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Tough Love Part 15; Part 2
At this point, Iâ??m not sure WHY I canâ??t post my last part, and Iâ??m sad about that :-(. I had to move on anywho, letâ??s get to it. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Chapter 15 Part 2 The Sweet 16 As people were coming in, Randy and I were able to keep quiet because Marlon made sure no one came pass him. â??So hereâ??s the plan, Jackie and Tito are like the chaperones. Michael is the host, so heâ??ll announce us when itâ??s time to come in. LaToya and Janet will help hosting also, but we asked them to be the servers for us.â? Instantly, I thought LaToya will resent me for this! â??Why are the girls the waiters?â? â??It just made sense. Plus they are like our cheerful eye-candies.â? â??If you say so Randy,â? I said in an unconvinced tone. He went over to a cabinet and got a glass of water for me. â??Here, drink some of it. You look like you need some reassurance.â? â??Thanks,â? I said and drunk a little bit. I drained the rest and held onto my hips. â??Cheer up princess. This is your time to be demanding and have fun!â? I turned to look at him, shook my head, and folded my arms across my chest. Then I leaned over the sink. Randy and I had to leave about five minutes later, because the caterers had to move their things in the kitchen. What he was thinking and what I was thinking was the same. â??Where do you wanna go next?â? he asked me. â??To be honest, I wanted to see how yâ??all outside looked like,â? I told him. â??Nope, no can do. Donâ??t want nobody seeinâ?? our princess.â? â??Okay,â? I said laughing, â??How about I see a few picture books.â? â??Alright, we can go to the actual living room where no one will be.â? â??Okay, good.â? So we sneaked to the living room and I sat down on their couch. I looked around and could imagine the energy all of them shared together in this room. â??Sit back baby and get comfortable,â? he told me. I rolled my eyes, but I did. We were going through tons of photos, and I got to see how the Jacksons looked when they were off guard too. One that I couldnâ??t get out of my kind was when Michael was about sixteen, he was combing his hair in the bathroom mirror. He had a phone under his ear, and was leaning forward. Then there was a picture of Michael and a girl on a couch. His arm was around hers and they were smiling at each other. I didnâ??t want to show that I was uncomfortable, so what I did was swallow a little. It seemed like Randy knew my demeanor changed, so when I tried to turn to the next page, he stopped me and pointed to that picture. â??Stephanie Millsâ?, he said simply. â??Whatâ?, I couldnâ??t help looking at him. â??Thatâ??s Stephanie Mills; Michaelâ??s last girl friend.â? â??Ohâ?¦they seemed happy.â? â??I didnâ??t last too long. Just a few months.â? â??Well, how old is she?â? â??Twenty-one.â? â??Twenty-one?â? â??Sheâ??s older than Michael, Lyric.â? Well, duh if sheâ??s twenty-one, Randy! â??Then whatâ??s the deal with Tatum?â? â??Ohhh, do I, no, well yeah, I think I detect some jealousy here!â? â??Randy, spit it out before I make you.â? â??Well, hereâ??s a true princess. A snappy one at that. But she was really one of his first girl friends, other than Theresa. Our parents had nothing to do wit it. He liked her and she liked him.â? â??Hmm,â? I grumbled. Then I thought, wait, now who is Theresa?! â??What happened?â? I asked. â??Jeez, if you wanna know all this just ask them!â? I raised my fist. â??Basically she had his nose all open, but she wasnâ??t beinâ?? faitful.â? â??Reallyâ?, I asked and said in a knowingly way. â??Interesting,â? â??Hey, I was just teasing about you beinâ?? jealous.â? â??Itâ??s nothinâ?? Randy.â? â??But for real though, Michael doesnâ??t date consistently, so if you donâ??t wanna be jealous, you may wanna try and date him so you can join the long list of girls heâ??s been with.â? â??Thatâ??s not meâ?, how could he say that? That was insulting to me! â??Good, because too bad for him,â? Randy slid over closer to me, â??Iâ??m closer in age to you.â? His grip became tighter and he licked his lips. I thought about it, and grabbed his nose, then pulled it from side to side. â??Age ainâ??t nothinâ?? but a number Randy, because our age doesnâ??t mean Iâ??m gonna be attracted to you.