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Time Theif: Chapter 1
WARNING- this is the one and only warning I'm going to give you. There will be intense scenes of death, getting eaten alive, sex, arguements, and cursing. Please, if you get queasy, stop reading. It's only gonna get worse. Thank you for reading. "Eo!" I whispered. He stood there for a second, smiling ear to ear. He walked torwards me, with his arms spread open. He hugged me tightly, with his cheek resting on the top of my head. I breathed in his sweet, tangy scent. It was divine to smell him again. "Onyx, I thought I lost you." Eo whispered. He backed up an looked at me. "Being in a cell has done you no good," he smirked, "well, I think Jazz might have some clothes that will fit you." "Jazz?" I hoped my dissapointment didn't show. "She's one of the shipmates. You gotta meet her, along with everyone else." He grabbed my hand, sending shock through my whole arm. "Ready?" "Yes." I said, my voice getting stronger. We walked through the door, and walked down the hall. It was a tunnel, made out of the same metal the Ice Soldiers uniforms were made out of. The same pale blue. Every so often you'd see a picture of the Ice Queen glareing at you. The halls remained the same as we went through the twists and turns of the halls. I looked at Eo from the side, noting that her had gotten taller. His chocolate brown eyes, his space-black curls that hung around his shoulders and his face, his delicate nose, slightly turned up, his lips, perfect in shape. His robes hadn't changed much. The same white clung to his body, showing off his muscles. His belt still held some of his power, glowing in all the colors in the universe. The clasp on his coat was the insignia of our home planet, Eros. He was beautiful. And I probably looked like shit standing next to him. "So, how did you get captured? Your known for hiding well." He said suddenly. "I-I" I stuttered, he caught me off guard." I trusted the wrong people. Never trust Tironians." Eo laughed, "That's old news." "I wasn't paying much attention. Besides, she could pick up my signals." I said, I sounded like all the emotion was drained out of me. Which was nearly true. "They didn't treat you good, did they?" He said, then stopped and hugged me again. He kissed the top of my head before grabbing my hand again and continued walking. "I'm sorry this happened to you." "Don't be. I'm fine." I was dazed that he kissed me. One more turn and we walked onto a huge platform with a spaceship on it. It was surrounded by an aray of creatures. "Hey!" Eo called out. They all turned, some waved. As we walked up I noticed a pretty girl. She had on a skin tight suit, it was intirely black. Her red hair was long and straight, and her green eyes were piercing. She watched Eo with an obsessive air about her. Damn, there goes my chances. We walked right up to a ginger, two-headed bird thing. One head had short hair, and the other had long hair, spiked up. "Onyx, I want to introduce you to my navigators. This is Ide." He gestures to the one with long hair. "And this is Ode." He gestured to the other one. "Nice to meet you." I said, shaking their hand. Ode looked at me up and down, then shook her head in approval. Next in the line up was a huge robot. He had a metal mustache, and one eyeglass on his left eye. "Onyx, this is Major Domo. He is the commander on the ship." "How do you do?" Major Domo asked, with a deep voice. "Good." I replyed. "Tsk, tsk, bad grammer." He said, then turned and walked off. I turned to Eo, and he shurgged. Then we walked up to a smaller version on Major Domo. "Onyx, this is Minor Domo, he is security." Eo introduced. Minor Domo floated up to eye level and squeaked. He then floated to where Major Domo was standing, and slammed into the opening on his back "Urg!" Major Domo yelled, "Warnings are always welcome, brother!" Ide and Ode laughed, and then started to talk to eachother again. We then walked up to a short, blue elephant, with eight black eyes. It was very dirty. "Onyx, this is Hooter. He is... Well, he cleans sometimes." Eo sounded annoyed with him. Hooter bowed sightly, before falling on his face. He let out a groan, and then tried to stand again. He failed, and fell again. Everyone laughed at him, and it was quite funny. I walked over and helped him to his feet. "Thanks." Hooter mumbled. I smiled at him and walked over to Eo again. Next to Hooter, was that girl again. "Onyx, this is Jazz. She is a shape-shifter. I just got her recently. He turned to her. "Shift please." She took a breath and turned into an old hag, with wrinkles and yellow teeth. She took another breath and turned back into herself. "Thank you." Eo said, sounding pleased with her work. "Anytime." She said, her voice was smooth and silky. She blushed at him and turned to talk to Hooter. Then, a furry, red ball of fluff landed on Eo's shoulder. He smiled at it and stroked it behind it's ears. "Fuzzball, this is Onyx. She is nice, so don't be mean." He said to it. It purred and then muzzled it's head in Eo's neck. "Aw, he's cute." I said, and came close so I could pet Fuzzball, and he purred louder, obviously happy with all this attention. "Captian, we should take off. Commander Bal would scream his head off if he found out your abusing your power." Major Domo said. "Your right," He tapped Fuzzball's back and he flew off. "Let's go." He said louder. Everyone crowed onto the ship, and we left the hell hole that was my life for two years.
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