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Jade's life part 2
me: yes mommy this is my year old son Josè, Josè say hi Josè: *being shy* hi Michael: hi *to me* he's cute how about we walk across the street to luxurious hotel Jackson cuz if we want this friendship *pokes me* no more secrets me: wait so you still wanna hang out with me Michael: yea ur cool and plus I don't have a puerto rican friend me: *giggles* ur loco Michael: haha cmon let's We got to michaels house and I saw a little girl plating tea party and a boy sleeping at the table Stacee: uncle Michael uncle Randy went to sleep while we were playing tea party Michael: I kno uncle Randy is a fart head isn't he Stacee: yea can u play with me Michael: sure can Josè and Jade play to Stacee: sure the more the merri-christmaser sumtin like that Michael: oh gosh imm w ger some more tea jade come with me me: okay We went in the kitchen expecting it to be empty and when I walked in I almost had a heat attack me: whoa I never seen this many people in one kitchen Michael: really this is nothin compared to thanksgiving me: *giggles* Michael: I would like you to meet my family my mother Kathrine me: *waves* hi Michael: and these are my siblings rebbie that's stacee's mom, Jackie, Toriano or as we call him Tito, jermaine, Marlon, Latoya, u saw Randy, and the baby of the family Janet and family this is Jade me: hi everyone everybody: hi Jade Janet: your voice sounds different what are u Michael: dunk Janet: cmon mike it's just a question Me: yea mike it's just a question Michael: *smacks teeth* I don't get no authority me: well Janet im Puerto rican Janet: do you speak Spanish me: so mamacita mi hablò espà ñol Janet: cool Michael: well this is my family stacee is waitin for her tea and we have to talk so goodbye Me and McNeal played tea party and we talked and now he know everything about me and he is a good listener we were gonna finish talking but I saw Josè falling asleep me: Michael we gotta go my baby is about to pass out on your floor Michael: okay I will walk you home Michael picked up Josè and he fell asleep on his shoulder as we were walking across the street as we got up the street I saw my parents car and my baby's daddy smokin on the porch me: Michael that's Josè's dad and my parents are here I don't wanna go in there alone Michael: I'll go in there with you take my hand me: *looks at it* Michael: take my hand Im gonna be your boyfriend for the night me: ok We walked up and passed Alejandro without saying a word. I walked in the house and my grandma was at the door Grandma: jade ur parents are here me: ok Michael: hi miss rosa Grandma: hola guapo jade I will be in the kitchen Josè: *half sleep* madre Alejandro: *comes in and goes in the kitchen* Michael: he is a mean mugger huh me: cmon bring Josè in the kitchen We got in the kitchen and everyone stared at me me: what are y'all doin here Alejandro: who is he me: that is not what I asked you my mom: Alejandro wants custody of Josè and we are gonna help him me: what abuela they're tryna take my baby boy from me *yelling* I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS *crying* Grandma: I am ashamed to call you my daughter Carmen that boy is all your daughter you told me you were here to spend the weekend with the baby My mom: well we are gonna be here the weekend to get things straight for the court I grabbed Josè from Michael and went in me and Josè's room and started packing Michael was right behind me Michael: this is just not right me: *packing* Michael: where you gonna go me: anywhere but me and my babyboy aren't gonna be here with those monsters I started crying hard and when Josè saw me cry he started to cry so Michael came and hugged me to console me so the baby can stop crying I just cried and cried in michaels arms until I felt sleepy and I went to sleep he called my grandma upstairs told her I was living with him and she picked up Josè and the bags and Michael picked me up and walked across the street and when we got there Michael saw Joe was home and was scared immediately Enjoy~Eric
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