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Emergancy Room Love pt 2
So i go get about 2hrs of sleep and its about midnight when i go back to check on micheal and hes still sleep so i go out to the desk where nene was its just me and her and two other nurses that work that shift in the burn unit. me:yawns girl im tired as hell its been a long day and OMG I CANT BELIVE ME DENNA JONES IS IN CHARGE OF THE CARE OF MJ!! LIKE OMG GOD MUST LOVE ME CUZ NEVER IN MY WILDNESS DREAMS WOULD I HAVE THOUGHT THIS!!! nene:laughs o no here she goes what do u see in mike anyway hes just a regular celebrity like all the rest of them. me:o no hes not micheal is special hes got something no other singer has its not just his voice its everything about him his so sweet and humble he is so generous he gives w/o thinking about it hes just.......uuuhhhhh sooooooooo fine and just a great human being!!! nene:looks at me like ok ok i get the point. and yeah he dose have a amazing voice its like an angles voice when he opens his mouth. me:i know well lets go make these rounds wheres Natalie and Lia? nene:there doing there rounds rt now me: ok lets go ill thake the left side u take the rt? nene:sure so we make our night/early morning rounds and micheals room is the last so i take my time in his lol i check his bp and heart rate which is fine i also check his head bandage which was also fine but when i was reaching over him to check him he woke up. mj: groggily me:standing there in shock. mj: full awake now..um hi hello me:uhuh o hi yes in your full time nurse im Deena Jones and you are mj! im so sorry mr jackson for what happened to you. mj: u dont have to call me mr anybody call me micheal and ur deena right? me:trying not to scream bc im talking to mj!!! yes denna jones. mj:deena... i like Ur name it suits you just fine you know you are very preety. me:blushes o well thank you mr i mean micheal. do u need anything are you in any pain? mj:yes my head really hurts. me:I will go and get you some pain medicine to inject into ur iv. mj:smiles at me thank you me:i just melted when he did that to me he has a gorgeous smile. your welcomed ill be right back. I go out the room and meet nene. nene:what took you so long in there?? me:about to burst!!!! micheal woke up i was in there talking to him!!!!! nene:what?? already we didn't expect him to wake up until tomorrow of so. me:ikr well hes awake and in pain so im getting him some pain meds. gose into the storage room and gets the meds. walks back to the nurses station. well here i go again omg i cant believe im taking care of mj!! nene: me neither well go do your job i got it out here. smiles at me me: thax girl see ya. So i go back to mikes room and hes trying to sit up. me: o let me help you with that how far do u want to go up? mj:as much as you think i should ur the expert. smiles at me. me: my heart stats beating fast as hell. ok well u probably shouldn't go up to much we wanna keep ur head at an angle to help blood flow good up there and so you dont fell alot of pain. mj:ok so i help him get comfortable and while am leeaning up aginst the bed to fix one of his pillows he says... mj: sniffs me and says ummm you smell good what do you have on? me: stands back and looks at him in shock again. um its my favorite perfume happy. mj: looks me up and down and nods his head. o well it smells really good and i like how it stays in the room once your gone. smiles at me me:blushing super hard now. o well thank you. um i have ur pain medicine if you still want it. mj:i do thank you and can i say somthing? me: yeah sure u can say anything you want. mj:you are really preety not just that but ur.... me:umm yeah???? mj: dont take this the wrong way but your sexy too. me:ok not my cheeks are tomato red now and i smile really hard at him. thank you...thank you very much. mj: looks at me and smiles. and you have a great smile too. i love it. me:thank you so do u. u have the most beautiful smile Ive every seen. mj:o now why u gotta lie no i dont. me:im serious u do ur teeth are all straight on pearly white. mj: im serous too why u lie to me? me:lie about what i didnt lie about anything. mj:o yes you did me:kinna irritated now ok what did i lie to u about!? mj:you said i had the most beautiful smile you ever seen. me:yeah and i ment it u do. mj:well that was a lie. me:looking confused at him. im not following? mj:giggles his o so sweet giggle. youve seen pictures of yourself right? me:yeah and.... mj:you were smiling right? me:yes mj:so u lied to me when you said i had the most beautiful smile you've ever see because you do. gives me gives me that devilish grin. me:lets what he just said register... laughs hard o u are soo nice but i still think ur smile is the best. mj:laughs ok ok u win looks at me and smiles.... owe!!! me:o whats wrong what happened??? mj:its just my head it really hurts me:o yeah i have ur medicine rt here u would've had had it but u wanna play mind games w ppl. lol smiles at him mj:sorry if i made u mad but i had to u seemed like the playful type to me. me:no no i am i play jokes on ppl all the time. laughs ok now heres ur medicine imm put it in ur iv ok. mj:ok me:it will burn a little goin in your arm then you should be just fine. mj:ok thanks smiles at me. me:puts the medicine in his iv mj:balls his hand up into a fist. u wert kidding that dose sting. me:sorry bout that idk why it stings like that. So i give him his medicine and we talk some more then i see what time it is and i have to leave but i don't want to. lol ok thers part 2 hope yall like it please VOTE!!
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