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DS... Part 14
Hello =Dx How's everyone doing today? =)x Well, I just got done with this part finally =Dx I hope you enjoy it =)x Vicky! <3 ________________________________________________________________ I hugged the girls tight not wanting to let go, "I'll see you guys next weekend, come on, stop crying" I closed my eyes, "You're going to make me cry" "We'll miss you daddy" Katie said. "I don't want to go back to Mom's house" Danny said, "its HORRIBLE" I kissed their foreheads, "I'm sorry, I love you" "Love you too dad" They both said. I stood at the door looking at them as they waved to me as they walked over outside the gates of Never Land to Miranda. I looked around; the supervisors that were appointed to be watching me walked with them and disappeared outside Never Land. I was so relieved those stupid people were outside my property, it was very uncomfortable watching them stare at me and my kids. I went inside the house and closed the door behind me. Danny and Mitchy stood at the living room door waiting for me to come. I walked over to them and hugged them, "Thank you for being there for me" I said, "Please don't ever leave me" Danny and Mitchy both responded in harmony, "Never!" I smiled faintly and went in the living room and sat. Danny was sitting beside me watching TV. I was lost in a daze thinking as usual. Till I realized, Mitchy was staring at me. I looked over at her and motioned, 'What?' she looked at me then back at Danny. I looked shocked at her and shook my head in a response of 'No' She sighed and walked to her room. "Hey Danny" I started. Danny looked at me, "Yes?" I stuttered and gave up, "Uh... Nothing" I left her sitting on the couch confused and walked to the kitchen. I'm confused. How can I ever have feelings for my best friend? I don't want our friendship to be ruined. I was making a sandwich in the kitchen when someone startled me by entering in the kitchen. It was Danny. "What did you want Michael?" She asked confused. "Oh nothing" I said, "Just something stupid" Well, I did not lie. She sat on the kitchen table, "Stop lying to me Michael Jackson, I can know you're lying anywhere" I giggled, "How so?" "Because I know you" she winked. I walked over to her, "Oh really?" She took in a deep breath. I could feel the tense atmosphere, "What if I told you I have feelings for you?" I whispered to her, with our faces just inches away from each other. "What?" "What if I said I have feelings for you Danny?" I repeated. "Uh..." I didn't let her complete and I interrupted her with a passionate kiss. ________________________________________________________________ "I don't want these kids around Miranda" Tommy said as we were getting to sleep. "Why not?" I asked him. "Look at them, they're so devilish. Why don't you just send them to that stupid ex of yours?" "Because Tommy" I walked over to him, "Child support" I said and got in bed, "We get money through this babe" He sighed, "Anything for money I guess, but I just don't want them. Isn't the money we have enough?" "A million. Really?" "A million is more than how much I cost" He said. I giggled, "You cost more to me" I kissed him to shut him up so we don't talk about this subject. ________________________________________________________________ Michael's lips pulled away from mine. I had my eyes closed, I slowly opened them and looked at him with shock at first, but then my shock turned into a smile. I caressed his face with my thumb, "You're so handsome" I said slowly. I could feel Michael's cheeks blush into a bright red color. I couldn't help but get turned on by that reaction. Kissing Michael was like heaven to me. Especially when he passionately kisses me when I'm not even aware he is going to do so. It feels like a shock has gone through my body then back into my brain. I leaned to Michael and gave him a peck on his lips, "Guess what?" I looked deep in his eyes, "I have feelings for you too Michael Jackson" He held both my hands, â??Then I guess this is my lucky dayâ? He pulled me close to him; we were still sitting on the couch facing each other, our foreheads touched. I could feel Michael's breathing on my face. I smiled to my self and closed my eyes. I have never been this close to Michael, and it's a really good feeling. ________________________________________________________________ "Hello?" Molly replied her phone on the second ring. I shouted on the phone, "GUESS WHAT?" "Calm down Mitchy, what the hell you excited for?" I whispered, "Michael told Mama" I grinned to myself. Molly shouted at the other end of the phone. "See, it was worth the excitement" I laughed. "NO WAY! HOW DO YOU KNOW?" She shouted. "I stalk" I giggled. Me and her kept talking about how Michael and Mama would make a perfect couple. They are so cute when they're together, and I'm just so excited. Finally Mama did something which made her happy. After my dad left us, Mama was always to herself, not caring about herself, only caring about my happiness. But her happiness is my happiness. I hung up with Molly still happy. I sneaked into the living room to see what was going on. I saw Michael sitting on the couch with his arm around Mama's shoulder, while Mama was cuddling into him. They were both watching TV. Now my mother is happy, what am I going to do? I need a man too. ________________________________________________________________ Two weeks has passed by already since the incidents, the child molestation and the divorce. Michael and I have been dating for these two weeks now. I'm so happy to be with him. Every touch, every kiss... Passion! Michael's door was slightly opened, I was about to go in when I saw the same horrible thing I saw weeks ago. Michael took out a box of pills from his drawer, took a few then he put the box back in his drawer. He closed his eyes for a second, shook his head then headed to the bathroom. Tears fumed in my eyes, not again. After the last time I saw Michael do this, we never talked about it. I wasn't planning to talk to him about it, because I totally forgot it even happened. Now that I remembered, this has to stop. I walked inside his room and sat on his bed; I took out the box and waited for Michael to come out the bathroom. Michael came out with his face wet, and he looked at me smiling. Then a frown came upon his face as soon as he saw the box of pills in my hand. "Danny, babe, what are you doing?" He asked calmly. "What is this Michael?" I motioned to the pills. "Danny, you don't understand, I HAVE to take these" "You don't HAVE to take anything Michael" I said. "When I'm in pain I take them, theyâ??re not dangerous" I gave out a laugh, "Oh please, Michael, I want you to stop this" He came close to me, "Daniel, you don't tell me what to do" he said in a serious tone. I stood up, "I'm your girlfriend Michael, I care for you, and I want this to stop" Suddenly Michael pushed me on the bed and pulled the pills from my hand, "You don't touch these ever again" he said aggressively. I was so frightened but what he just did to me, but I'm a strong woman, I stood up and pulled them back, "Yes I will" I headed to the bathroom, "these are gone Michael!" "NO!" He shouted and pushed me on the floor. I hit my head hard on the floor, I closed my eyes and opened them again to find Michael standing there looking at me with no expression on his face. "Michael, what are you doing?" I asked frightened. "YOU DON'T TOUCH THESE!! NEVER!!" He shouted. I stood up, and pulled the pills from his hand and flushed them into the toilet. As soon as I did that he slapped me across the face. I held my face and looked at him with shock in my eyes, "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! A JUNKIE ASSHOLE!!" I shouted and ran out the room. "No, Danny" he called me, "I'm sorry, please wait" I ran into my bedroom and locked it and cried my eyes out. ________________________________________________________________ Now, this is just a STORY okay? :P I never thought of MIchael as a violent person, Never :O <3 But u know, to put in some drama ;) I hope you liked it though :D<3 Don't foget to hit the vote button below ;) Lots of love! <3
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