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Jackson Threesome ; ) ♥♥b
Marlon approached me all smoothly and stuff looking at me up and down . M: Damn girl u look fine . Me: Thank u . : ) M: u more than welcome babes . So is Michael around ? Me: Hes in his office . Come in . I'll go get him for u . I ran up to Michaels office and he was looking at our wedding picture while gettin drunk .� When he gets drunk, he gets horny . And anything that seems challenging he will try it . Me: Michael ur bro is downstairs . MJ: Come here baby . Me: Yes ? MJ : * pulls me on his lap * Which brother is it downstairs ? Me: * lookin in his eyes * Marlon . MJ: Well �� * Pauses then looks at me * baby u look sooo fiine in that outfit u got on . Me: Well thank u for giving it to me for a birthday present . MJ: u welcome honey . * Starts to kiss my neck * Me: Michael how many drinks have u had ? MJ: 3 baby . Why ? Me: Let me smell ur breath � MJ: u can do more than that . * Kisses me * Me and Mike start to make out and i wrap my legs around him and the chair . He softly whispers my name in my ear . MJ: Kiesha i want u sooo bad . * Takes off my shirt * Me: i want u more baby . Michael unhooked my bra and sucked on my breasts . I moaned and leaned back more . He held my lower back to give me support . He looked up to see Marlon standing at the door .. Marlon had a sexy grin on his face . M: Can I join ? Me: * moving my finger telling him to come here * Michael kept on doin what he was doin . Marlon was about to touch my breasts when Michael looked up and growled . I kissed Michael passionately and he calmed down . I got up gave them some privacy and went to put on something more shorter and easier to take off . MJ: WTH Did u think u was doin ?? M: She invited me to do it . MJ: So what . M: Can I please just join this once ? I just want her sooo bad shes soo mouth watering . Please ??? MJ: ��Ok . But dont get in my way . I will give u ur turn , ok ? M: Yes Sir . MJ: im glad we have a understanding now, lets go get laid . M: * laughs * yeah ur drunk . * Follows him to the bathroom * MJ: I only had 3 margaritas . And 1 glass of champaigne . M: Your drunk . I was in the room masturbating when they came in . They looked at me and michael smiled . MJ: Mmm baby u want me to work the fingers for u ??? ;) Me: uhuh . * Bites bottom lip * Michael came over to me and started working those fingers . Then he used his tongue to bring more pleasure . Marlon was sucking on my breasts . He did it sooo well . I moaned back and forth their names Michael to Marlon to Marlon to Michael .� They pleased me well and i was feenin for some dick action now . Me: Michael i want your dick in me . Marlon i want ur dick in my mouth . Both: Ok . Michael stripped in a heartbeat and took my panties off . Marlon stripped too showing his ripped body and long hard dick . Not longer than Michaels . Lol . Michael slid in me as i moaned . I started to suck Marlons dick . He made these sexy facial expressions that turned me on . Michael started to pound me hard . Marlon dick slipped outta my mouth when i screamed out " uuuhh !!! " MJ: Mmm fuuuck baby giirll . I put marlons dick back in my mouth and sucked him hard . M: mmm Daaaammnn baby giiiirrlll !!!!! u a freeaaak aiint uu ?? Me: Yeaa . * Smirks * M: u like the taste of my dick huh girl ? Me: * sucking faster * M: Aaaahhh shiit . Aaaaahhh fuuuck giirl . Mmmm u a maaster guurl . MJ: Oh yea shes excellent at that . M: Daamn right !!!!! Giiirl u got me cummin . Uuuuuuhhhh . MJ: Oooohh Kiesha baby ur sooo good . Soo good baby yes !!!! Me: ohhhhh Michaell imma cum baby !!! MJ: Do it baby !!!!!! Me: * cums * Shiiiiiiitt !!!! MJ: * Pulls out * now suck it baby . Me: * puts him in my mouth * M: * rubs his dick on my clit and goes in * Me: Fuuuuuuckkk !!!!!!! M: * pounding * Ohhhh shiiiiiit this is wonderful . Me: Mmmmm MJ: Yummm giirl suuck it good . And niceee Me: Yes daddy We all fucked for hours and hours until we all got tired . Marlon kissed me passionately and went home . I came upstairs and flopped on the bed with Michael and he looked at me . MJ: that was challenging . Me: yes . Yall wore my poor body out !!!!! MJ: thanks bae . Me: For ? MJ: Lettin him tap . Me: yall planned this ? MJ: yeah . Somethin like that . All this time , i thought it was just Michael bein drunk . But it wasnt . They both were a lil tipsy . And they planned this " meeting " ahead of time so they could fuck me . Clever michael clever . I kissed him and went to sleep :-)
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