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Time Box: The Box That Time Travels: 18
*I thought about it...and I'm just gonna do the parts like I've normally been doing them. Ya know, just one and not two put together. Well, anyways I hope you all like this part of the story :) ~Mary Cait* "Time Box: The Box That Time Travels: 18" -Still Halle- Alice grabbed on to me and hugged me tightly to her. She smoothed the back of my head and tried to shush me. I held on to her and cried on her chest. I wasnâ??t the person to cry over nothing, but I tried my best to do something to show people I have feelings and that I want people to know that I have a heart and I cry like others. And this is one reason why Iâ??ll cry you a river. I donâ??t know when it happened, but sometime Alice and I fell asleep after her trying to comfort me and me crying on her shoulder. We didnâ??t know Michael and Marlon walked in the room to tell us that it was morning. Michael had on a worried look while looking at me. He had a worried looked in his eye when he saw mine. All red and puffy from a night of nothing but tears and fear. I sighed as I excuse myself to the bathroom. I didn't want them to see me like this really. I excuse myself fast and not wanting to be seen either. I was in the bathroom and shut the door behind me and locked it. I sighed and slid down the door and placed my hands in my face again and started to sob. But more softly so no one would know about it. I never wanted to think about me losing my baby boy or Alice for that matter...beside them and mother, I have nothing else. I cried for a little bit longer till I fixed myself and waited till my eyes were a little less red and walked out of the bathroom. But I ended up bumping into Janet. Janet: Sorry Halle. I didn't see ya there *Smiles* Me: *Softly* I-it's fine Janet. Excuse me. *Walks past her* Janet: *Looks at me strangely**Shrugs and walks into the bathroom* I walked down the stairs to the living room where Michael and them were I sat on the sofa with Michael while Alice and Marlon sat on the love seat. Alice looked at me and I gave her a soft smile; to tell her I was okay a little bit, but not much. She nodded her head and cuddled up to Marlon while I did the same to Michael. I don't know, but when I am in Michael's arms...all the bad thoughts go away and I feel so much better. As if nothing can hurt me. Not that nightmare, not Joe...not my ex or anybody for that matter. That's how safe I felt with Michael. I wrapped my arms around him. My face was buried into his chest. And I don't know what came over me...the sadness I was feeling for this past few weeks of being here, I finally let it out all together and along with the thoughts of that dream as well. I cried hard into his chest. And not even to ask me if I was alright...Michael wrapped his arms around me and started rocking me back and forth to comfort me in my time of need. Making me feel a little better, but my tears were still falling. Alice and Marlon even came over and hugged us. I knew I was loved, but I couldn't let them see me cry like I was...it just wasn't me to cry like this in front of everyone. I'm the happy one that is always smiling...I broke away from Michael and started rubbing his chest; which I was doing that to get the tear stains off his shirt. Me: *Sniffs* I got a little water on your shirt, baby... Michael: *Smiles softly at me* It's alright baby. I understand. Me: *Nods* Alice: *Holds my hand* Are you sure you're okay now sweetie? Me:...*Looks at her and smiles* I'm the oldest...and you're the one calling me sweetie. *Smiles softly* What has the world come too? Alice: *Gets up and kisses my forehead**Pats my back a little* Marlon: I'll go make you something to drink. Marlon went off to fix me a drink and Alice fallowed behind him. I was left with Michael. But I wasn't complaining about it. Michael wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I was feeling safe, so I snuggled into his arms. Michael must had known I didn't want to talk about it...so he just sat there with me while everyone was busy doing their own thing. I snuggled into him more as Jakob's favorie tv show came on. "Scooby-Doo". We watched that seeing it was Saturday morning and the cartoons were on at this time. Marlon came back with my drink and Alice and him sat in front of me and Michael. Then little Janet; well...I should say big Janet seeing that she is older then me from when I was born. But for now seeing that I am a little bit odler then her here, I'll say little Janet came ina nd sat down on her stomach and watched it with us too. We seemed just like a family. And I was almost forgetting that dream, almost but not competley. I just looked at Michael and he looked at me, we both smiled together as we kissed each other on the lips and went back to the TV. I do love this man...and it does break my heart that I can't go on with him like this where I am...so I am making the most of it as I can. I love him...so much. To be Continued *I hoped you liked this part. I'll have more soon :) Till then...BYE :D*
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