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I Promise You This Cht. One
Been long since I last wrote, but Iâ??m backâ?¦ For now. Add me on FaceBook to really get to know me, if you want to. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/JennieLoveee -Signed Jennell ================================================================ ================================================================ Damn, is it wrong to fall for someone you work with. These feeling are strong, but depending on who he is most people would say the same thing. But we spend a lot of time together, late night movies, dinner, even sleep overs. My mind is just confused right now. Anyways the year is 1988, Iâ??m a perfesional choreographer in L.A. My names Precious Gianni, Iâ??m 28 years of age. I guess ever since Iâ??ve been successful most of my friends are some kind of famous. Parents left me once I turned 18 so I been alone ever since then. Donâ??t get me wrong, I had my rough times in my life. I was engaged thought I had everything planned out, but once that ring was on my finger he became overly aggressive till the point when I left him. Ever since then my relationships have been awkward and never lasted long. Recently Iâ??ve been working with Michael Jackson, yes thee Michael Jackson. We connected the first time we got to know each other. Itâ??s been a year and a half since I first met him and we are very close, I guess you can say that. Lately Ive been having these urges to move closer to him when we are watching movies, kiss him on the cheek everytime I see him. I donâ??t want to though because what if he rejects, thatâ??s one thing im afraid of, rejection. Friday, weekend is here no work time for relaxation and fun. Itâ??s 730pm I just dropped my keys on the counter grab a soda and plopped on the couch. Phone rings I set my soda down and reach across the table for phone. Me: Hello better be good for distracting me from my drink. Michael: Calm down, itâ??s only me Michael Me: Oh (Chuckles) Was about to get an ear full of my mouth, wassupâ?? ? Michael: Movie night, Itâ??s pretty lonely over here. Me: I have to think about it, Iâ??m pretty comfortable over here. Michael: You donâ??t think much so I dought that. Me: You know what, watch your gonna get it little boy. Michael: Well, if you come over your problem will be solved. Me: Ugh, you have your ways Iâ??ll be over in alittle. I donâ??t know if that is considered as flirting. He aways gets his way in everything I swear. I change out of what I was wearing earlier. I slipped on shorts and a cardigan sweater grabbed my keys and drove over to Michaelâ??s. I had a feeling in my stomach, that butterfly feeling. I put that thought aside as I drove up his driveway. He greeted me in his silk pajammas, surprised I didnâ??t passout then. Michael: You showed? Me: Anything for Michael Jackson (Walks past him into the house) The King Of Pop Michael: (Closes door) Oh stop, your making me blush. Me: Not the first time Mike (Lays on the couch) Michael: Movies not here. Me: Theater? Michael: No my room, come on lets try something different. I stand on my feet and watch him walk up the staircase, am I hearing this right or is he flirting with me. Why does he do this to me. As so I followed him up to his room, lucky his bed was pretty big. I layed with my head at the base and my feet by the head board. Michael: Ugh, your feet smell! Me: Michael! Itâ??s your upper lip stop trippin. (Silent we both look at each other) Michael: (Sniffs) Your right (Covers face with pillow) Me: (Bursting out laughing) Mikeeey come on everyone has flaw. (Sits beside him peering over him) I know your laughing Michael: (Pulls pillow away revealing a wide smile and sits up) I know Iâ??m not flawlessâ?¦ But you are. He starred into my eyes, I could see the lust within them. He inched close to my face, feeling his warm breeth on my neck. He kissed my neck softly, then my cheek. Then our lips locked, I didnâ??t breath for a second. I finally cought my breath and started to kiss back. With his hands around my waist and mine around his neck I felt like this was right. Then the moment came when he pulled away. Michael: Preciousâ?¦ ================================================================ ================================================================ To Be Continued...
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