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A Cry For Help *Pt. 3*
Enjoy! P.S. I will add my new friend, Shakira in the story also. :DD ---------------------------------------------------------------- -One Week Later, April 10, 1992, 11:14 PM- -In Ava's Point of View- In the middle of the still night, there was a really active thunderstorm. The bright, radiant moon seemed almost impossible to see, because of the nighttime fog. The raging thunder boomed so loudly, it sounded something similar to a cannonball during a bloody war. The dangerous lightning flashed very rapidly into the depressed sky, destitude of light. The intoxicating smell of the earth spread throughout the moist air as a result of the rain. Standing in front of an old, broken-down builing, that supposedly used to be a liquor store, I looked all around the city, searching where to go and walk around next. It had been a week since I've gone to school and it had been six days since I was home. For five full days, I had been on my own. The only things in my possesion were an old, overused, blue bookbag, that was basically shredded and torn, a crinkled, stained five dollar bill, and a cabbage patch doll that my grandmother gave me right before she died, when I was only seven years old. Her name is Mary Jade. I had always held onto her for comfort and support, because ever since my grandmother died, I felt as if Mary Jade was the only person who ever cared about me. I ran away from home six days ago to get away from all of my problems at home. The biggest problem I had was my mother and my stepfather, Harold, or whatever his name is. Ever since he came around, my mother never had time for me anymore. Before he came along, I was her number one priority, but once he came into the picture, she doesn't give a shit about me anymore. Like I don't even exist. I hate Harold! I hate him with all of my heart and soul, it's unreal! He cheated on my mother over twenty fuckin' times with all these women, from his co-workers to prostitutes and strippers. I also saw him having sex with a woman and when I confronted him about it, he told me, "I can do whatever the fuck I want, you little bitch!" He also hits my mother and wants sex whenever he wants it. He is so sex-addicted....he tries to find it wherever and whenever. He has made sexual advances towards me when my mother is not around and this has happened ever since I was thirteen. He would always put out these unecessary remarks, such as me having large breasts, me doing him a "favor", and how I look like naked. I told Momma that this was going on, but every time, he would put on his "I didn't do it" eyes and tells her that I am lying about all of this, and she goes ahead and believes it! I am scared for my little sister, Shakira, who is eleven years old. I don't want that nasty bastard, Harold, trying to do that to Shakira as he did to me. I'm more like a mother to Shakira than Momma is. I cook her dinners, I clean for her, I brush her hair every night, I help her do her homework, I do everything. Before running away, I went into her room, gave her a kiss as she was sleeping and left her a note on her bed, along with some peppermint candies, that she always loved to eat. From there, I skipped away to the night, full of experiences, also dangers. As I continued to search streets to travel, I spotted a street. Magnolia St. Hmm...I never been there before, so I decided to walk down and see what was there. That is something I would later regret. As I first entered Magnolia St. my eyes first came into contact with all of these women in short-short mini skirts, halter tops, tight pants, and high heels. They were all walking around the streets, just looking at me in pure awe, it seemed. These women are hookers! I should've known. This one hooker came up to me and she looked absoulutely stunning. Hooker: Excuse me. I just want to say that you are very beautiful. Me: Um...thank you.. Hooker: Are you new around here? Me: Um...I'm not a hooker. I just walked here, because I ain't got no place to go. Hooker: Hmm...looking at your face, you would be perfect for this job. Me: (laughs) Nah. I'm not into hookin'. Hooker: But it's easy money. How much money do you have? Me: (empties my pockets, finds nothing but lint) Only a five dollar bill, but I'm saving that for food. Hooker: Hey, um..why don't you try it? You're pretty, you need money and well...you're available. So, just try it. I thought in my head. Five dollars is not enough to eat with and I needed money for a train ride to Los Angeles. It would be easy money, so I gave it a shot, something I should've not done. Me: (nods head) Sure. I'll try it. Hooker: Great! (smiles) Hey, what's your name? Me: Ava Anders... Hooker: Ava...that's a sexy name. I'm Leila Donns. Me: Hey, Leila. Leila: Now, (looks down at me) You cannot get easy money dressed like that! Come with me. Me: Where are we going? Leila: Somewhere where no one'll see us... We went behind a dumpster and she told me to take off all of my clothes, so she could get me some different clothes. I had on some sweatpants, a Tupac t-shirt(in case yall don't know, Tupac was a rapper from the 1990's. He was killed in 1996)and my old stained Nikes. Leila came back with a halter top that showed lots of cleavage, a mini skirt that came down to like my thigh and some red stilletos. I put them on and I felt so weird, because I never dressed like this before. I always dressed in sweatsuits