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Better Together: Part 2
Heres part two. Hope your liking it so far and if your not well it will get better i just need time to work on it more. Thanks for all the compliments on my other story. Dedicated to Michael and Daz. 4 months today Michael was taken from us :( -Sarah The next morning i woke up lying on Michael on the couch with my arm around his stomach and my head on his chest. He had his arm around me too. He was asleep but as i lifted my head and realised my position i jerked a bit and woke him. He looked down to see our position and i jumped up. Me: oh im sorry...i umm must of fallen asleep and well i hug things when i sleep...(embarrassed) Michael: its ok it was comfortable (smiling) Me: i better get going (still embarrassed) Michael: its ok Sarah we just fell asleep... Me: yeah but....i just better get going (blushing and going in to get dressed) I quickly put on my tracksuit and fixed my hair. When i came back into the living room and Michael was still there watching TV. Michael: im sorry for you know (looking down) Me: no its my fault...(changing the subject) well ill talk to you later... Michael: you need a lift (standing up and walking to the door) Me: no its ok my apartment is just around the corner i think ill walk... Michael: you sure? Me: positive (going to walk out and stopping) thank you for you know...evrything...i had fun last night... Michael: no thank you...i havnt had a night like that in so long (smiling) Me: well emm (looking down) ill call you when im ready to leave... Michael: (grabbing me back) your forgetting something.... Me: (thinking he was going to kiss me) what? Michael: well how can you call me without my number (smirking) Me: (looking down) oh....yeah... Michael wrote his number down and gave it to me. After that i left and went home. When i came back i found my place in such a mess. Beer bottles everywhere and as i walked into the living room i found my boyfriend Stephen passed out on the couch. Whats new? Me: (kicking his leg) i see your drinking my money again... Stephen: (waking up) ah shut up its not like you need it... Me: of course i need it...you wouldnâ??t have a roof over your head if it wasnâ??t for me and my money so either go and get yourself a job or stop drinking my god damn money! Stephen: (sitting up) dont talk to me like that! Me: i can say what i want Steve this is my house and after last time you cant touch me (storming upstairs) Stephen is my boyfriend of 3 years. I met him at the soccer academy when i was 16 and when i made it big time and he didnâ??t he started drinking heavily, he moved in with me and has been jobless all his life. He relies on me to give him spending money and me being the fool i actually do it. We used to get in huge arguments were one or both of us would get hurt. I dont take anything from him and im not afraid to hit him back but after one time when he threw a bottle at me it hit just over my eye and i had to get 6 stitches. I tried to hide it but my team mates found out and went to the police so ever since heâ??s been on a warning. If he does anything to me even push me heâ??s going behind bars. I took a shower and got into my casual clothes. I put on a small bit of make-up and went back downstairs to find Stephen sitting in the mess he made watching TV. Me: (picking up bottles) will you ever get off your lazy ass and clean up this shit... Stephen: its your house... you clean it! Me: (stopping and glaring at him) well if its my house and your not going to clean up your mess then get out... Stephen: donâ??t you ever threaten me again (standing up) Me: or what you gonna hit me again...give me your best shot! (holding my face out) I stood there thinking he cant do it he dosnt have the guts. But how wrong i was. He picked up a bottle and hit me with a full blown swing across the face. I hit the ground so hard and i was lying there in a daze. Falling in and out of consciousness, i heard a loud bang and then everything went blank. I woke up what seemed seconds later but was actually 4 hours later in a small puddle of blood. My head felt so heavy and i pulled myself up off the ground and touched my eyebrow and jerked my hand away with the pain. I had blood on my hand from touching my head. I called out Stephens name and he was gone, i guess the loud bang was him slamming the door. I walked into the kitchen and got a cloth and held it to my head. I knew i needed more stitches so i got in my car and drove to the hospital. I was waiting there for about two hours trying to hide my face in case someone knew who i was. After waiting there the doctor finally took me into this room where he cleaned up the cut and stitched it up. Doctor: so how did this happen? (stitching) Me: oh..umm walked into an open cupboard door... Doctor: iv been an A&E doctor for 7 years now and iv heard that line probably over a thousand times...what really happened... Me: uhh just a small fight with my boyfriend...and well things got out of hand and here i am... Doctor: im going to guess your still dating him... Me: well im going to LA soon so i think that is my chance to leave him... Doctor: well your all stitched up and good luck with your situation... Me: (shaking his hand) thank you... I left the hospital after i had to fill out some forms and drove home. When i was walking up to my door i seen someone sitting at it. Me: What do you think your doing back after to....oh hi (smiling) Michael: who did you think i was? (standing up) Me: emm..my room mate! As i got closer to Michael he noticed my eyebrow. Michael: what happened to you? (looking worried) Me: oh its fine just walked into a cupboard door...(looking down and changing the subject) why are you here? Michael: oh i just got bored at the hotel and i called your agent and he told me you lived here... Me: oh ok (getting my keys out and opening the door) I completely forgot the mess that i left before i went to the hospital and Michael walked in. Me: oh god Michael im sorry about the mess its my roommate... Michael: oh its ok no need to explain (smiling) I ask Michael if he would like a drink and he does so i go into the kitchen and get two sodas and i tell Michael to go into the living room forgetting about the puddle of blood that i never cleaned up. Me: (walking back in) here....(handing him a soda) Michael: i dont know about you but i dont see any cupboards in here (pointing at the blood and smashed bottle beside it) Me: (looking down) just leave it Michael... Michael: what happened? (coming closer to me) Me: i dont want to bother you with it, its fine i can manage...im a big girl... Michael: (taking my hand and sitting down) im not leaving until you tell me... Me: why are you doing this... Michael: well were friends now and friends talk to each other... Me: it was just a fight that went too far... Michael: who did it? Me: my boyfriend, Stephen...(looking down) Michael: oh...and are you going to break up with him? Me: well...iv been with him for 3 years its not that easy...he lives here like his family are in Ireland so if i did break up with him heâ??s got nowhere to go... Michael: (pausing and looking down) he dosnt deserve you... Me: (standing up) well i better pack... Michael: oh yeah emm should i go? Me: you can stay if you want... Michael: you sure? Me: positive (smiling) Michael stayed and helped me pack. We had so much fun again just goofing around. I was finally finished and Michael took my suitcases downstairs. Michael: so emm... do you wanna come back for a while you know watch a movie or something? Me: (thinking and looking down) Michael: to be honest i really dont want you here by yourself... Me: this has been happening for 3 years Michael its ok...but yes i will come with you (smiling) Michael: (smiling) great well ill take your bags and well lets go (smiling) Michael and i left and arrived at his hotel. He put my bags in my room and we got changed into our pyjamas. This time i had my own so no more wearing Michaelâ??s boxers. Michael put in a movie and called me to come out to the living room. Me: whats up (walking in) Michael: (patting the seat beside him) movie time (smiling) Me: (sitting a few inches away from him) scary one im guessing? Michael: (smiling) you know me already... An hour passed and i was feeling really sleepy. I didnâ??t want to fall asleep on Michael again so i told him i was going to bed. Michael: aw the movie isnâ??t even over yet...dont leave me to watch a scary movie on my own... Me: im going to fall asleep (trying to keep my eyes open) Michael: (pulling me down onto his lap) go to sleep... Me: (lying my head on his lap and facing up to him) wake me up when its over...(closing my eyes) Michael: (smiling and putting his hand on my stomach) will do... The next morning i woke up and i jumped. What was i doing here? To be continued...
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