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Pt.3-"Michael&Jordyn,Another Love Story"
Michael, you will forever live through your music, in our hearts, and in our dreams. I love you always. And a specail shout out to Kelly, thanks sooo much,I'm glad you enjoy the story, And to all the other writers, you guys are the best...keep writing!!!! -Jordyn. It's gonna get very emotional. Joanii(Jordyn's mother) and Jordyn express to Michael,painful evens which took place in their past,which leads to the reason why Jordyn has a fear of commitment. Later, about a hour and a half, Michael called my house, not to talk to me but to my mother. Mom: Hello, Stoner residence. Michael: Hi, Ms.Stoner, itâ??s Michael. Mom: Hold on sweetie, Iâ??ll get Jordyn for you. Michael: Um, actually I was calling to talk to you. Mom: Whatâ??s wrong? Michael: I wish I knew? I donâ??t get it. Mom: Donâ??t get what? Michael: I was thinking that I might be moving too fast with Jordyn and sheâ??s not ready to take it that far(pauses)...Iâ??m falling in love with her, I donâ??t think that sheâ?¦. My mother interrupts Michael Mom: Michael, thereâ??s a lot of things you donâ??t know about Jordyn. Sheâ??s had a rough life. She's suffered a lot of pain, and her greatest fear is commitment, she doesnâ??tâ?? want to get hurt nor does she want to endure any more pain, sheâ??s built up a strong wall up so she wonâ??t have to. Sheâ??s holding on the a dark and depressing past and canâ??t let it go. Michael(sighs): I remember her telling me earlier that the family was torn apart,I wanted to know what she meant but....(pauses)she didnâ??t wanna tell me. She quickly changed the subject. Mom: Michael, sheâ??s hurting, sheâ??s hated by the people who are supposed to love her, when she looks in the mirror itâ??s a constant reminder a part of her hates itself. And, sweet baby Jayden looks just like her father....(stops and sighs) Michael, itâ??s just...itâ??s a lot. Michael:I gotta delay my flight,I need to talk to her.Iâ??m on my way now. Mom: Michael,are you sure,you might hear some things that will make you upset,sad. Michael: I donâ??t care, I wanna be with Jordyn. And if thereâ??s things I donâ??t know about he, I want to get to know those things. Thereâ??s still some very painful things she may not know about me either, but sheâ??ll soon find out. Mom: You really care about her, I can tell. Nobodyâ??s ever shown her this kind of love and affection before, Jordyn never letâ??s anyone, let alone a man get too close to her. She only has one best friend whoâ??s like a sister to her whom sheâ??s known since kindergarten, her name is Becca. Michael: Earlier, we talked, and I spilled my heart out to her about how Iâ??m being treated by the public and she comforted me and let me know sheâ??d be there for me. I said Iâ??d do the same for her. Mom(surprised): Wow, thatâ??s a first, you must be something special, sheâ??s never been in love, Iâ??m not even sure she knows what love is, nor what it feels like. You might just be the one to break that wall down. Michael: I wanna be the one....(sighs) Mom: Tell me, how did you meet my daughter? Michae:In the show I always invite a girl up from the audience to come up on stage with me and last night I picked Jordyn. When I saw her I felt something I'd never felt before. I knew I had to keep her around. Having her up there with me, holding her in my arms just felt so right.....i was saying to myself,"there somethin' about this girl." Then I whispered in her ear and told her that if felt right and that I could hold her forever.....and she cuddled up to me as I sang to her. Mom: That's so sweet, what did you sing? Michael:â? The lady in my life." Mom: Oh, that's one of my favorites. Michael:Yeah, that's how we met. I gotta get going, Iâ??ll be there soon as I can. Mom: Okay Michael, goodbye. Michael: Bye. My mom goes to wake me up. Mom(shaking me): Jordyn, Jordyn, wake up. Me: What, what? Mom: Wake up. Me: Whatâ??s going on? Mom: Michaelâ??s on his way here. Me: What? really? whatâ??s wrong. Mom: I just spoke with him on the phone and he really needâ??s to talk to you. Jordyn this man really cares about you. He loâ?