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Love and Hate part 28
I can't believe Michael is here out of all the dancing celebrities it had to be him. I went over to Lexi and demanded a explanation me: Lexi what the fuck how come you didnt tell me you were gonna be here Lexi: I know I wanted it to be a surprise me: and did you know Michael was gonna be here Lexi: no! when I pulled up I saw a limo infront of me and Michael stepped out and I was like shit shit shit it's gon be a fight today me: calm down I'm not even gon cause a scene, remember this is my place of work Lexi: mmmhmmm okay well if something happens then stay away from the Louis B cuz if blood get on it imma show you and him what street fighting and a blackbelt mixed can do me: ugh you're such a material girl me and Lexi were talking some more until samyra came over there Samyra: mommy jayden said he knows the Janet lady and she played with us and she is really fun and she wanted me to ask you can we go to the Build-A- Bear Workshop with her? Janet: pleeeeeeaaaaasssseee me: okay and behave Janet don't loose control Janet: oh girl I won't... Who wants coooooookkkkkkkkkiiiiiieeees me: oh gosh we did the choragrapphy and everything went well me and Michael said not one word to eachother. We got done and I went out to my car to get ready and go get my babies, but when I got in my car it wouldn't start so I got out popped the hood and checked it and nothing was wrong I guess my battery went dead it was hotter than hell out here and I was draped over the car hoping for a miracle and Michael came up and rolled the window down, well it's not a miracle but I'm desperate Michael: you alright you need a ride me: no and I'm alright Michael: look I don't wanna see you let alone talk to you right now but it's 103 degrees out here and I have AC in the limo me: I still would turn that down but I have to go get my kids Michael: you mean kids as in plural...get in this damn limo I got in the limo and Michael just stared at me with confusion and hate Michael: what do you mean kidS and yes there is emphasis on the S me: Michael you know what means don't act dumb Michael: so you kept the baby me: why george I think he's got it Michael: *in my face* why didn't you let me know me: cuz you said you never wanted to see me again and may I add hate is such a sting word for a weak skinny man Michael: *pushes me on chair and holds my hands above my head* I'm stronger than what you think me: Michael shut up and get the fuck off of me Michael: no me: knees him in the balls Michael: owwwwwweeeeee me: now leave me alone Michael: *Slaps me* me: *slaps him back* At that point me and him were fighting *sighs* memories we were fighting all the way to the jacksons house by the time we were done I had bruises, a deep cut on my eyebrow and a busted lip, michael's nose was bleeding, a few scars on his face and a busted lip. Before I went in the house I called Janet Janet: wassup me: hey put the kids in the playroom and shut the door Janet: okay but why me: you'll see when I get in there Medals Michael walked to the house and Latoya opened the door Latoya: I see you guys reunited and it ain't so good Michael: Toya shut up We walked in the house and Janet was coming from the playroom Janet: ohhhhhh I see well you can go in my room and get cleaned up and do yu have clothes in your duffle bag me: yeah I went in jaunts room and cleaned my face and took a shower the swelling in my lip went down after I put ice on it and there was nothing left but a scar. I put on a red v-neck that showed clevage Jean shorts that were cut and strings came down and red chuck taylors. After I got dressed Michael came in Me: excuse me but there was this idea someone made called knocking and I could've been butt naked Michael: ain't like I haven't seen you naked before me: Ok now what do you want Michael: we need to talk me: about Michael: our baby girl me: oh so you saw her Michael: yea and she is beautiful like her mother me: Michael if you came in here to get back with me forget it Michael: no I meant what I said Im through Me: so what do you wanna know about your "babygirl" Michael: what's her name me: Samyra Monet Jackson Michael: that's beautiful... But i wanna know if I cAn be in her life Enjoy~Erica
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