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Tough Love Part 15; Part 1 (1)
Hey MJSiters/Tough Love Readers! Hope you enjoy! ================================================================ Chapter 15 part 1 Getting Ready for My Party Boy was I wrong about hanging with Katherine! She was super polite and very warm. I havenâ??t felt that much worthiness from a mother figure in a while. What I really digged was that my relationship with Katherine was much different than with Michael. With him, things were tenser and I never knew what would happen next. But with Katherine on the other hand, she was like a mother. Someone I could cry into. That sort of thing. I ended up eating an omelet, a shish kebab, and some orange juice. The food was super good to me because it was hot, and the last time I ate was before I knew any of this was going to happen. But there was one thing that Katherine did that really made me feel awkward and under pressure. Something I KNEW she would do. She started asking me questions about me. â??When Joseph told me your name, I had to look up at him and I said, â??Lyric?â?? and he said â??Yeah, Lyric.â?? Itâ??s very beautiful.â? â??Thank you, Katherine.â? â??But your name is longer than that, if Iâ??m not mistaken.â? â??Itâ??s a long story.â? â??Yâ??know, you can call me Kattie. With two Tâ??s.â? â??Why two Tâ??s?â? â??Motherâ??s name was originally Kattie. Itâ??s not just a nick-name.â? LaToya said as she walked into the kitchen. She leaned against the island with me. â??Why is it Katherine now?â? I asked Kattie. â??Her father changed it.â? LaToya paused, and then she continued, â??When she was four.â? Well, thank you LaToya, but I didnâ??t ask you! Kattie probably thought the same, but she just held eye contact with her in a wide-eye, piercing way. LaToya looked over at me, then up to the ceiling and smirked. She got up with a bounce, grabbed an apple bit into it, and said â??Chao.â? Then she reconsidered having the apple when she didnâ??t like it. She threw the poor thing in the trash. When she wasnâ??t in earshot anymore, Kattie shook her head and gave me a hopeful smile. â??Excuse me for my childâ??s behavior.â? â??Itâ??s okay.â? â??She doesnâ??t take Michael moving out so well.â? â??Why not?â? â??My children are supposed to move out when they get married, but that was never enforced.â? â??When you say move out, do you mean move out-move out, or just move out?â? â??I mean move out-move out.â? I was stumped. Was Michaelâ??s living in my house permanent? No, it couldnâ??t be! I just KNOW he would want a house of his own. â??With Michael, I donâ??t know. This is something he, Joseph, and your father know about. LaToya probably thinks itâ??s more than it is.â? LaToya may just be right, I couldnâ??t help thinking. â??Sheâ??s close to Michael and out of nowhere sheâ??s funny about who Michael likes.â? â??So you think he likes me?â? â??Lyric, honey, not to talk down on you, but Michael is shy. Heâ??s became an introvert and to himself, but he decided to reduce his living privileges and live in a smaller place. The thing that is keeping him going is either the independence or a girl. Independence is sweet, but a woman makes any man happy.â? I let that sink in, but the atmosphere was suddenly transformed, and it seemed like what she said could have been true. I was at ease when Kattie led me to the den and let me have the remote. It was two oâ??clock, four hours until the party was to start. I really got worried about how much this would cost when I saw a group of men move in a heavy object through the house. Not too long later, Janet came to get me. â??Itâ??s time for you to look astonishing my lady,â? she said. â??Oh no, Jan, what are yâ??all going to do to me?!â? â??Nothing, other than hurt the pride of the females whoâ??s going to come because their dudesâ?? tongues will be hanging out for you!â? I went to the same bathroom, and this time, I took a shower. LaToya looked at my hair and said I needed to wash it. When I asked if we would have enough time for that, she told me for events like this, you have to be fresh all the way. So as I showered, I let the water spray over my face, and ran my fingers through my tangled hair. I knew I fell in the water yesterday, but I didnâ??t think things were too bad. I donâ??t know who bought me under-wear, but I had this gorgeous white satin bikini panties and a strapless bra to match. I walked into LaToyaâ??s room so she and Janet could help me. â??Uh oh, sexy mama,â? Jan said laughing. Thatâ??s when I REALLY felt feminine. LaToya got a stool from under the counter and got to work on my hair. She blow-dried it. Because she blow-dried my hair, I looked like I had a muffin top. â??Oh my gosh, so priceless!â? Janet said. She ran out the bathroom, and when she came back, she had a camera in her hands. â??Smile!â? she said. I looked the other way. â??Come on, Lyric.â? So I turned back to her and I smiled. I donâ??t blame her because I had an afro again. Janet got the picture out and shook it. â??There,â? she said and showed LaToya and I. I shook my head. LaToya flat-ironed my hair, then she rolled it and left a piece in the front for a bang. She sprayed oil sheen also.
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