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The Roommate *Pt.1*
Hello. My name is Hallie. And this is my newest story called, the Roommate. -Hallie:) "Hallie Mae Barker, I mean it! No fooling around or else you'll end up like that poor man we passed by on the road." I involuntarily cringed at the shrill pitch of my mom's voice and spun around on my heels to face her inflating head. "Mmm, that hot runner with the nice abs? He was lookin' fi-" "No, the homeless guy with herpes!" I gave her an incredulous look before crossing my arms over my chest and huffing out a hot breath of air. "What are you trying to say?" I asked accusingly, narrowing my eyes at her own similar green ones. "Oh hush, Hal. I just want you to be safe, okay? My baby is finally going to college, three hours away from home! I can't be around all the time like I used to," she said sadly. "Yeah buddy. Ow!" I rubbed the place where my mom hit me on the back of my head gingerly, giving her an intense stink eye as she returned the expression with much obligation. "I'm serious, Hallie. I'm going to miss you... You've finally grown up," she uttered softly, her voice cracking slightly at the end. "It was bound to happen some time. I'm gonna miss you guys too, mom," I replied, though not as torn. I wrapped my arms around her small frame and leaned my head against her shoulder. I closed my eyes for a moment as she stroked my hair tenderly, suddenly feeling the abrupt pang of misery hit me. This really was the last time I was going to see her for a while. We stayed like that for the next ten minutes; me in her arms, inwardly crying out my sadness, and her cradling me like the time I had fallen off my bike and scraped my knee when I was five years old. "Make your momma proud," she whispered before pulling away and patting my cheek. I watched as she folded her jacket over her arm and slipped her purse onto her shoulder, teary-eyed and forlorn. We shared one last goodbye before she silently closed the door behind her, including the safety gate she had kept me behind for so many years. This was finally it. "Fuck yes!" I fist-pumped the air cheerily and let out an holler. I was free at last. Free from my parents, free from the high school drama bullshit, and most importantly, free from the sorry-ass of a town I had lived in for the past eighteen years of my life. I opened up one of the many boxes I possessed and pulled out my iHome. I hooked the system up and plugged in my iPhone 4, the sweet sounds of Prince's I Wanna Be Your Lover immediately filling up the room to its fullest extent. "I wanna be your lover, I wanna be the only one that makes you come running!" I sang along as I poorly danced to the beat. I placed everything just as they had been arranged back at my room back in Fort Wayne, so I felt somewhat at home. I tacked my specially hand-made collages that held pictures of my friends and family all around my bed and assembled various framed individual pictures around the room. It took me approximately three hours to get everything just the way I wanted and it nearly knocked me to my feet. I threw myself on my recently-made bed, laptop in hand and a package of Nutter Butter in the other. Just when I was going to log into my Facebook account, the door to the dorm swung open rather violently. It revealed a stress-ridden girl carrying five bags and boxes worth of stuff. Right behind her came a middle-aged couple looking as distraught as ever, whom I assumed to be her parents. "Um, hi there!" I politely called from my bed. All three heads synchronously jerked themselves to me, expressions of surprise and confusion written on their faces. The girl dropped all of her stuff on her bed and huffed out a groan. "Hey, you the roommate?" she asked, completely out of breath. I gave her a thumbs up to show agreement and set aside my laptop to help her move in the rest of her things. She gave me a brief smile and thanked me as she began unloading her things as I brought the rest of her baggage in. "So what's your name?" she perked up after saying goodbye to her parents. "Hallie Mae Barker, but you can just call me Hallie or Hal or whatever the fuck you can think of. Get creative or some shit," I said blatantly as I plopped down on my bed once again and retrieved my laptop. "Hmm, I'll call you Hals or Halpal. Sound good?" she replied from her side of the room, doing the same as well. "Sure, why not. What's your name, madam?" "'Tis Penelope Ann Lerone, my good woman." And that's how our friendship began. Turns out we had a lot of similar aspects in life and taste in just about anything, which brought us together even closer. It might have been fate being paired up with her, or just luck. Either way, I was very relieved because I certainly did not want my life to take a turn for the worse like the movie The Roommate. We spent the rest of the day in each others' company, learning and interacting with each other. I made a vow before I got to Indiana University that I would make at least one best friend, and by golly I was going to fulfill it! Right as we were going to watch all of season one of The Wayans Bros., a loud knock echoed through the room. Penelope and I made intense eye contact for a brief ten seconds until the person at the door grew impatient and knocked again, but this time repeatedly. "Ugh, fine!" she whined as she shot up from the ground and ran to open the door. "Hi, are you Hallie Barker?" I tilted my head to take a peek at whoever was at the door and saw a tall older lady with glasses. She held a clipboard in one arm and a pen in the other, both locked in a vice-like grip. She must have been the real deal. "Uh, no, but I can get her for you," Penelope said to the frightening lady before turning to me and jabbing her thumb behind her. I rolled my eyes to the