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A Cry For Help *Pt. 1*
Happy Wednesday, everyone! This is Tiara and here's another story coming here tonight. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- -In Mr. J's (Michael) Point of View- - Monday, 8:45 AM, April 3, 1992- I stood in front of the chalk-saturated chalkboard, with a gazing smile on my face, grinning from cheek to cheek and I attempted to help my students recover from the weekend and get them revved up to learn. Me: (cheerfully) GOOD MORNING, MY SHINING PUPILS!! Students: (sluggish) Good morning, Mr. J... Me: Aw, come on, guys! Look, I know the weekend is over and I know all of you want to be in your beds, watching television, but we have to get ready to review for your state-wide exam, and to cover some of the new material that we didn't get to yet...So, let's try this again, and this time, I want you guys to be happier, okay? (smiles) Students: (in unison) Yes, Mr. J... Me: GOOD MORNING, MY SHINING PUPILS!! Students: (cheerfully) GOOD MORNING, MR. J!! Me: (chuckles) That's the spirit. From then, we got to business. As you know, I am a history teacher for tenth graders at Hamilton Heights High School in Santa Barbara County, California. I have been educating children ever since for almost ten years, and I have no doubt that it is the best job in the entire world, because children are the only people that I feel I could relate to. I've always enjoyed associating myself with all types of children, educationally and personally. I started out my career with children in 1983, working at a daycare in Encino, California. I also loved history and learning about things of the past that changed our world, so I decided that I wanted a job that worked with children and learning, and what other job is that besides a teaching career? So, on September 12, 1987, I began my career as a history teacher and I love it very much. I don't plan on ending my teaching until I basically die. I have my own techniques and rules in the classroom. First up...I never let my students call me "Mr. Jackson," because that name is reserved for my father, not me, so I just tell them to always call me "Mr. J" and sometimes, they call me "Mr. A," for "Mr. Applehead," since I've been called "Applehead," for as long as I can remember. I'm not like most teachers, especially at Hamilton Heights. Teachers there are pretty tedious, boring, old, gray, strict and never willing to blend fun and learning ever. So, I try to make the students have fun and learn at the same time, and as a result, students love my class. At the end of class, they literally come up to me and beg me for them to stay in my class the whole day. *chuckles* I get very pleased with that but I know that it wouldn't be right, so I say, "I wish I could, but I cannot..." My students think of my class as the only place they could be themselves and "kick it," as they say. (remember, it's the 1990's. "kick it" is 90's slang) I love that I am the only one that cares about them enjoying thierselves as well as their education. I have a lot of students that follow my directions, that have the best potential and are willing to learn, but just like any other teacher, I do have a small few bad seeds that make it hard for me sometimes. These children need more attention and they don't care about learning, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I need to push them in order for them to succeed and strive for success, because every child has a desire to learn and grow, even if their passion doesn't show. Every child has potential that should NEVER go to waste. Out of all of the bad seeds I have had in my six years as a teacher, I will always remember this one girl, named Ava Anders, who definitely showed me that there was a serious reason behind her defiance and who really called out a cry for help. After I called out the students' role call, I written ten review questions about World War II for the children to write in their notebooks and answer. It was all silent as I was writing on the board and the children were copying, so I didn't know that somebody was just walking into the classroom, until I turned my head. Me: Miss Anders...where's your tardy excuse slip? She just shrugged her shoulders and simply said, "I ain't got it..." Me: Um...excuse me? Ava: (having an attitude) What? Me: (mocking her in her voice) I ain't got it! The students laughed a little bit at my stupid imitation and I heard it, but I kept on looking at Ava. Me: Is that a way to talk to an adult, young lady? Ava: Psh...whatever, bro. (walks to her desk) Me:(following her) Young lady! (in a firm, stern voice) You might not be in another class, but you will respect me in this classroom! Your attitude is very disrespectful and your other teachers might tolerate it but I certainly am not! So you need to get yourself together, because this behavior coming from you is totally unacceptable and I will NOT allow it in my classroom! Ava: (scoffs) I don't need to listen to you...(crosses her arms) Me: (frustrated and angry) You know what? Go out into the hall. (points finger) OUT! Ava: (rolls her eyes, grabs her books, and walks out into the hallway) I heard her mumble something as she walked out. I think it was something like "Ugh, yall get on my nerves!" I couldn't take it anymore. This girl has given me nothing but attitude ever since school started and it was soon going to come to an end. I slammed the classroom door and entered the empty hallway, face-to-face with her. I was going to give her a piece of my mind. -In Ava's Point of View- *smack teeth* Man, this dude is straight-up trippin! All I did was say that I don't have a tardy pass and this fool goes all "Is that a way to talk to an adult?" and "you will follow the rules" and "this behavior is unacceptable" and shit. Man, for real, give a sista a Goddamn break! Damn! Yo, Mr. J is sexy as hell, but he sho gets crazy sometimes. Dayum! I can't wait to have this fucker off my back fo good! But he did scare me kinda on that day. He slammed the hell out of that damn door and his face was all red and he was so pissed, you could boiled an egg on his face. He scared the living piss out of me! I didn't say anything, because I know that I would've gotten my ass whooped if I dared to say anything, so I just kept my big ole' mouth shut. Mr. J: (firm, angry, and deep) Never in my six years as an educator have I seen such behavior. All school year, I haven't really done much about your attitude but all of that will change, because I am overly sick of you being disrespectful to me and your fellow classmates. Little girl, you will learn that there are rules and you will follow them, whether you like it or not. OMG! Did he just call me "little girl"?! Damn, I know right then and there that my ass just got owned! Mr. J: Do I make myself clear? Me: Y-Yes, Mr. J... Instead of a typical smile from him, he kept on with his pissed off face. Mr. J: Good...Now, on Thursday, I will schedule a parent-teacher conference for you, because we will find a way to change your unnacceptable behavior. Now, once you enter the classroom, you will take your seat, be silent and follow instructions, you understand? Me: (nods head) Mr. J: Alright. Go in. TBC...
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