¦ Me(looking down): Donâ??t say it. Mom: You may not wanna hear it, but Michael is in love with you. Me: Mama, Iâ??m scared, I donâ??t understand anything right now. Mom: Aww, Baby, I know you scared, but what is it that you donâ??t understand. Me: My fears are controlling me and Iâ??m so confused. Mom: Youâ??ve never let any man get so close to you. Thereâ??s something about Michael, I saw it earlier, when he was here, the way ya'll look at each other, the way ya'll hug each otherâ?¦sweetie I wanna ask you something and I know it'll be hard for you to answer but youâ??ve got to be honest with yourself...Do you love Michael? Me(my eyes water up): Though I canâ??t believe itâ??s happening, I am falling for him, but mama, I donâ??t wanna fall too deep. Mom: Jordyn, heâ??s the one, you may not see it but I do. He loves you, he wants to be with you. He told me about how he spilled his heart out to you earlier . He told me how you said youâ??d be there for him. And even how you met which I thought was soo cute. I was so surprised because you never get emotionally involved with anyone. And he really wants to be there for you. Heâ??s that special one, you're feeling things for him you may not be able to explain it but know, that something special is there. Jordyn,donâ??t break this mans heart.Michael, is a very rare human being and lighting like that just donâ??t strike twice. I suggest you let go of your fears and let him into your heart. And I know it may be intimidating. You used to just know him as Michael Jackson, the entertainer. Now you know Michael Jackson, the man, and a good man he is. Donâ??t let him go, youâ??ll regret it. Me: I understand what youâ??re saying maâ??, and I believe itâ??s true, but, Iâ??m nervous I donâ??t know what to do or say. Mom: Just be yourself, itâ??ll come out the right way, trust me. Iâ??ll be there, right by your side if you need me to be. Now Michaelâ??s at the door. My mother goes to answer. Iâ??m in my room thinking that Iâ??m gonna screw things up, but my heart was telling me to just be honest. Mom: Hello Michael. Michael: Hi, Ms. Stoner, how are you? Mom: Iâ??m good,Câ??mon in, Jordyn well be out in a minute. Michael: Okay. Mom: Is there anything I can get you? Michael: No thank you,Iâ??m alright. I enter the living room and Michael stands up, comes over to me and sees that I don't look to good, then he saysâ?¦ Michael: Are you okay? Me: Yes, I uh, Michael, Iâ??m just gonna be completely honest with you and I hope what I tell you wonâ??t change your mind or your feelings about me. Michael: No, no, of course not. Me: I think we need to sit down. (Michael and I sit on the couch) Remember earlier today when I told you that my family was all torn apart? Michael: Yes, I remember. Me: Well, this started way before I was born. My father was a Caucasian man, who worked as a surgeon at a New York hospital. His family disapproved of his seeing my mother, mainly because sheâ??s not white...uh...(I started tearing up) Mom: Do you want me to tell the story sweetie? Me: Yes. Mom: His name was Jonathan, we loved each other very much. (My mother shows a picture of my father to Michael.) When his parents found out that their son was dating a bi-racial woman they had warned him not to see me again. But, he loved me so much that he kept secretly seeing me, then I got pregnant with Jordyn and all hell broke loose. His family forbid him to come near me again, he didnâ??t even get to see Jordyn, not once before he died,he didn't even know her name. Michael: What happened? Mom: His family threatened to kill him if he would see me again. When Jordyn was just three days old I got a letter from her father saying, â??If I canâ??t be with you and my baby, then I donâ??t wanna live.â? (pauses) Jonathan committed suicideâ?¦.(my mother pauses and I take her hand, comforting her) Me: When I was about four years old, my mother had found out where my father was buried and we went to see his grave. One that same day his parents came and when they saw us...they gave my mother the most evil look.I didnâ??t know who they were. The woman said to my mother, â??You donâ??t belong here, leave.â? My mother never said a word, but I saw the pain in her eyes. Then the woman looked down at me and said, â??This ainâ??t no grandchild of mine, you ainâ??t nothing but a blue eyed, ni**a nose, piece of sh*t. I never will know what itâ??s like to have a father or grandparentâ??s...My moms parents passed away before I was even bornâ?