ceiling and pushed myself begrudgingly off the floor. I could feel the woman's piercing stare burn holes into my flesh as I leisurely made my way over and the thought of being in legit trouble passed through my mind. "Are you Hallie Barker?" she asked briskly, her pen flying to her clipboard. "Yes...?" "Pack up your things, you're getting moved to the Read Residence Center." "What?!" Penelope yelled from behind me, adding herself in the equation. "Let me give it to you short and sweet. We don't have enough dorms for everyone to reside in, so you're getting moved in with someone else who had gotten removed from their dorm earlier today. Got it?" "Um... No, I don't actually. Why can't the person moving in here just go with the other person? Why do I have to be the one to move?" I snapped, not bothering to watch my attitude. "The reason is because you registered after Miss... Avery Moore, so therefor it would only be fair if you were moved. Now pack up your things, I don't have time for such nonsense. Your room number is 427 in the Beck wing, here is the written information of where you will be staying. It isn't far from here, but get to it. Good day, ladies." And with that said, she was gone. I slowly turned around, reading the paper in my hands very carefully. This couldn't be happening, I thought I had found the perfect roommate but apparently God had bigger and better plans for me. "This is bullshit. I don't want a different roommate! Avery Moore... gross. I don't know who that is, but still, gross," Penelope raved from beside me, her arms crossed tightly over her chest in aggravation. "I know, it's fucking ridiculous..." I muttered as I tossed the paper on Penelope's desk. I walked over to my bed and began re-packing everything; my bedding, pictures, and clothes. It wouldn't take me as long as it took before since I was angrily throwing things in the boxes and bags. Penelope let out a soft sigh and helped me get everything packed and ready to go, looking more upset than pissed off, unlike myself. In only thirty minutes time was I set to move into my new dorm, and it was painful. "I hope you realize we're hanging out whenever we can, Hals." I slung my cross-body bag over my shoulder and gave her a cheeky smile, nodding in agreement. We hugged each other before she helped me carry my stuff to my car, where we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways for the time being. I put my keys in the ignition and reluctantly started the car. I was about to back out of the parking lot until I realized that I needed someone to help me unload my stuff and bring it up to my new room. "Balls," I groaned, hitting my head against the steering wheel a few times. "I guess I'll just have to do it myself," I muttered dryly as I continued backing out of the lot. The drive to the new Residence Center wasn't too bad, only about five minutes long, and was thankfully located in the perfect place; right by the Jacobs School of Music. I parked my car in the spot nearest to the entrance of the building and stacked as much as I could on the portable buggy-like cart my parents had bought me. I calculated the situation and came to the conclusion that it would take me three rounds before all of my stuff would be out of the car. It wasn't going to be fun, but it was manageable. People stared as I did my work, looking either greatly amused or completely annoyed. Why they were, I don't know. They could have gone back to their dorms and watched some TV or something, not lingered around to deal with my business. Once I had finally finished up, I folded the cart up and threw it back in the rear-end of my car. I closed the door and locked the doors twice before heading back to my room. I wasn't sure if I was going to like my new roommate or not, seeing as though her side of the room was very... boy-like. The walls were covered in a few select posters of star football and basketball athletes, shelves of trophies and medals and the main colors their side of the room consisted of were black, blue, and red. It also smelled strongly of men's cologne. Yep, it was a dyke. I unlocked the door, sleepiness suddenly sweeping over me, and entered the room. I tossed the keys aside and smacked my mouth drowsily as I stretched my arms above my head. However, something, or rather someone, snapped me out of my sleepy trance and woke me up bright and early. "What the fuck are you doing here?" A boy. It was a boy. Not a dyke, a fucking boy, and a flat out rude one at that. Who the hell did he think he was talking to? That's right, Momma Bear was going to give that little shit a piece of her mind. "What the fuck are you doing here, asshole?" I seethed without any thought of holding back. "Um, I live here, obviously. My stuff was here before yours, so get the fuck out," he retorted just as bitingly. "Well, little boy, I was personally told by one of the Administrative Office staffers to move into this very room and you were told the same thing too apparently." "So?" he scoffed, edging towards me in what had appeared to be a threatening way. "So we're roommates, plain and simple. Get out of my way," I hissed as I forcefully pushed him away. "There's no way in Hell I'm gonna room with you. I'd rather share this dorm with fuckin' Rosie O'Donnell..." he grumbled childishly, a frown deepening his face. I swiveled around and gave him a hard glare, only to see him mirror the exact expression as well. This was not going to go well, I just knew it. Even if he is pretty cute... Wait, no, no. He isn't good looking. He's an asshole, and that will remain his label for the rest of eternity. The office must have made a mistake because all Residence Centers were coed, but then again...they didn't haven any more rooms available. Oh no.
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