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Break Of Dawn 10
Double digits !!! Plz remember to vote and yes I have a few ideas...on with my story ! -- Da'Kota :) Michael: I don't feel hot... Me: You sure ? Michael: Yes I'm sure Me: Okay Michael: ...... Me: *singing* Your just to good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you. You'd be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At last love has arrived. And I thank god I'm alive. Michael: *singing* Pardon the way that I stare. There's nothing else to compare. The sight of you leaves me weak. There are no words left to speak. But if you feel like I feel please let me know that it's real. Your just to good to be true can't take my eyes off of you. Me: *giggling* Michael: Lauryn Hill Me: Yea that's it Michael: I know...*smiling* Michael and I drove to my house and watched some movies... Me: So what's next ? Michael: Um..you pick. Me: Okay I went over there and picked a scary movie. Me: This one ! Michael: That's a scary movie !! *scared face* Me: *smiles* Just the grudge..not scary. Michael: Okay I guess Me: Although I never seen it I think it won't be scary... Michael: Oh my god ! I thought you seen and you were saying it wasn't scary from your experience. Me: Um....no Michael: Put the movie in and sit down. Me: Alright ! Alright ! I put in the movie and sat next to him. He was really scared through the movie and so was I. Michael: Um..wanna go to bed ? *scared face* Me: *scared face* Yea let's go. Michael: But I'm scared... Me: *scared face* Me too ! Michael got up and turned on a light. I was relieved.. Michael: Now let's go Me: Okay The hallway was dark getting to my room but Michael was holding on to my hand the whole time. We got to my room and it was really dark in there. Me: Michael turn around. Michael: For what ? Me: *scared face* I'm going back to the couch ! *running to the couch* Michael: *laughing and following me* It wasn't that scary ! Me: *head under covers on the couch* Oh yes it was ! Michael: Come on we'll go to my house. Me: Is he there ? Michael: *giggling* Who ? Me: The grudge ! Michael: *giggling* No but he might be here... Me: Oh god ! Don't play around !! Let's go ! Michael: Okay Me: Hurry Michael ! Michael: Alright calm down. Me: Your moving too slowly ! *running to door* Michael: *laughing* It wasn't that scary ! Me: It was !!! Michael: Okay just come on. Me: *grabbing his arm* Let's leave. Michael: That's the plan. We went out the door and got to his house.. Michael: Wanna watch another movie ? *smiling* Me: No ! No ! No ! Michael: *laughing* Okay let's go to bed. I went to his room with him. We got in his bed. I couldn't sleep because I might have nightmares... Me: Michael ? Michael: Yes Me: Aren't you supposed to be sleep ? Michael: I can't go to sleep right now Me: Why ? Michael: I might have nightmares... Me: Me too. Michael: It's okay. Let's go downstairs. Me: Alright Me and Michael went downstairs and into the kitchen. Michael: You hungry ? Me: No That was just my problem. I never ate after I met Michael. I also found it hard to sleep. Okay just great, the only man I love has turned me in to an insomniac that doesn't eat anything !! Michael: Sorry to ask but do you eat at all ? Me: I guess not Michael: Why ? Me: I don't know Michael: Just eat something right now. Me: I don't carry an appetite these days Michael: Here eat this. *handing me an apple* Me: Okay *biting it* Michael: Good Me: *still eating the apple* I finished it and he wanted me to eat another one... Michael: Eat another one. Me: No I'm good Michael: Please *puppy dog eyes* Me: Okay *grabbing another* Michael: Thanks Me: *finishing it* No problem He ate an apple and we went back upstairs to bed. I actually went to sleep when we got back upstairs. In the morning I wasn't scared anymore... Michael: You finally woke up ! *smiles* Me: Yea that's true Michael: *singing* Oh pretty baby ! Don't let me down I pray Oh pretty babay now that I found you stay. And let me love you. Oh baby let me love you. Oh baby. Me: *singing* I need you baby ! If it's quite alright. I need you baby..to warm my lonely nights. I love you baby. Trust in me when I say okay..it's okay. Michael: *giggling* Me: Lauryn Hill again. Michael: Yea again We laughed and talked all day we also had a really considerable conversation... Michael: Do you think that..... Me: Do I think what ? Michael: That you could be... Me: I could be what ? Michael: *quietly* Pregnant.... Me: No I never thought that Michael: Wanna check ? Me: Yea I guess I am not the type of person that likes talking about stuff like puberty, periods, pregnancy, and all that stuff. It just gets me really mad ,but I wasn't gonna get mad now because it could be a possibility...I'm not ready for that but what if it is positive...I would wanna leave Michael..get an abortion...and kill myself..let's hope when we get a pregnancy test it will be negative. Okay I ended it so you could be mad and in suspensial thoughts ! I am gonna make another part like tommorow because it's like 3:04 a.m. and I am gonna be in trouble...so bye. -- Da'Kota :)
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