¦..That day replays over and over in my head...As I got older I wished my father was around, I needed to do something to try to ignore the pain I was suffering. I became rebellious toward my mother, who gave me everything, but I still disobeyed. I ran the streets and gave my mother a hard time. Even though Iâ??ve apologized to my mother and Iâ??ve straightened up, it still doesnâ??t erase whatâ??s been done. She calls me the best daughter ever, I canâ??t agree. I can tell Michaelâ??s trying to hold back his tears but they come out anyway. Michael(trying hard to get his words out): Whatâ?¦aboutâ?¦Jaydenâ??s fa..father? Me: I met Jaydenâ??s father through one of my street friends and he and I were close because we were both without a father and desperately wanted one. It wasnâ??t until recently that we started dating. He pressured me to sleep with him. I gave in. I was so damn stupid. We didnâ??t even love each other. I cared for him, canâ??t say he cared for me cause he didnâ??t. After he got what he wanted he left. He doesnâ??t want nothing to do with me, nor his own son and he knows that Jayden exists. Michael: You werenâ??t stupid, heâ??s the stupid one. Me: You know Michael, I wish didnâ??t but I hate him, I so him so much I see him everyday using women like he used me. Heâ??s probably got babies all over the state of New York. And Iâ??m beatin myself up because Jaydenâ??s gonna grow up without a father. I canâ??t be his mother and father. Somebodyâ??s gotta teach him manhood and do father,son,things with him...Michael,my life has been the fire pit of hell. Michael(whips away my tears and takes my hand): If you let me, I will give you my all, Iâ??ll be the father Jayden needs, Iâ??ll be all that you need me to be and more. Jordyn,I love you.I understand your past was tough, but baby, now itâ??s time for you to look at whatâ??s in front of you,where none of hellâ??s fire pits exist, nor do they exist in your future. Love exist now and will be in your future and forever more. Me(starting to cry): You really mean it. Michael: Every word. Me(finally got the strength to say it): Michael. Michael: Yes. Me: I love you too. Michael: I love you more. I smile and kiss Michael on the cheek and he saysâ?¦. Michael:Let's tear this wall down together, I've let you into my heart, now I need you to let go of your past, and let me into yours. Me:I believe weâ??ve already torn down the wall, and youâ??ve got a special place in my heart. Michael and I smile at each other and my mother was so happy that we were finally and officially together. Now, I had to talk to my mother about California. Me: Maâ??, can I talk to you. My mother and I went into the kitchen to talk. Me: Maâ??, do you think I should go to California with Michael? Mom: YES!!!!YES!!!YES!!! I DO!!! Me: REALLY?!!! But I donâ??t wanna leave you. Mom: Child, donâ??t worry boutâ?? me. You know Iâ??m just a phone call away if you wanna check up on me. You go on the California with yoâ?? man. Me: Are you sure? Mom: Yes, sweetheart, Iâ??m sure. Iâ??m so very happy for you. You deserve him and he deserves you... And Jordyn, when I said you are the best daughter in the world, I meant it, because you are. Iâ??ve forgiven you, now you need to forgive yourself. Me: Maâ??, I love you so much. Mom: I love you too. We hug each other. Me(smiling): I guess, Iâ??m going to California. My mother and I walk back into the living room where we found Michael looking at the scrapbook my mother made filled with baby pictures of me. Me: Michael, what are you doing? Michael(laughing): Just looking at what a cute baby you were. Me(laughing): Thank you....Um, Michael, you remember about California? Michael: Yeah. Me: Well, Iâ??ve decided to go back with you. Michael: Really?!!! Me: Yes!!! Michael picks me up a twirls me around, yellingâ?¦ Michael: THANK GOD Iâ??M THE HAPPIEST MAN ALIVE!!!! Michael immediately starts to help me pack up. It wasnâ??t too long before we were on our way. Michael and I hug and kiss my mother goodbye, and she kisses Jayden. Me: Maâ??, Iâ??m gonna miss you so much, Iâ??ll call you everyday. Mom: Iâ??m gone miss you too. And we'll call each other. Michael: Thank you, Ms. Stoner, for everything. Mom: Youâ??re welcome, you take care of my daughter and my grandson. Michael(smiling): Iâ??m on the job. Mom: Alright, yaâ??ll have a safe trip. Now, me, Michael, and Jayden are on the plane heading for California. What's gonna happen now that Michael&Jordyn are finally together? Pt.4. On itâ??s way. Thanks for reading.
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