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Tough Love Part 27
~~I decided to brave UP and type again :). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tough Love Part 27 Braving UP! Once we got home, it was already known that it was going to be a late night for all of us, so I took another shower, and got through the rest of my math the best I could. Thank God I worked in a fury because my mind was on better, yet more difficult things. One of those things were how I spent my day with Michael about three times, but they were the best of three times on this October day. â??You enjoyed the rest of your day?â? Michael asked me. Once again I was lounged on his sofa-bed before he set it up. â??I canâ??t see how you have this double-life.â? I didnâ??t even answer his question; I just made an analogy. â??Whatâ??cha mean?â? â??Youâ??re so normal to us, but you make music. How can a big star fit into this normal, yet sad house?â? â??Because this star has no ego,â? he said with a smile. â??But how did you like it? I know it through the rest of your day schedule off course.â? â??It was just one day, but it was VERY much worth it.â? â??I was cautious.â? â??I could tell,â? I agreed. He was decided to seat on the edge of the sofa, and looked over at me. â??Itâ??s just that LITERALLY, Randy is younger than me, so itâ??s more appropriate if YOU were with HIM. How would it look if this sixteen-year-old is my girlfriend? Michael Jackson is all grown-up. Iâ??ve already been through this phase!â? He helplessly put his face in his hands. There was an eerie silence after he said all this because I let it sink in. I started playing with the pillow on the couch. â??But you asked me to the ball. You NEVER put Randy up to it.â? â??Thatâ??s because I could TELL that you wanted me to be your date instead.â? â??In a way, you were.â? I mumbled. He looked over at me, and proceeded to quietly laugh. â??That IS true,â? he consented. After watching the television to another commercial, I braved up. â??Why DID you ask me, Michael? If youâ??re so old for me, why YOU?â? Once again, he looked down at me because he was still on the arm rest of the sofa. â??Dang it, Lyric. Youâ??re at all times landing on your feet. You NEVER forget the details. Why canâ??t I EVER get nothing over you?â? He asked, laughing. â??Because Iâ??m all woman.â? I said with a smile, â??Itâ??s a womanâ??s gift.â? After he stopped laughing so much, I got serious again. â??But why did you make it known that you wanted to go to the ball with me?â? â??Ooh, I love how you sugarcoat the question.â? â??Just answer the dumb question, Michael!â? I was getting frustrated. He looked at the floorâ??and it seemed like something was down there that I didnâ??t know about, because I saw as his eyes swarmed the carpet. I patiently sat up, when he looked over sat me with alert eyes. â??Because I like you.â? He said, looking me up and down pretty slow. Then he let his eyes ease down my frame, thatâ??s when it dawned on me that he wasnâ??t just teasing like he always does. He really meant what he just said. He got up from the couch then, and went into the kitchen. I SO wanted to follow him in there, but the air in this room was definitely heavy, so I sorta stayed put. Thatâ??s when I KNEW I made the right decision. I was thinking, I wish you donâ??t know my name, as I was walking to the guyâ??s locker room the next morning. I had Michael drop me off so I could get to school early. I thought about telling my friends that I wouldnâ??t ride the bus in the morning, but I knew I would be TOO giggly and bust the beans, so I decided I would wait it out, and we would just go to a Starbucks or something. I gulped one last time, then I rada-tat-tatted on the rectangle-shaped window. Donovan told me his schedule, and whenever I had questions about it, he would tell me. I knocked again, and one of the guys who are in the weight training class opened the door for me. â??Sweet â??Ole Lyric, who you came to see?â? â??Not you, Nick,â? I said, joking. â??Oh, I know who youâ??re here for. Want me to go and get â??im?â? â??Sure,â? I said. â??Kay. Be right back in a sec.â? He said holding his finger up. I dropped my bag off in a corner, then I walked a little closer to the doorway so his shock of seeing me could be over a little sooner. â??Donovan, come out here!â? I heard Nick say again. I heard footsteps, and Donovan was walking out with Nick to the left of him. â??Lyric, what you doing here?â? â??I needa talk to you.â? â??About what?â? â??The ball.â? â??Oh yeah, sheâ??s going to it with me.â? He said, nudging Nick. â??Thatâ??s what Iâ??m getting around to, but letâ??s talk about it out there.â?I said while pointing outside. It was still a little dark, so I wouldnâ??t have to necessarily see the look on his face once I told him this. â??Nope, tell it to me in here.â? â??Donovan, you wonâ??t want that.â? â??Lyric, what could it be? Every guy in here knows that youâ??re not with them. They know where your home is at, so just tell me.â? â??Canâ??no let me whisper it to ya.â? â??That wonâ??t be necessary.â? â??No, REALLY Donovan.â? By now, I saw that Nick had rounded more of the guys that are in the weight training room on some mornings. â??Listen to her, man. She might be telling you that her period will be on that night, and sheâ??s nervous because sheâ??s wearing a white dress.â? I looked over at this orange-haired guy named Jamie. Poor Jamie, people always had it out for him. So two guys that were standing nearest to him smacked his chest with the back of their hands. His glasses fell off, so he had to bend down and pick them up himself. â??Okay guys, thereâ??s no need for thisâ??I just wanna tell Donovan something in hush-hush place. â??I just needed you to get him for me.â? I said while looking at Nick. â??So, come on,â? I said as I pulled on Donovanâ??s wrist. â??Just tell me HERE Lyric. My business can be their business.â? I cocked my head to the side. â??So OUR business turns into LOCKER ROOM BUSINESS?!â? â??LYRICâ??.â? â??Yeah, well, I canâ??t and WONâ??T go to the ball with you!â? â??WHY not? Wait, what the?! Is it because of what I JUST said? I was only joking!â? Okay, I didnâ??t want to embarrass him anymore, but Michaelâ??s name was on the tip of my tongue. â??My father doesnâ??t know you that well, and you didnâ??t ask him to be my date, so he said NO.â? â??Ooooh.â? Was all that was heard in the background after I said that. I saw that Donovanâ??s cheeks had turned red, and sweat speckles started forming, so I felt bad. He looked down, then started glaring at me as he looked up. I was mad TOO. Iâ??m no guyâ??s joke, and what if he told about Monday? That was OUR business: NOT anyone elseâ??s. I backed away then, grabbed my stuff, and roughly pushed the door open for myself. â??Who in the hell was screaming?â?I heard one of the coachâ??s yelling once he entered the weight room. â??Two people who must not be friends anymore.â?I mumbled. â??DEFINETELY not his girlfriend now.â? I said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How did you like the BLOW UP? ;-) -Aariyan.
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