â? I said boldly. Then I took the book and closed it, because to be honest, I didnâ??t want anymore surprises. I couldnâ??t afford them. When it was time to enter, Marlon got us, so Randy grabbed my hand and we left out the living room. Randy and I waited at the back door before we got outside. I only saw two people in front of the door. I guessed that was Jackie and Tito maybe. â??The moment weâ??ve been waiting forâ??it is time for our Princess Lyric to come out and join her Sweet 16!â? That was Michaelâ??s enthusiastic voice. One of the guys who were in front of the door opened it. I came face-to-face with Jackie Jackson. Then I felt Randyâ??s hand as his grabbed mine again. We walked out as â??Weâ??re Almost Thereâ? started playing. People looked over and clapped when they saw Randy and me. I even heard someone whistle! I looked around and saw people I knew and some I didnâ??t. Once Randy led us to the middle near their pool, he wrapped his arms around my waist, so I wrapped mine around his neck. We started dancing slowly. When the song stopped, Michael came over to us with the microphone in his hand, and his other hand was behind his back. â??We all know we canâ??t have a princess without a crown.â? he said. Thatâ??s when â??One Day in Your Lifeâ? started playing. A guest got me a chair and Michael sat me down. â??One day in your life, when you find that you're always waiting for the love we used to share, just call my name, and I'll be there... You'll remember me somehow... though you don't need me now, I will stay in your heart, and when things fall apart you'll remember one day... One day in your life, when you find that you're always longing for the love we used to share, just call my name, and I'll be there....â? He singed as he placed this gold plastic crown on my head. As he was singing, he got on one knee and singed all of this to me. I felt at that moment, thatâ??s what he felt about me. I felt that was the dynamic part of our friendship. All of what he asked from me is wishful thinking, yet it is longing. I wiped a loose tear that I didnâ??t know until it tickled its way by my mouth. Then I bit my lip. When he delivered the line â??And Iâ??ll be thereâ?¦.â? for the last time, I reached down to hug his neck. We stood up and hugged each other tightly, swinging from side to side to the music. When the song ended entirely, he said in the microphone, â??And yâ??all ainâ??t seen nothinâ?? yet!â? They started clapping. I couldnâ??t enjoy the music at first because everyone wanted to greet me and tell me how beautiful I looked. I also got many happy belated birthdays. When Patricia, Danielle, and Sherry finally came over to where I was at, I was more than happy. â??Did you guys know about this?â? I asked them once they hugged me. â??Uh, yeah Lyric. It was ours and Michaelâ??s little secret.â? Sherry said with a smile. â??Of courseâ?, I said. I danced with my friends for two songs until Randy asked them if he could have my attention. â??Wow, I thought you wanted Michael, Lyric. You canâ??t have both.â? Patricia whispered to me as she walked away. â??The thing is I donâ??t,â? I told her as I saw her walk away in her baby blue dress. Danielle had on a red one and Sherry had on a green one. â??So, are you having a good time?â? â??Yeah, escort, I am. How about you?â? â??I am.â? â??Good Timesâ? by the Jacksons started playing. I looked at all the people who were dancing. I saw Michael over at the disc jockey desk. Jackie and Tito were dancing with other people also. I walked over to them. â??Hey, guysâ?, I said. â??You like the party Michael created for you?â? Janet asked me. â??I love it. I also think he loves helping the DJ out. I think heâ??s tryna to take his job or somethinâ?? because Iâ??m hearing a lot of songs with him in it. A little stuck on himself?â? I said laughing. â??Or heâ??s tryna impress you. Why? I donâ??t know.â? La Toya said in a snappy way. She picked up her tray with cheese on it. When she turned to walk away, an orange cat with stripes was walking towards us. She looked down at it and screeched, loudly. â??Jan, why the heck is this ugly mutt out here?!â? La Toya said as she hid behind me. She dropped her tray, but didnâ??t care. â??I donâ??t know.â? â??Well, itâ??s your fault. You act like you donâ??t know how to be a lady. This mutt got more sense than you!