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The House On Haunted Hill pt. 5 by Leila
Enjoy this drama story !!!!! OMG !!!! Its gettin more intense !!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! - Leila ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Michael got sooo daamn heated , thaat he yelled to the top of his lungs " GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HOUSE !!!!!!" thunder outside growled loudly when he said that . I exscused myself from everybody else and ran upstairs to see Michael goin crazy . Michael: YOU BITCH ! YOU MISTREAT ME AFTER ALL I DID FOR YOU !?! ( pulling all her clothes out her drawers and stuff ) YOUR MY DAMN WIFE . YOU WOULDNT FUCK ME UNLESS YOU WANTED TO . BUT YOU FUCKIN HIM WHEN HE FUCKIN PLEASES !?!?!?! YOU FILTHY WHORE !!! GO IN THE DAMN DUNGEON, TAKE YOUR SHIT, AND CARE YO ASS !!!!! NOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!! Lisa was cryin and picking up her stuff . When she was about to walk out the door , Michael threw the wedding ring in her face . Michael: Burn In Hell Lisa . Burn In Hell . She cried even more when he said that . Michael handed me the keys and told me to give them to Aicha to make sure Lisa goes down into the dungeon . Michael started to cry . I went downstairs got some wine while everybody else was socializin until Alexis stopped me . Alexis: Is Michael gonna be ok ? Me: He'll be fine . He's in my care now . I carried our two wine cups upstairs with the bottle . I knocked on his door and he told me to come in . I walked in and locked the door . I sat beside him and poured hima nice glass of wine . He sipped on it slowly with tears running down his face . Me: You know somethin Michael, youre so special to me . Michael: Apparently im not to anyone . Me: Dont say that . Your very special to me . If you were mine , I would never cheat on you , I wouuld never mistreat you , I would make hot passionaate love to you all night all day 24/7 if you want it that way, I would die for you . I would bare your kids . Anything is for you . I love u baby . ( walks to the window ) Actually , I love you more than myself . Michael walked up behind me and held my waist . Michael: I always knew you were the one for me . ( pecks my neck ) Me: Oh yeah ?? ( closes my eyes ) Michael: Mhm . But you wanna know somethin else ? Me: Yeah ? Michael: I need you to be mine . Me: I- Michael: ( turns me around to face him ) Shhh, dont make a sound . ( kisses me passionately ) Michael kissed me deep and hard and long . I fell on the bed and he was ontop of me , kissin me with such lust and desire . Michael: Make me believe the right way baby . ( grinding his hard on on me ) Me: Oh Michael I will !! ( bites bottom lip ) Michael: Tonight ? Me: Ohhh yes I will . Tonight . Any night . Vincent: ( knocks on the door ) Hey, you guys ok in there ? Us: Yes ! Vincent: Ok . Yall comin back to the party ? Michael: The party ends at 10PM . But we'll come and chill for the last 30 minutes left . Michael and I walked downstairs and sat around and talked to everyone . We laughed, and shared some cries . But joyful ones . Paul was quiet the whole time , while silent crying . Everyone around him didnt stop their lives to ask him whats wrong . Instead , they kept living on ..... No effect at all .... Fineee.... Be that waay World..... But yall kno how I feel !!!!! After everybody got tired and all , I went upstairs to change into my red silk night gown . Michael came from downstairs form talkin to Paul . Me: So what u tell him ? Michael: He can stay, but he gonna suffer the price. Just like she is . Me:Mhm . Michael: But right now I just wanna look at my baby . Me: ( kisses him ) We started kissing and fell on the bed . Michael was kinda aggressive but I liked it and understood his purpose of it . He sat up as I wrapped my legs around his waist . I gently pulled on his shirt to tell him to take it off . He took his shirt off and stopped me from kissing him more . Michael: Remember what you said earlier about how much you would give me sex all night all day, 24/7 if I i wanted it that way ? Me: Yes .? Michael: Well, thats what I want . Me: Mmmmmm .... ( smiles and goes back into kissing him again ) To Be Continued ...................................... Plz vote !!!!! and Stay tuned !!! - Leila
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