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A Look Back at those Memories *Part One*
Hey! It's Tiara L. comin' at ya, and I came up with something creative, so I will share it with you. Uh...I wasn't on here lately, cuz I've been a very busy lady, since on Friday, I'm goin' up to Washington D.C with my school and Kings Dominion with my school band. Well...enjoy!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- (In Leola's Point of View) *May 25, 2011* Today is a day that will be exciting, as well as difficult. Today at 4:00 later today, I will actually be interviewed by Primetime's Diane Sawyer for an hour and a half, concerning my career, but most importantly...the death of my ex-husband, the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. It would be very hard bringing up his death, because I did not take it well, and there was a lot of controversy behind it. The media started rumors that I was battling a drug and alcohol addiction, caused by my extreme grief over Michael's death. They even said that I was battling anorexia and bulimia, which were total lies. I knew Diane would mention those things, so I had to bravely prepare for all of the things being hit at me. I know what you're thinking. What is your career? Well, I am a singer, but I am mostly known for my great work during the 1980's and early 1990's, but my fame started to decline in the mid 1990's, and I stopped my musical career in 1997, but I was still known...because of my marriage to Michael Jackson, of course. I was also a media target and a recluse. I couldn't do things regular adults did. I was pretty much lonely as Michael was, and yes...I was pretty dependent on medication the same as Michael was, but I entered rehab in 2000 and I was sober ever since. I tried to convince Michael to get through this dependency along with me, but he refused. That was one factor that ended up in our divorce, but there were plenty others, but you'll find out in the interview. (Interview Time) Announcer: Here is Primetime, with interviewer, Diane Sawyer at the Shrine Auditorium with R&B singer, Leola Francis. Diane: Welcome, America. Nice of you to join us this evening. Here with me this evening is Leola Francis, who is singer and ex-wife to the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson. (to me) Hello, Ms. Francis. How do you do? (smiles) Me: (smiles kindly) Hello, Diane. And I am fine. Diane: Great. Now, I never thought you would agree to this interview... Me: Well, I did...(smiles) Diane: And I'm very glad that you did. Now, you told me you were prepared for any question I ask you... Me: Yes...(looking serious) Diane: Okay. Now, the biggest reason you're known is because of your marriage to Michael Jackson. When did you first meet him? Me: Uh...I first met Michael in Encino when he was 26 and I was 21. The way we met wasn't the typical Hollywood way of how couples meet. *Flashback to 1984* *Knock Knock* Just then, the door opened and came out of it was this man with his hair in a deep, rich, black jherri curl, beautiful skin as brown as a river of melted milk chocolate, and these eyes that would have you falling head over heels. This was the first time I had ever saw him without any sunglasses on, and he looked drop-dead gorgeous. I knew who he was as a superstar and a normal person, because he was my next door neighbor, but I didn't really have a conversation with him. It was always a small, quick greeting that didn't mean anything, and on Sunday mornings, I would always find him taking a walk, but that was it. Michael: Hello? His voice was smooth as silk. Me: Um...hi. I-- I couldn't think of what to say next because I just got lost into his eyes. Me: I, uh...(realizes what I came there for) Uh, the mailman put your mail in my mailbox by mistake. Just wanted to give it to you. (hands him the mail) Michael: Oh, thank you. (smiles) You know, it's weird that you have been my next door neighbor for five years, and I haven't gotten your name yet. What's your name? Me: I'm Leola. Leola Francis. It's great to meet you...Michael. Michael: (smiles) You too. May I say, you're gorgeous. Me: (blushes) Uh...thank you. You look good yourself. Michael: Ehh...thanks anyway. Um...I hope this isn't too fast, but would care to come over to my house to hang with me, if that's okay. Me: Sure! I'm up for it. Michael: (eyes light up) Really? Me: Yeah...here's my phone number. Ring me when you get the chance. Michael: Okay...bye, Leola! Me: Bye, Michael. (runs to my house) *Back to 2011* TBC...
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