and baggy jeans and suspenders. Not this whore clothing. Leila: Hey, come hang with me on the curb for a bit. Me: A'iight. -On The Curb- Leila: So where are you from, chick? Me: Psh. The rich side. Leila looked at me like I was crazy. Leila: What? Girl, for real? Me: Yup! And I go to school wit all these rich kids, but I have two friends who ain't so bougie. (laughs) Leila: (laughs) Coo. Wanna cigarette? (hands me a pack) I smoked a lot, so this wasn't my first time. I started smoking when I was fourteen. Me: Sure. (gets a cigarette) I put the cigarette in my mouth and she lit it up with her lighter. We smoked and had a conversation. Leila: How old are you? Me: Fifteen. Leila: Oh, damn.. Me: Haha! I know..How old are you? Leila: I'm sixteen, chick? Me: Oh, wow. I guess guys out here love young girls, huh? Leila: (chuckles) Yeah...I get more customers than Melodie, the chick over there and she's five times more stunning than I am, and she's twenty. Shoot, guys are crazy for teenage girls out here, ain't no joke. Everything was quiet and we were just having a good conversation and getting to know each other, when suddenly, a Crown Victorian (a car) zoomed up against the curb where we were at, and this tall, black dude with a white wife-beater, gold chains, and a gun ran out in Leila's direction. Leila's eyes were so bugged out, they looked like they were about to pop out of her head. I just knew we were in danger. Man: LEILA! I'M GONNA BUST A CAP IN YO ASS, YOU TRICK! Leila: Oh, shit. AVA, LET'S GO! (grabs my arm) All through the alleys of the Santa Barbara ghettos, in our mini-skirts and high heels, we sprinted as fast as we could to get away from this guy trying to shoot Leila. As he saw us run, he stormed in his car and zoomed over to the alleys where we were running to. We were screaming as we were running, yelling "HELP US! HELP US!" We were to the end of the alley, by the fence where we were about to climb, but just as Leila started to rapidly climb the fence for safety, she felt a strong hand tug on her hair and her head jerked back to where she fell to the wet ground to her back. Man: Do you think I was gonna let you get away with dis? Bitch, give me my money back or I will put you to sleep...(points gun to her) forever. I started to scream loudly as he pointed the gun to her chest. I screamed, "DON'T HURT MY FRIEND! PLEASE DON'T!" He was getting very annoyed. Man: SHUT THE FUCK UP! Immediately, I shut up like he said. I looked in horror as he brutally beat Leila into pieces. I couldn't let him hurt my new friend, so I jumped on his back and beat his face from the front as I screamed. Leila was on the floor, bleeding from her lip, and she was too weak to fight along with me. For five minutes I was beating the man up, but i wasn't winning since he was taller than me and bigger than me. I was about 115 lbs and he was about 200 lbs. He pushed me off of him and before I could get away, he agressively grabbed me by my neck, and started to squeeze. Then everything went black.... -Four Hours Later, 3:54 AM, April 11, 1992- My eyes recovered from heaviness and they awoken. I found myself in a bed, lying on my back, completely naked with the same man that choked me, on top of me, sweating profusely. I didn't know what went on, but it was obvious that the man brutally raped me. I was sexually assaulted and beaten. I was covered in scratches, bruises and all of these deformities. I laid there, in horror as he was asleep. I just knew I had to get out of here. He awoken and right away he looked at me. I was so scared about dying, I promised to do anything just so he wouldn't kill me. Man: Hey, sexy. (stroked my hair) Wanna do somethin for me? Me: (crying) I-I'll do anything...Just please don't kill me, please..(sobbing) Please, I beg you, please don't kill me...I'll do anything... Man: (soft voice) You know what i want you to do? (puts hand on my mouth) Me: What? Man: Go in the bathroom and clean yourself off... I went into the bathroom and as I looked in the mirror, i looked at the cuts on my face and the bruises around my body. My body was aching and sore, I was bleeding and blood was coming down my legs, since I was brutally raped, and I was very shaky. As I looked for a washcloth and some soap to wash off with, I spotted a window out of the bathroom. Carefully, secretly, and quietly, I opened the window and with a bedsheet, I wrapped it around my violated, naked body and zoomed off into the night. I ran all around what seemed like the city, screaming "HELP! HELP ME! PLEASE HELP ME!!" Cars and cars went by, but no one stepped forward to help me. Basically naked because my sheet was coming off, I still ran for help. In about five minutes, I saw a black Escalade come up to me. I walked over to the truck and then the window rolled down. It was someone I didn't expect to see...It was Mr. J! Mr. J: (eyes widen) Ava? I was so desperate for help, I didn't think about the incident back at school or anything. I just wanted help from somebody and I didn't care who. I was so weak from the brutality I went through, I literally fell to the ground from exhaustion. Mr. J immediately ran out of his car and picked me up, with my legs into the air, my arms on his neck and his arms wrapped around my back and my waist. He put me in the backseat as he drove me to his house. I hated Mr. J before all of this happened. Would I still feel this way? TBC...
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