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Tough Love Part 19; Part 3
- hi guys!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter 19 Part 3 Introducinâ?? Toni Sinclair â??And being so young and going through that, it was really hard and confusing for me.â? â??What was hard and confusing?â? â??Me liking him. Things seemed great, but I always felt I was doing something wrong. I was too trusting.â? After scratching my shoulder, I continued. â??Overall, Toni Sinclair was such a warm, loving person. He just had demons he hid from me. Those demons would trigger, and he would be someone else. â??Plus I always suspected him of needing love and attention. As long as he knew someone was laughing with him, he was fine.â? â??Then what got him to hurt you?â? It was painful to hear Michael try to say the word hurt. â??He loved me. He wanted it all. You see, Toni didnâ??t always get along with his mother. Basically, he almost lost all respect for her.â? â??Why?â? â??Because his dad didnâ??t claim him when he was born. He has his motherâ??s last name. Heâ??s Italian on his fatherâ??s side, but he has that Scottish-English last name.â? â??Did he ever meet him?â? â??Yeah, he would go to places with him. His dad would say he would call, but it was rare when he would call on time. It really hurt Toni when his dad was seeing some other woman, and took care of her son. Then little did Toniâ??s mom know, but Toniâ??s dad was seeing his momâ??s friend and taking care of her little boy. Toni and Adam were friends at first. Once Toni found out, he and Adam hated each other. Then, by what Toni told me, he and Adam started cracking jokes about Toniâ??s father. Thatâ??s how they became best friends again.â? â??So Toni is white, not black?â? â??Correct.â? â??But, I thought his name was Darnell! I could have sworn he looked so much different than what youâ??re describing now!â? â??Wait, wait, hold up a minute. How do you know that?â? After a minute, waiting for him to respond was too painful to wait for. â??Michael, tell me.â? â??Look, you werenâ??t talking to me all week. I really missed you and going into your room brought me closer to you in a sense. I knew I couldnâ??t clean up your room because you would have known I was in there. â??But I sat on your bed, and under your pillow, I saw your diary.â? My cheeks burned a little because I remember that I woke up late that morning. Basically, my bed was unmadeâ??it really needed washing. And by the time I was on my way to school, I remember I left WonderBra on my chair. I hope he didnâ??t do something like sniff it to see if I had a scent or not. That wasnâ??t the important fact though. Michael snuck into my room because I was mad at him. At least he admitted it to me. â??But what if I wanted to tell you myself? What if I never wanted you to know?â? â??Thatâ??s all I read. â?? â??And what you read wasnâ??t necessarily the truth, Michael. Itâ??s my story to tell. Not yours to read.â? â??Iâ??m sorry.â? â??Yeah. I know.â? â??I just canâ??t have you not talking to me like that.â? â??So I mean that much to you?â? â??Lyric, here is a true fact of life: you canâ??t have a woman mad at you, and expect your life to be normal. I didnâ??t know if you hated me or not.â? â??I really thought about it since I saw all I did. I mean, you donâ??t expect Michael Jackson to blow up like that.â? I said, giggling. â??I was mad, but I was acting also. Plus it gave me an excuse to touch you.â? â??Huh?!â? â??I mean, youâ??re so skinny and Iâ??m fascinated by you. I just wanted a little fun.â? â??At my expense!â? â??Yeah.â? He said, laughing. â??Iâ??m not happy about it though.â? I said pouting. â??Oh hush up.â? He said. Then he reached over, kissed me on the cheek, and hugged me. I decided to nuzzle his neck. Then I kissed it. He looked down at me. â??Why do you like doing that to me?â? he said, biting his lip. â??I like showing affection. Iâ??m an affectionate person. I like making you happy.â? He paused, and looked in my eyes for a few seconds. Then he swallowed. â??Wow, I never knew that.â? He said in a mockingly way. â??No, I really donâ??t mind. I like seeing you smile; and you looking at me like Iâ??m the most important person in the world! I love those moments so much, Michael. You just donâ??t understand.â? â??Yes I do.â? he said. â??No you donâ??t.â? I responded. â??I know how it is when you look at me when youâ??re happy, and sad. Youâ??re very intent with me. And if you havenâ??t noticed, you breathe hard when youâ??re around me sometimes.â? â??Well, you shy away sometimes.â? I said. â??Or you grip me tight sometimes also.â? He swallowed, grinned. He pulled on my waistâ??he still had his arm around itâ??one more time. Then he kissed me on the cheek again. â??See, why do you do that?â? â??What?â? â??That kind of stuff, Michael. You kiss me then grin. Youâ??re so tender.â? â??Whoa, kiss? Thatâ??s an overstatement, donâ??t you think?â? â??You know full well what I mean, Michael.â? â??What can I say? I like giving away free kisses.â? â??Oh, thereâ??s more to it than that and you know it.â? â??Maybe I do.â? he said. â??If I know, you know too.â? There was about thirty percent of rain today. I hadnâ??t spotted any clouds that said rain was coming until now when rain stumped its way down on the ground suddenly. â??Oh, what time is it?â? I asked, while grooving to â??Boogie Feverâ?. He looked at the clock. â??4:29.â? â??Oh. We still have time.â? â??To get home, yeah.â? He said. After a second, I pointed at myself, and said â??My home.â? â??Yeah, whatever.â? He said grinning. Then he picked up my Pepsi and drunk some of it. â??Hey, that was mine.â? He looked down at it. His drink is closer to him. It was left untouched. â??Oh, sorry.â? He said. Then he burped real loud. â??Uh.â? I said. â??You know you burp loud, too.â? â??I surely do.â? I said laughing. The atmosphere in the car was better. Iâ??m glad he lost track of our last conversation. I bobbed to the music; grateful it was Friday! When we got to the house, I wanted a sip out my Pepsi. I remember Michael drunk out of mine too. So I was looking at the Pepsis, trying to figure out which one I wanted. â??Just choose one. Now youâ??re saliva will be on mine.â? He said. I looked up at him. â??You did that on purpose!â? â??No, I really didnâ??t. I was just grabbing for a drink, but I meant mine.â? â??I guess since you burped over mineâ??.â? â??I didnâ??t burp over it.â? â??â??Iâ??ll get yours.â? I said, then I bravely took it and put my lips to it. I looked at him and drunk some of it. Then I looked down at the brown straw. He grabbed the cup from me. Then I burped. â??Told you you burp loud.â? â??That was a soda burp.â? â??T.G.I.F., Lyric.â? â??Thanks.â? I said grinning. â??Youâ??re not gonna say it back?â? â??T.G.I.F. Michael.â? I said. Then he smiled. - - - - - - - - - - - - I hope you guys LIKEED IT! -Aariyan.
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