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He didn't even undress me.
OK HI EVERY ONE THIS IS AN IDEA IVE HAD FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW!!!!!! I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT! Background: MY NAME IS DENNA JONES I IM 27 YEARS OLD AND LIVE IN L.A. IM A NURSE IN A BURN UNIT AT HOLLYWOOD HOSPITAL. OK SO THE YEAR IS 1987 AND ITS EARLY JULY AND I KNOW MICHAEL JACKSON BECAUSE I WAS HIS NURSE IN THE BURN UNIT WHEN HE HAD THAT ACCIDENT AND BURNT HIS HEAD DOING THAT COMMERCIAL. WE BECAME VERY CLOSE FRIENDS NOTHING SEXUAL.... YET. LOLZ BUT WE SHERD A LOT OF OUR THOUGHTS AND OTHER PRIVET MOMENTS. I MUST SAY HE WAS MY CONFIDANT WHEN I HAVE TO TALK TO HIM ABOUT THIS BAD RELATIONSHIP THAT I AM CURRENTLY IN. MY MAN IS MISTREATING ME AND USING ME, HE CHEATS ON ME AND A LOT OF NIGHTS DOSE NOT COME HOME. THE WAY I SEE IT IM NOT EVEN HIS GIRLFRIEND IM MICHEAL'S!!!!! BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH WE HAVEN'T ESTABLISHED IT I KNOW HIS FELLING ME AS MUCH AS IM FEELING HIM. SHIT I SPEND ALL MY TIME I CAN WITH HIM, HES SO CALM AND PATIENT WITH ME HE LISTENS TO EVERYTHING I SAY WE JUST HAVE GREAT CHEMISTRY TOGETHER. MY SO CALLED BOYFRIEND DON'T CARE ABOUT ME HE WILL FLIRT WITH OTHER WOMEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. BUT THAT'S COOL CUZ EVERY SECOND I GET I SPEND WITH MICHAEL! HE CALLS ME MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY TO CHECK ON ME HE BUYS ME NICE THINGS WE GO OUT AND JUST HAVE A FUN GOOD TIME TOGETHER. SOOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS WHERE THINGS HEAT UP!!! MIKE CALLS ME( IM AT HOME ALONE AGAIN) ITS ABOUT 5:30PM PHONE RINGS: MY RINGTONE IS ROCK WITH YOU!!! LOLZ ME:HELLO MIKE: HI BEAUTIFUL WUTCHA DOING? ME:NOTHING SITTING AT HOME BORD AS USUAL. MIKE:AWWW MY POOR BABY IS THERE ANYTHING YOU NEED THAT CAN MAKE U FEEL BETTER? ME:SIGH REALLY HARD NO.... WELLL REALLY I JUST WANNA SEE YOU. MIKE:OK BABE IM AT THE STUDIO FINISHING UP SOME TRACKS FOR BAD THEN ILL BE RIGHT OVER. ME:SMILING AS BIG AS I CAN OK I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!! MIKE:ME TOO I SHOULD BE THERE WITHIN AN HOUR ME:(HAPPY AS HELL NOW) OK BYE MIKE:I LOVE YOU BYE BABE ME:(TEARS IN MY EYES) I LOVE YOU TO MIKE BYE OOO I SOO CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU! MIKE:SAME HERE SEE YOU SOON HEY LISTEN... ME:WHAT? MIKE:HAVE SOME I MISS YOU FOOD WAITING ON ME WHEN I GET THERE YOUR MAN IS STARVING. ME:(GIGGLES)OK WHAT U GOTTA TASTE FOR? MIKE:WHATEVER IS FINE WITH ME CUZ I KNOW U CAN BURN IN THE KITCHEN. ME:(LAUGHS) OK OK ILL HAVE A MEAN FIT FOR A KING WHEN YOU GET HERE MIKE:THAT'S MY GIRL OK I GOTTA GO SEE YA SOON. ME:OK SEE YOU. SO WE HANG UP AND IM ON CLOUD NINE NOW!!!!! NOW I GOTTA FIGURE OUT WHAT IMMA MAKE MY MAN. I FINALLY DECIDE ON SMOTHERED CHICKEN BROWN RICE AND STEAMED MIXED VEGGIES. SO I GET THE FOOD ON AND WHEN ITS ALMOST DONE I GO TAKE A QUICK SHOWER AND PUT ON MIKES FAVORITE DRESS ITS A KNEE HIGH GREEN STRAPLESS ONE WITH REAL DIAMONDS AT THE TOP OF IT. MIKE HAD IT MADE FOR ME FOR ONE OF OUR OUTINGS/DATES. I DO MY MAKE UP AND PUT ON SOME BLACK PEEP TOE FLATS. I CURL MY HAIR AT THE BOTTOM AND LET IT HANG DOWN. THEN I GO BACK DOWNSTAIRS TO SET THE TABLE. OK SO ITS ABOUT 7 NOW WHEN MY DOORBELL RINGS I OPEN IT AND ITS MIKE!!! MIKE:(SEES ME AND MOUTH DROPS OPEN LOL)DEENA YOU LOOK AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! SMILES ME: THANK YOU YOU LOOK GOOD YOURSELF. WE STAND THERE FOR A MINUTE JUST LOOKING AT EACH OTHER IN EACH OTHERS EYES. THEN TEMPTATION GIVES IN AND WE START HUGGING AND KISSING PASSIONATELY. ME:(BREAKS OUR ENCOUNTER AS A TEAR SLIDES DOWN MY CHECK AND LOOKS AT MICHAEL) MIKE:WHY YOU CRYING? ME:BECAUSE IVE REALLY MISSED YOU I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH AND I HATE WHEN WE HAVE TO BE APART FOR MORE THAT A FEW DAYS! MIKE:(HUGGS ME TIGHTLY) SHHHH BABE IM HERE NOW ITS JUST THAT IVE BEEN BUSY WORKING ON BAD YOU KNOW THAT. ME:(SNIFFS) I KNOW BUT STILL...... MIKE:WELL HAVE ALL NIGHT TOGETHER AND TOMORROW WELL SPEND THE WHOLE DAY TOGETHER! I PROMISE ME:(SMILING AGAIN)OK (WIPES MY EYES) MIKE:(HELPS ME WIPE THEM)(SNIFFS THE AIR) UMMMMMMMMMMMM BABE IT SMELLS GOOD IN HERE WUD U MAKE ME? ME:(WALKS MIKE TO THE TABLE) SOME SMOTHERARD CHICKEN,BROWN RICE,AND STEAMED VEGGIES. MIKE:UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM DANG YOU HOOKED YOUR MAN UP ME:(SMILES)WELL THEN YOU SIT AND GET COMFY AND ILL FIX OUR PLATES SO I FIX OUR PLATES AND BRING THEM BACK TO THE TABLE