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A Cry For Help *Pt. 2*
Hello. The last part to this story went away quickly yesterday because someone cleared the page and there was some arguing going on, and of course, I was upset, but I put that all aside and besides, it got six votes, so I'm happy about that. So, let's get to part two. enjoy! P.S. I added Lexi and MiKayla in, so if anyone wants to be a character in this story or any other story, plz let me know! :) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Still in Ava's Point Of View- All class period, Mr. J has given me the cold shoulder. He was lookin' at me with an evil stare all through, even if I didn't say or do anything. *smacks teeth* Whatever. Who gives a damn if he doesn't? That fucker don't know me! Even though he scared me back in the hallway, that don't mean that I have to listen to his ass! I do whatever I want, and I don't give a rat's ass how he feel about it. He can bend over and kiss my natural, black ass and keep on moving, 'cuz you know what? 'Cuz I don't give a fuck! As the dismissal bell rang for us to go to our lockers and head over to second period, I started to walk out wit' the others, but that damn Mr. J called me over....Man, what does he fuckin' want from me?! Mr. J: Not so fast, Miss Anders. (gestures to me) Come here... I smacked my teeth and walked over to him, giving him a "you're wasting my time" look. It's obvious he could read minds, 'cuz he was like: Mr. J: I know what you're thinking. You think I'm wasting your time. Me: How did you know that? Mr. J: (chuckles) When you've been working with children for as long as I have, you know what they're feeling. Look, you may think that you don't care about what I say to you, but you know what? One day, you'll thank me. Now, Miss Anders...I want you to sit down with me for a few minutes at lunchtime and I want you to explain to me about what makes you angry. Tell me what you're feeling inside and tell me how you see life as...(takes my hand and hold it towards him) I looked down and saw my hand being intertwined with his. Was he fuckin' serious?! Why the hell does he want to know? He's only doing this shit on me because he only wants one thing. He doesn't want to see why I'm always angry or how I feel...He wants to get some from me and if he thinks he can get in my pants easily, that mothafucka got another thing coming! I feel mad, angry, violated, and taken advantage of. He feels he can control me to take something from me that he wants. Calling me over and having a conversation with me at lunch was just his way to do exactly that. Me: (angry, starting to cry, pulling my hand away from him) Look, you don't know me like that, alright? Mr. J: Ava, I'm just trying to help you. Me: Yeah fuckin' right! I'm not stupid. I know your tricks! Mr. J: What are you talking about? I'm not trying to trick you. Me: Yeah right! You know what? If you're thinkin' about gettin' a piece of ass from me, think twice! You know what? (snatches my bookbag) I'm done wit dis shit! (storms out the classroom) I ran out of the classroom, crying as I held my backpack to my shoulder and I ran as fast as I could outside of the school, before anyone caught me. Just then, my homies, Lexi and MiKayla ran out after me. Lexi: What's wrong, girl? MiKayla: Yeah, girl. We saw you storming out of Mr. J's class. Everything alright? Me: (turned away from them) Look, I ain't got time fo dis, a'iight? Lexi: (puts her hand on my back) Ava...What happened? Me: (shakes head) Nuttin... MiKayla: Ava, we already know you lyin'... Me: Kay, I ain't lyin'... Lexi: Yes, you are...Look, we won't tell nobody. Right, Kay? MiKayla: Sure thing. Me: Well...alright...Well, Mr. J... Lexi: (not letting me finish) What could he do? Mr. J is awesome! He wouldn't hurt anyone.. Kay: Yeah! Mr. J ain't down with hurting folks, especially us. Me: Well, that's what yall think. Lexi: (gasp) What? Tell us what went down. Me: Now, yall promise not to tell.... Lexi: Girl, we won't tell nobody. Kay: We'll keep our mouths shut. Me: Well...(starts to cry) After class, he called me over and he told me that he wanted me to come and sit with him at lunch so he could talk to me about what makes me angry and how I feel and stuff... Kay: What's bad about that? Me: Well...he held my hand and he held it towards him and he gave me a little smirk. I think he was just doing that so he could get something from me that he wanted... Lexi: What? What does that mean? Kay: Lex, it's obvious. He was trying to get her to have sex with him... Lexi: O_O WHAT?! Me&Kay: Shh!! Kay: Shut up! Lexi: Sorry...Ava, are you sure that he was trying to do that? Me: I'm positive. I ain't goin' to school tomorrow, 'cuz I don't wanna see his face ever again...I'll just tell Momma that I'm sick tomorrow, or I'll just pretend I'm goin' to school and go walk all over the city until school gets out. Lexi: (has head down) I can't believe he would do that... Me: Well, believe it. Look, I'm gonna hop over to the McDonalds over there on Marlessa Ave, since they got kids up there who skip school. I'll call you guys later, a'iight? Lexi&Kay: Yeah, alright... -In Mr. J's Point Of View- I sat in on my chair, with my head down, just wondering what did I do to make her storm off like that. All I was trying to do was help her and to make her be a better person. I hope she didn't think of me as trying to take advantage of her, because I would never, ever hurt a child for as long as I live and I don't look at Ava as something I would be sexually attracted to. I mean, she's a very beautiful young lady, but I'm just not interested. *sighs* I pray that she didn't think of me like that, because I never want to hurt her...only help her... TBC...
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