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Darling Nikki (Part 2)
I copied all of this on my computer so I won't have to write it.. -Nicole â??Okay Nicole, youâ??ve made bail!â? An officer yelled waking me up. I looked up in a daze. Did my mother come to get me? Maybe she wasnâ??t as mad as I thought. â??Bring your skinny ass on I donâ??t have all day!â? I heard a familiar voice yell. It wasnâ??t my mother but I knew who it was. â??Itâ??s nice to see you too Aunt Valerie.â? I spoke up while slowly getting up from the bench. She stood there clenching to her purse as if she was in a rush. â??Whereâ??s mom?â? I asked looking around her. â??So now you care? You donâ??t have to worry about your mother any more. Youâ??re coming to live with me.â? When ' these words escaped her lips my first reaction was to laugh. This had to be a joke. â??Sorry I donâ??t think I heard you properly could you repeat that?â? I asked running my hand through my hair. â??Your mother is too tired to deal with this shit but me, honey Iâ??m ready. Now donâ??t think that youâ??re going to get over on me like you do your mother because Iâ??m here to tell you now I will lay you flat on your ass.â? Her threat amused me. My aunt and I shared similar personalities. My mother always said that I was her spitting image. â??Okay Aunt Valerie you got it.â? I spoke putting my hands up as if I was surrendering. â??Now letâ??s go get your stuff we have no time to waist.â? I backed away from her. â??I appreciate your concern but Iâ??m not going anywhere. Iâ??m going to go home and work it out with my mother.â? She shook her head as if I didnâ??t get it. â??Honey at the moment your mother wants no part of you. Itâ??s better for you to come with me to Riverdale. Thereâ??s not much trouble that you can get into there. I got your room made up for you and everything and who knows maybe youâ??ll grow to love it.â? I had to laugh at this. There was no way in hell I was going to enjoy any part of this. â??Iâ??m going to make things right.â? I told her while walking out of the cell. I left the jail and headed home. On my way I bought my mother a teddy bear with the crumbled up dollars I had left. When I entered the house she sat there sipping her coffee. It was eight oâ??clock in the morning and I knew that she had to get to work. So Iâ??d talk fast. â??Hey ma.â? I greeted her while fiddling with the teddy bear. She didnâ??t respond. She didnâ??t even acknowledge my presents. â??Iâ??m really sorry about everything. I know Iâ??ve made a billion promises but please give me one more chance.â? She still didnâ??t even turn to look at me. A tear rolled down my cheek and I became desperate. â??I bought you somethingâ? I spoke barely above a whisper. I placed the small teddy bear on the table and waited for her to respond. But still she didnâ??t even look at me. â??Say something, please ma.â? I begged hearing my aunt come into the house. I kept my eyes focused on my mother. Desperately wanting her attention. I stood there waiting. â??Iâ??m sorry!â? I yelled becoming quite frustrated. My mother always forgave me. She never turned her back on me. â??Letâ??s go honey; I put your bags in the car.â? Aunt Valerie spoke putting her hand on my shoulder. â??At least say goodbye.â? I began to sound like a child. Desperately wanting some kind of affection. â??Mommy!â? I yelled making her jump. But she still didnâ??t look at me. Her cup started to shake in her hand. Aunt Valerie pulled me to the car and pushed me into the front seat. She then climbed into the other side and sighed deeply. â??Your mother loves you very much.â? She spoke making me cringe. â??I donâ??t want to hear that shit.â? I replied bitterly while sliding further into the seat. â??Hey, I understand that youâ??re upset but be mind full that you caused all of this!â? My aunt yelled making me jump. â??I know! Fuck, donâ??t you think that I feel like shit already?!â? I asked losing all composure. Aunt Valerie backed off and began to drive. I watched my house pass by and searched through the windows trying to get my last glance at my mother. But the blinds were drawn. I refused to cry. There was no point in shedding tears. My mother wanted nothing to do with me and it was my entire fault. We drove for hours in silence. Aunt Valerie lived very far from home, which made it difficult for me to run off according to her. She felt as if this entire set up was a good thing. I soon fell asleep. I dreamed about the old times when my father was around. Late at night heâ??d come into my room and tell me stories about when he was a teenager. He used to tell me about the trouble he got in and the lessons he learned from them. After his story heâ??d give me a piece of candy and then put me to sleep. Iâ??d wait up every night until he came in and told me a story. So after he died I couldnâ??t go to sleep before three oâ??clock in the morning. Iâ??d sit up and tell the stories he told me to myself. Then Iâ??d eat a piece of candy. It was the only thing that got me to sleep. Aunt Valerie shook me gently and my eyes popped open. â??Weâ??re here!â? She exclaimed as if it was a good thing. â??I now that Bethany will be so happy to see you. She thinks that youâ??re her new big sister.