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Tough Love Part 23; Part 1
I know, Part 22; Part 2 TOTALLY blew your mind, â??cause it blew mine a little! Well, here is Part 23 Part 1 LMDLMDLMDLMDLMDLMD LMDLMDLMDLMDLMDLMD LMDLMDLMDLMDLMDLMD LMDLMD Chapter 23 Part 1 The Request â??Someone say something!â? We were watching a rerun of â??The Carol Burnett Showâ?. Clarence had to say that to get our attention. Though he was glad we werenâ??t touching or anything, he also didnâ??t like the ominous quietness we were giving him. â??Doing homework.â? I mumbled as I was solving a math equation. â??Now I have to erase my last step. I got distracted!â? â??Well, Iâ??m sorry then. I just want my two little children to talk.â? You wouldnâ??t be calling us your little children because in your â??two little childrenâ??s worldâ?, technically, that would be considered incest. â??Do you have anything new to talk about Clarence?â? Michael asked him. â??Actually, I really donâ??t. Shaun was grateful for the cake!â? â??A second-hand made cake?â? I mumbled. â??Yeah.â? All of a sudden he sounded defensive. All because of his little girlfriend? Sheesh! Sheâ??s no â??girlfriendâ? to me. Itâ??s SO tacky to invade on someoneâ??s family. â??If someone made a cake for me, Iâ??ll be just as happy.â? I looked at Michael, who was sitting to the right of me on the couch. He was placed in-between me and Clarence, while Clarence was sitting in the recliner. â??Iâ??m not saying I wouldnâ??t either, but we started running out of icing. I wonder if she noticed that some of the areas were worn out.â? â??And if she did, she didnâ??t say anything, which is why I like her.â? â??Youâ??ve been seeing her for a few months?â? â??Yeah, something like that.â? â??And you havenâ??t made it official?â? Michael asked, sounding interested for the first time that night. â??Iâ??m taking things slow. Having my wife, I mean my DAUGHTER,â? he said, looking over at me to correct himself, â??Having my DAUGHTER with me once again and being compatible to her emotions is already a lot, so Iâ??m trying to know how to treat Shaun since I have Lyric again.â? So youâ??re comparing me to her? Michael looked over at him as I did. â??Itâ??s not that Iâ??m not excited that sheâ??s here. I love my little girl.â? After a pause in the room, I said, â??Youâ??re little girl might be someone elseâ??s little girl.â? â??Never. You can only be your fatherâ??s little girl, honey. And I love you. You may have, you know, breast now. But I donâ??t care how much they grow, youâ??ll be mine forever. I put in good work to get your mother and make you.â? â??Okay, eww.â? I said laughing. â??You know itâ??s true.â? He said in a baby tone. Then he walked over to me and kissed me on the side of the head. Since weâ??ve came back down here, Michael has been completely stiff in his stature, and my dad dozed off. If you really studied Michael, you could tell that his eyes were frowning. Actually, his whole face was. â??Why are you so stiff?â? I whispered then nudged him. Michael owl-shaped eyes looked tire as he focused his expression towards me. He had his left hand supporting his head and afro while he just stared at me. â??Stop looking at me.â? I said quietly as I fidgeted and started moving around. He rolled his eyes and laughed a little. Probably out of cockiness! â??What?!â? He shook his head as he went to watch the TV again. I tapped him on the arm, but he ignored me. Then he got some printable paper out the kitchen and a pencil. He wrote on it. After I got comfortable enough to watch TV as I got even more tired, Michael got up, causing me to fall over. I followed him up the stairs, and as he was about to close the â??Manâ??s Roomâ?, I stuck my arm in it before he had the chance to do it. â??Michael, I have a life like you do.â? â??Yeah, and when I see you with different guys all the time, I really start to wonder how much of a life you got.â? â??Not that much of one. Sherry, Patricia, Dani, and I still hang out. Itâ??s just that Sherry is constantly going out there to save the world. Dani is with her family a lot, while Patricia is with her boyfriend. I have no one else. My dad has seemed to forgotten about me. Soon, the water will be too cold to fish in, and even though he can stay in the house with me, he might not choose to. Yâ??know he has Shaun.â? â??Lyric, you donâ??t have to pull away and run in the streets.â? That REALLY offended me. â??Who says Iâ??m in the streets!â? â??Tone your tone down.â? He said walking closer to me, while looking alert. â??Look, some guys just have more time on their hands. I already knew some of these people before I left. Plus Iâ??m not all girlie, so itâ??s fine for me to use this as an excuse.