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Time Box: The Box That Time Travels: 19
*Hey guys :) Mary Cait here and here is the newest part to my story Tim Box. I can't believe I have like one or two more parts to this and it's over. Well, I've had fun writing this story and I hoped you've had fun reading it. Till then, I hope you enjoy :)* "Time Box: The Box That Time Travels: 19" -Alice- It's been about a few weeks since the whole Halle having the bad dream thing went underway. But I have to say, she's recovered very much from it. I was in my room trying to figure out what to wear humming "A Devil For Me" from Black Veil Brides. Me: *Singing* You pull the tigger cout 1,2,3 It's a finger flip for you... And a Devil for me! I jumped when I heard what sounded like a big bang from up outside my door. I was glad I still had my pajamas on when that happened. I went to answer it and once I did, I saw Michael standing there. I was wondering what he was doing. He seemed like he was freaked out or something. Me: Mike...what is it? Michael: I-it's Halle... Me: *O_O* What about Halle!? Michael: She...um...is throwing up... Me:...*Thinking*...CRAP! I pushed Michael out the way and ran to the bathroom where my sister was. I saw her hovering over a toliet. Well...this is what it looks like to be sick. I've seen her do this before, and this was with Jakob. I went over to her and rubbed her back as she finished purging herself of what else was in her. She sat back and wiped her mouth. Halle: I swear...I need mouth wash after I do that... Me: Halle...are you pregnant...and answer me truthfully. Halle:...well...I um... Me: Halle Berry...*Grabs the front of her shirt* Halle: *Looks down* Yes... Me: When were you gonna tell me!? Halle: I just found out yesterday...and I didn't want to tell Michael, because...I...I just don't know what I would do... Me: Well, I can tell you one thing. You gotta tell him... Halle: I-I can't do that...I'm gonna get in the way of his job... Me: Look at me sis...*Sees looks at me* If Michael loves you, like he says he does...he is gonna be happy you told him this. Cause remember, Michael said that he has always wanted a family...and maybe this is what he needs. Halle: But what about Jakob... Me: Listen...we'll find a way back. But for right now, what matters is the love you and Michael have for one another. Understand? Halle: *Nods her head* Yeah... Me: Okay... She got up and started to Michael's room; where she knew he would be right now. I have to say, I'm very surprised that she is going through with this. I staid in the bathroom until I got tired and went back to my room. I just didn't know what was going on. -Halle- Come on Halle...you can do this. I reached my hand out and knocked on Michael's door. I mean...I've done this before...I shouldn't be scared to do it. He opened the door and looked at me. He smiled to see if I was okay or not. I smiled and nodded my head at him. He let me in, and I wanted to get down to the point with him. I sat him on his bed and I sat along with him. Me: Michael...I need to tell you something... Michael: Wh-what is it baby? You're not deadly sick are you? Me: *Nods my head* No Michael...do you remember what we did a couple of months ago after our date... Michael: *Raises an eyebrow* Yeah...why?...Baby...you don't mean... Me: *Nods my head* Yes...I mean...I'm pregnant... Michael was quiet for a few seconds and I thought he was upset with me...I was about to get up when Michael tackled me on the bed and kissed me hard on the lips; causing me to moaned from his hard kisses. He finally stop kissing me once we needed air, like I did. We looked at each other. Michael sat me up on his bed and got down on my knee while taking my hand as he did so. My other hand covered my mouth. Cause I think I know what is going to happen. Michael: Halle...you've been hear almost a year...and I have to say it has been the best thing that could ever happen to me. You've been so nice, so understanding and a great person to my mother; not like all the other girls my brothers have brought in here that acted so cruel to her or some of the girls I've dated before you. I've been alone for so long. And I couldn't care less if you are from another time, I'll be here for you till you make it home or if you never get home. I'll always be here for you. Cause you've saved me from loneliness. And if you do find a way back home, I hope we can meet again and our love shines like it does now. This baby inside you is a sign of our love, a strong bond, and I want it to stay like that...so I'm saying...Halle Elizabeth O'Neil...will you marry me? *Gets out a box with a diamond in it* Me:.............. To Be Continued *I hoped you all liked it :) I'll have the next part out as soon as I can ^-^*
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