MIKES ON ONE END IM ON THE OTHER. WE TALK ABOUT ANY AND EVERYTHING LIKE HIM WORKING ON BAD WHICH IS ABOUT TO RELEASE IM AS EXCITED AS HE IS ITS GOT SOME GREAT SONGS! WE FINISH EATING AND IM CLEARING THE TABLE AND WHILE IM AT THE COUNTER SETTING SOME DISHES DOWN MIKE COMES UP FROM BEHIND ME AND WRAPS HIS ARMS AROUND MY WAIST. me:(giggles) mike wud u doing mike:shhhhhh just relax and ill do all the work me:(giving in because he was sooo sexy and the way he whsiperd in my ear had me turned all the way on!)ooookay then mike did something that took me by surprise. he started messaging my thighs. which felt hella good he was so gental with me the his hands moveds up to my crouch and he started messaging my pussy as he did that he kissed the back of my neck which had my juices flowing by now i was turned all the way on and mike could tell. i tried not to but i couldn't help it i let out a small moan. me:(moans) micheal wudcha doing to me. ooooo that feels good mike:(whispers in my ear) let all your worries go im yours and your mine. i love you your ganna be my wife someday me:(tear falls from my eye as i turn my head and look at him looking down on me) i love you to mike i love you so much. we kiss for a long time his tongue roamed my mouth freely as mines did his. i was so lost in our kiss it took me a while to realize what like had done. next thing i felt two of mikes fingers inside me moving at a steady pace. it felt so damn good i tried not to but couldnt help it i let out a moan which made mike smile to himself. me:(moans) mike ooooooo that fells so..... (mike hits my spot i let out a big gasp) goooood mike:can you do me a favor do daddy a favor me:(inna trance now willing to do whatever he said) yes ill do it Micheal.(breathing heavy now) oooooo thats it ahhhhh mike: cum for me i wanna make you feel good i wanna be the one and only to pleasure you like this. ( starts to move mis finger around my clit which drives me in sane then he finds my spot and gose crazy with it). me:(moaning and breathing heavily) yes yes yes!!!!!! mike oooooooooooooooo right there baby ahhhh mike: moves his finger faster which got me ready to explode but he slows back down the speeds up giving me about 10 mini orgasms. me: my knees start going week im cumming so hard now harder than every!(moan and groans)mich........eal i i i i.... imma.... mike: knowing what im about to say says: shhhhh just do it for me. he kisses my neck again and by this time hes messaging one of my breast with his other hand. and i in heaven hes making me feel soooooooooo good. mike: moves his finger faster and faster around my clit me:im in such pleasuer as i cum on him i cant make a sound. i just breath out loud as a tear slides down my cheek. i finally reach my climax and it feels sooooooooooo good that my knees buckle if mike wernt holding me up i would've collapse on the floor. i moan as loud and shake uncontrollably from the feeling he was giving me. mike: that's my girl( still has his finger inside me he keeps moving them slightly sending aftershocks through my body) whispers in my ear i love you. me: outta breath all i can do is stare at him and nod mike: laughs a little damn i got some magic fingers dont i you cant even talk. laughs again. me: still in shock nods my head in agreement. mike finally takes his finger outta me its soaked from my juices. as was my panties. we just stare at each other i look at his big beautiful eyes and i lean to kiss him and we kiss for about 5 minute just exploring each others mouths. mike: i love you (kissed my forehead) me: (finally able to talk again) i love you too Micheal.. i love you so much. able to stand alone mike lets my waist go and me walk into the living room where i ask... me: can you stay the night with me i love you and want you here with me tonight mike: (moves in closer to me) i would love to i wanna be with you the rest of my life. me:(tears slide down my face) oooooooooo Micheal! i grab him and hug him he just holds me and soothes me. so we spend the rest of the night lying cuddled on the couch just talking and kissing. its about 11:30 now and im exhausted by now mikes surprise attack took a lot outta me. lolz=) i yawn and turn to Micheal and say.... me: i love you mike mike: i love you to now go to sleep i know you're tired. me: (yawns) ok but be fore i drift off to sleep i cant help but think one thing. he didn't even undress me........ so there it is i hope you guys like it!!!!!!!!!! =) vote please!
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