ??ll be sitting beside?â? â??It doesnâ??t.â? she said with a smile. Like she said, the way we were seated was the way we wanted. Good thing Michael didnâ??t do the obvious thing and seat by me. I was on the right-hand side of the table, and he was all the way at his motherâ??s end. I was positioned between Janet and LaToya, but Joseph told me and LaToya to swap seats, and Janet hurriedly sat between LaToya and me. â??Ladies first.â? Joseph said as he scooted my chair back for me. I had a closed-tooth smile, and I quietly said â??Thank you.â? Joseph was grabbing one of the dishes and asked me if I wanted some when Katie had to stop him. â??Bow heads,â? she said while glaring at him a little. â??We want to thank you God for this dinner that was prepared for us. Bless us to have a lovely meal,â? the door bell rings, but she continues, â??I pray that all of my family can make it; and I would also like to ask You if You could make new members of this huge family feel welcomed, Lord. Weâ??re no different from them, and I would like them to know that. Bless us God. And in Jesusâ??s name we pray, Amen.â? â??Amen.â? All of us repeated. â??Amen.â? Joseph repeated. â??Letâ??s dig in!â? Joseph said. The door rings again. I try looking in that direction so I could quietly show him that door was ringing. â??Katie, the door is ringing. Want meâ??â? I cut Joseph off. â??I can get it,â? I said as I removed the dark green cloth from my lap. â??You sure, honey?â? Katie asks. â??Iâ??m sure.â? I go to the door, and I can say that Iâ??m a little nervous. I donâ??t know whoâ??s behind that doorâ?¦. So I unlock itâ??evidently pushing my luck since I didnâ??t look through the peepholeâ??and I looked up. There was Jermaine Jackson standing right in front of me. I felt my eyes going big a little, so I had to blink so they would stop growing so much. â??H, hi. Iâ??m Jermaine.â? He said with a smile. Then he reached out his hand. I put mine out also, then I looked down. He took it in his. â??So whoâ??s your nameâ?¦pretty lady?â? he adds the last part of his sentence. Then he smiles again. I never knew his teeth could be so glamorous close up. â??JERMAINE?!â? we both heard. I slowly try to look over his shoulder to see who it is. He turns away to the noise, so I follow. I see that his car is parked, and I see a young woman, must be Hazel, struggling with what she had in her hands. I saw a car-seat, and more than one bag. â??HELP me!â? â??Sorry babe.â? He says as he runs up to help her with her things. â??I can help also,â? I said as I walk up to her. â??Hi, Iâ??m Lyric.â? I tell her as I look her in the eyes. â??Hi, Iâ??m Hazel.â? She says with a closed-mouth smile. â??Thank you,â? she says as she hands me one of those bags. They seemed to be following me, so I walked in front of them. To say I felt self-conscious was an understatement. I felt wobbly like Jell-O, and I also felt unstable, too. So I open the door, and hold it for them, Jermaine tells me to walk on in, and I turn around as he holds the door for his wife and child. I direct them to the room that the rest of us left our stuff, and as I try to watch Hazel get their baby out the car-seat, Jermaine tells me to direct him the room where weâ??re eating. I thought that was a little rude because I knew what I was doing (which was spying on the baby); but he was directing me to do something else. Either way, I start to walk, without even saying â??okayâ?, and I walk him there. While weâ??re still walking, he says, â??I donâ??t know why I wouldnâ??t think itâ??s in the dining room. Crazy, huh?â? he asks. I hear him stop walking, so I turn around. â??Yeah,â? then I turn back. â??There you go,â? I said as I point into the room. Everyone starts greeting Jermaine as I sit down beside Joseph again. He didnâ??t look up to him, he only drunk some of his drink. â??Well, stop looking at me and grab you something to eat!â? he says. So I started to do that. Though a piece of me didnâ??t want to be aware, I felt I was cooped up enough in between Joseph and Janet, so I wouldnâ??t have to worry about Jermaine anymore. Or the way he â??took my breath awayâ?. Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I did that (*) becose we hear that term so many times, so i wanted to make that connection known. It's how I interpreted it. Good, hunh? --More to come. ~Bye
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