â? By now, everyone was looking at us. When I say everyone, I mean from the guy standing near us to Michaelâ??who wasnâ??t smiling anymore. The person who should have been storming away wasnâ??t. Instead La Toya did, trying to hide her crying. She slammed the back door behind her. The atmosphere around us got weird, and Janet stood there, frozen in place. I reached over to her and hugged her. She kept standing there. Then she pushed me away, running in the house also. I saw Jackie go in there and try to make things better. â??Yeah, sheâ??s a bright girl, and she may just have IT.â? I heard Michael saying. I was getting a barbecued wiener when I turned to see Michael with Aretha Franklin! I hurried and put the wiener down, but she did the talking. â??So youâ??re the young lady whoâ??s trying to put me in retirement so early.â? Aretha said with a smile. â??Oh, itâ??s not that Miss Franklin, I just needed to sing songs that make me sound good.â? I said with a laugh. She had a light green dress that made her look wonderful. I told myself in the next twenty years, I want to feel young like Aretha feel. After she hugged me, she told me this, â??Yâ??know, I wouldnâ??t mind hearing my song on full blast for everyone to hear.â? â??Sure Aretha, definitely!â? â??Okay, itâ??s a done deal. Letâ??s get you on the stage Lyric.â? Michael said, basically pushing me towards the black stage that was set up. â??Ladies and gents, I want to introduce the birthday girl again, Miss Lyric Swan. Thereâ??s a song she wants to sing in front of all of you.â? Everyone started cheering and clapping. Michael hooked the microphone back on its stand and positioned it in front of me. â??Good luck,â? he whispered. Then he kissed my left cheek. Everyone went wild, and a few even whistled. I donâ??t know where this kind of act is coming from, but Iâ??ll go along with it for as long as I can. Michael walked off the stage, and was first row in the crowd with Aretha. Okay, here goes, I whispered to myself. The music started playing. It seemed natural for me to start moving, so I swing myself in an arch, lifting my knees a little. â??Rock steady, baby. Thatâ??s what I feel now. Letâ??s call this song exactly what it is.â? Like before, I really got loose and was playful with my ad-libbing. Aretha was standing by Michael, smiling and clapping beside him. When back-up vocals was needed, the music would already have that part. I have to say though, thinking of dance moves on the spot was nerve-wrecking. I know Michael was trying to help, but where was he going with this? When the last word left my mouth, I got a long applause. I was smiling and sweating from my nerves and the mini exercise I had gotten. Instead of bowing this time, I curtsied since I was wearing a dress. Some folks whistled again, and I couldnâ??t help speaking in the mike. â??Thanks everybodyâ?, I said grinning. Michael helped me off the stage, and Randy was unexpectedly behind him. Michael handed me over to Randy. â??So, I guess my brother is making you feel like a true princess, huh?â? He asked sarcastically. â??Yeah, I believe you got some competition.â? I said as he slipped his arms around my waist. As I looked over his shoulder, I saw Aretha put her thumbs up and smile at me. I guess since I was feeling so good at the time, I was brave enough to wink at her. I went to the Jacksonsâ?? bathroom to tinkle, when I heard two girls passing through the house. As I opened the door, I noticed one of them looked familiar from behind. Her hair was black, and touched the tip of her back. The other one had short blond-brownish hair. I was able to walk many steps behind them without them noticing I was there. The blond opened the door, and the one with the black hair followed. Then the one with the black hair closed the door behind her. As soon as she did that, I pressed my ear on the door. â??Hey, Michael, Iâ??m not crashing the birthday party, am I?â? I heard the blonde or black-haired chick say. â??Uh, yeah Tatum, you are.â? I heard him say. Wait, Tatum?! Whatâ??s she doing here?!?! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Hope you guys like. Keep reading and Iâ??ll keep giving this my all. Love Aariyan.
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