â? I got out of the car and got my bags out of the trunk. Before I could make it up the driveway Bethany ran out and wrapped her arms around my waist. She had the biggest green eyes youâ??d ever see. Her hair was dirty blonde and very frizzy because she was mixed. She was eight years old so she was going through that question asking faze. â??Nicole!â? She exclaimed doing a little dance. I smiled down at her and mocked her. â??Beth!â? I exclaimed. I managed to move around her and entered the house. It was a very cozy house. Much too big for only three people. There was Aunt Valerie, Bethany, and Joel aka Bam Bam. He was a strong baby and destroyed nearly everything. â??Whereâ??s Bam Bam?â? I asked my aunt while walking up the stairs. Once I reached the top there stood a boy about my age holding Bam Bam. â??Hey my name is Michael.â? He quickly spoke holding out his free hand. â??Nicole.â? I responded eyeing him. He was definitely sexy but I wasnâ??t in the mood to flirt. I shook his hand and weakly smiled back. â??Alright Ms. Valerie Iâ??m heading out!â? He yelled down the steps handing Bam Bam to me. I bounced him still looking this boy up and down. â??Thanks for babysitting!â? My Aunt yelled from downstairs. He turned his attention back to me with that same smile. â??It was nice meeting you.â? He said this before heading down the steps. I looked at Bam Bam and he smiled watching the guy leave. Before the guy left he picked Bethany up and squeezed her. Causing her to laugh. Then he gave Aunt Valerie a quick hug and left. Aunt Valerie cam up the steps and took Bam Bam away from me. â??Who was that?â? I asked nodding towards the door. â??My neighborâ??s kid Michael. He helps me around the house. Very nice boy.â? My aunt spoke bouncing Bam Bam. â??Fucking tool.â? I spoke giggling a bit. My aunt slapped me on the back of my head. â??No cursing! Heâ??s a sweet boy.â? She defended him as if he was family. â??Whatever. I tell you one thing heâ??s a nice piece of as-butt.â? She laughed at this and headed back down the stairs. I walked to my new bedroom and looked around. The wall were bare and all that was there was a bed and a dresser. Iâ??d have to make it a little more homey. I threw my bags on the floor and began to put my posters up. Most about weed and rock bands. One wall was covered and I was pleased by this. I then got my handy sharpees out and began to go to town on my dresser. It was all white and wooden so it was easy to draw on. I always did designs and shit so this was a piece of cake. I did it graffiti style. My aunt walked in and her eyes widened. â??Are you out of your damn mind!â? She yelled coming into the room. â??No cursing Aunt Val.â? I corrected her feeling her eyes burn into the back of my head. â??What are you doing?â? She asked giving me a look as if I was crazy. â??Iâ??m expressing myself.â? I spoke like a valley girl and she began to laugh. â??I swear Iâ??d kick your ass if you werenâ??t funny.â? I looked over at her with a confused expression and she sat down on the bed. â??I want you to start making friends. Michael is going to show you around tomorrow.â? I stopped drawing once she said this. â??Who?â? I asked squinting my eyes in confusion. â??Michael, the boy you met.â? She reminded me while pointing out of the window towards his house. â??Oh right, uh no thanks. I donâ??t know him and I rather keep it that way.â? She rolled her eyes at this. â??Heâ??s not trying to be your best friend. I just asked him to show you around.â? It was my turn to roll my eyes. â??Whatâ??s that hanging out of your pocket?â? She asked switching the subject. I looked down and spotted my cigarette. â??Old lucky loosey.â? I stated continuing to draw. â??Well loosey isnâ??t allowed in this house or in your mouth. She stated quickly getting up and snatching it out of my pocket. â??Come on Val, a fucked up teen such as myself needs something to kill stress.â? She grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the bathroom. â??Ow ow ow.â? I responded with every step. She sat me down on the toilet and opened a box of soap. She handed me a fresh bar and I stared at it with a confused expression. â??What the hell do you want me to do with that?â? I asked still not taking it. â??Put it in your filthy mouth.â? She responded with her arm still extended. â??Hell no it tastes like shit.â? I slapped it away from my mouth and I guess that was the last straw. â??I swear if you donâ??t put this in your mouth I will do it myself and you donâ??t want that.â? She threatened extending her arm once more. I sighed and opened my mouth. She stuck it in and watched me suffer. It tastes like acid. The taste was so strong it sent chills all over my body. After a while I began to gag. She yanked it out of my mouth and laughed at my facial expression. â??No cursing little girl. Next time youâ??ll have to hold it in there for an hour now go unpack.â? She ordered while washing the soap off. I quickly moved back to my bedroom rubbing my tongue on my shirt. It was so disgusting. After I finished unpacking a looked around the room and sighed. I guess this was my new home.
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