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I Can Treat You Better...*Part Eight*
Enjoy!! <3 <3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- One time when he caught me in the water, he forcefully grabbed me by my waist, turned me to him, and my breasts were touching his bare chest. I kept telling him to let me go, but he wouldn't let me get away. Me: I guess you leave me no choice. Michael: (laughs) I told you so. I knew he would give me up after this. I started tickling him. Michael: (laughing hysterically) STOP! Just then, I decided to get away. Oh yeah. Sneaky, huh? Me: (ducks head under the water, swims away) Michael: Hey, get back here! (swims after me) Me: (at the deep end) Catch me if you can, sucker! (swim faster) OH SH--(Michael catches me) Michael: Gotcha! You think you can get away from me, huh? Me: (to myself) Damn it! Both of us: (laughing) Hours and hours of fun in the pool went by and already, it was 11:00 pm. Me: (checks watch) Oh, man! It's pretty late. We've been in here quite a while. Michael: Yeah, you're right. (looks at his hands) My hands are prinkly and wrinkled like a prune. Me: (laughs) You're such a kid! (gets out of the pool) Again, he bacame distracted. I noticed that he was staring at my breasts. Me: (sighs) Here we go again. MICHAEL! Michael: (back to reality) Hmm? Me: (giggles) Ready to go in? Michael: (nods head) Mmm hmm... As we walked inside, I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want this night to end and I knew that he didn't want it to end either. We didn't want to part. We wanted to spend the whole night together. (I didn't mean it like that) Michael: Hey, uh...do you want to head over to the department store with me? Nobody'll be there. We'll have the whole store to ourselves... I was kinda unsure about that, because paparazzi could still be lingering around. Me: Uh...Michael...I don't know-- Michael: (puts hand on my shoulder) Please?? (smiles innocently) Aww! He sounded just like an innocent little child. I knew I couldn't pass that up. Me: (sighs) Oh, alright. Michael: Good. Uh...let's dry off and in fifteen minutes, we'll meet each other in the backroom, okay? Me: Gotcha. Once I got into my room, I was searching through my suitcase, trying to find what to wear. Too long! Too short! Make my thighs look fat! Makes my boobs look like a double D! I wasn't putting off and taking off because I wanted to attract Michael; I just wanted to feel comfortable. Out of all of my clothes, I selected my simple red shirt, my white Bohemian skirt and my red and white flats. I put my hair back, since it was wet. I didn't put on any makeup, because I just didn't feel like it. I grabbed my purse and went into the room where Michael and I agreed to meet in. He was already there. His hair was in curls, and it was also put into a sloppy, curly ponytail. He had on a light blue striped, long-sleeved shirt, black slacks, his white socks, his black shoes, and a pair of some Ray Ban sunglasses, and a plain red jacket in his hand. Michael: You're late. Me: I'm sorry. I had trouble picking something to wear. Michael: But why? You look beautiful in anything you put on. (smiles) Aww, wasn't he sweet? I loved his compassion toward other people. I loved his complements. Me: (smiles back) You're sweet. Um...let's go. We climbed inside this Japanese van and drove to the store. There were fans there, and let me tell you, Japanese fans were so nice and greeting. They were nothing like the fans in America; they were better. These very amazing Japanese fans gave Michael and I a lot of respect, and we really enjoyed their company. Anyway, for the rest of the night, Michael and I spent our time together. We walked around together in the store, we ate out, he introduced me to all of his background dancers and singers, and we even drove to the countryside of Japan, and looked up at the stars and the moon, while laying side by side together. He cuddled very close to me and I have to admit, I wanted it to happen. He gently took my hand and kissed it, while he gave me an extremely sexy smirk on his face. I silently moaned and I think he heard it, because he smiled at me, and said, "I heard that." That made me wanna pounce on him and have him my way. Anyway, I loved spending time with him, and I wanted more nights to be like that night. TBC... What do you think? Again, if you have any comments, suggestions or anything regarding this story, let me know and I'll get back to you...<3 <3 <3
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