â? â??Why arenâ??t you doing something like community service?â? â??Michael, Iâ??m balancing it, okay?â? â??I canâ??t see how.â? I folded my arms, irritated by his concerns. â??Why do you care?â? â??Lyric, you get one life, and youâ??re screwing it up. Then I see you with some random guy. I know what he had on his mind.â? â??Sex? Just say it! And for your information, I persuaded him to be my date to the thing. He decided he wanted to take me home, so I called your butt, but I had to leave a message!â? â??If you had the actual number, you wouldnâ??t have to worry about leaving a message.â? Then he folded HIS arms. â??I forgot it. I donâ??t have it memorized, so I had him stop the car when we found the first pay phone.â? â??Whatâ??s his name?â? â??Like it matters! The important thing is that I called you!â? â??Trueâ?¦.â? â??Itâ??s okay if somethingâ??s wrong, Michael.â? â??Iâ??m a little concerned for ya.â? â??Okay.â? Then he turned off his (oh my goodness I said his!) light switch, and I could hear him get in the bed. I stood there for about three minutes, contemplating if I wanted to feel his warmth or not. I swallowed and left my sense behind. I tripped over something as I sluggishly walked to the bed. It was a little cold in the house, and I know that I get cold easily; just like I sweat sometimes. So I lifted the comforter and bed sheet; I wanted so much to know his expression. I willingly slipped into the cold bed beside him and as soon as I could, I laid my head down. What I felt was his arm and the pillow. I looked around in the dark as I tried to make sense o f WHY I was so close to him. What kind of hold does he have on me? â??Why do you do this to me?â? he asked after minutes of silence. â??I feel bad.â? For the first time, he embraced me, and as his right thumb grazed my back, I moved a little because tingled. â??Since you feel bad, I have a request.â? â??What is it.â? I asked as I lifted my head. â??I donâ??t care, but I want to take you to the ball. And I ask that you take me instead.â? He could feel that I jerked my body some, because that surprised me. â??Michael, I canâ??t. I just told you I asked someone else.â? â??But did he say that he would be able to make it without no doubt?â? â??Yeahâ?, then I spoke softly, â??Maybe as a waiter, though.â? â??What?â? â??It isnâ??t guaranteed that I may see him there as my date. He might just be waiting for me.â? Once again, such a long pause. He started fidgeting with my back as he seemed like he was thinking up for something to say. â??Do you care about him, really a lot?â? â??No,â? I said, quickly. Then I rephrased my statement, â??I mean I do care about him, but I mean I donâ??t love him. Old wounds are still there, but I want a fresh start.â? â??Then I wanna go with you.â? I let out a breath. â??Michael, I donâ??t know.â? â??Do you want to prove to him that youâ??re through?â? â??Yeah, I guess.â? â??No guessing, do you want to or not?â? â??Michael, heâ??s my friend.â? â??I know that. And you said the key word: friend.â? â??You a friend too.â? â??I like to consider myself a special friend. I thought that was what we were.â? â??We are.â? â??Then fulfill my request,â? he apparently whined. I easily learned that I liked to make him beg. â??Why? What is it that you have planned for me?â? â??Everything, Lyric.â? Then he leaned back on his lower part of his arms. â??Like what?â? I asked as I sat up even more. â??Money for your dress. Just a good time.â? â??What makes you think itâ??ll work if we go together? â??You have no one else better to go with. At least you donâ??t wanna. Your options are closed and I SENSE that you want to go with me.â? â??Yeah, I can just sense it in the air.â? I bluntly said. â??Really, you donâ??t. Don't know who else you would want to go with.â? â??Iâ??ll think about it.â? â??No, give me your answer now, Lyric. Itâ??s now or never.â? â??Just fill in my request.â? He secondly added. I started biting on my thumb nail because I was put on the spot like this. â??Come on.â? he whispered. Then he grabbed my right hand, the hand of the thumb I was biting on, and kissed it. Then he held my hand a squeezed it for me. After comparing and sizing up, I laid my head on the pillow. Then I leaned over to his ear, and confidently answered, â??Sure, Iâ??ll go to the ball with you.â? I kissed his cheek, then walked away. I already created an excuse to tell Donovan tomorrow. Iâ??m sure my father wonâ??t mind! 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hope you guys liked! -Aariyan
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